FDA’s Own Study Finds DNA Contamination in Pfizer Vaccines
CHD 03.01.25
These findings will not just ‘go away’:
‘A peer-reviewed study performed at a U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) laboratory by high school students has confirmed the presence of a high level of DNA contamination in Pfizer’s mRNA COVID-19 vaccine. The study, published Dec. 29, 2024, in the Journal of High School Science, was authored by three students at Centreville High School in Clifton, Virginia, and performed under the supervision of FDA scientists. Maryanne Demasi, Ph.D., an investigative medical reporter, was the first to report on the study. The research, performed at the FDA’s White Oak Campus in Maryland, found that levels of residual DNA in the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine were 6 to 470 times higher than regulatory safety limits. The students tested two lots of the vaccine, finding they contained “residual DNA to a level that exceeds 10 ng [nanograms] per dose.” “The potential health risk posed by residual small DNA fragments is currently unknown,” the study stated. However, the authors also said that DNA contamination may result in insertional mutagenesis — or DNA mutations — that can cause cancer. Speaking last month on “The Defender In-Depth,” Kevin McKernan, who first identified DNA contamination in the shots in 2023, said DNA in vaccines can pose health risks because the DNA “could integrate into the genome and cause disruption of the genome … or it could disrupt other genes that are related to cancer.”’
Major Dairy Supplier to Trial Potentially Toxic “Low Emission” Cow Feed
Off-Guradian 28.11.24
When spurious climate concerns, which neither deal with artificially changing the weather via geoengineering, nor deal with the effects of the war machine, offer a carcinogenic solution for cows, you have to ask yourself, WHY?:
‘Major dairy suppliers and supermarkets are partnering with chemical company DSM-Firmenich to trial new “low-emission” dairy products nationwide… The plan is to add a new drug called “bovaer” to the cow’s food to change the chemistry of their digestive process, lower the methane content of their burps, and thus save the planet. But if that sounds like a dystopian and potentially dangerous idea to you, don’t worry it’s all been tested and found to be safe. Sure, the chemicals in bovaer shouldn’t be breathed in, or rubbed on your skin and dear god don’t get them near your eyes (in fact government regulations say you should wear personal protective equipment when working with it), but so what?… And yes, the carcinogenetic studies did find it may have caused tumors in 8% of female rats, but that means you’ve got a 92% chance of being fine. Besides, a team of experts “re-analysed” those results and found they “weren’t statistically significant”… They are adding potentially harmful chemicals to cows’ food to stop their burps from affecting the weather. …it’s just mad. But madness is very much the new normal.'
Twice-Censored Landmark COVID-19 Vaccine Autopsy Study Fully Peer-Reviewed and Published
Courageous Discourse 17.11.24
Despite the repeated pulling out of a scientific paper from mainstream science journals, this peer-reviewed analysis directly correlating vaccines and death is now republished:
‘The largest COVID-19 vaccine autopsy study to-date, providing robust evidence that COVID-19 vaccines can cause death, has been officially republished following successful peer-review in the journal Science, Public Health Policy, and the Law: A Systematic Review Of Autopsy Findings In Deaths After COVID-19 Vaccination. This comes after unethical censorship on two occasions: first, removal from Preprints with the Lancet and later, withdrawal by Elsevier after publication in Forensic Science International.’
Real-Time Self-Assembly of Stereomicroscopically Visible Artificial Constructions in Incubated Specimens of mRNA Products Mainly from Pfizer and Moderna: A Comprehensive Longitudinal Study
International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice and Research 18.07.24
Peer-reviewed study demonstrates that nanotechnology was inserted into the ‘safe and effective’ Covid vaccines. We can safely deduce that these injections were militarised from the start:
‘The contents of COVID-19 injectables were examined under a stereomicroscope at up to 400X magnification. Carefully preserved specimens were cultured in a range of distinct media to observe immediate and long-term cause-and-effect relationships between the injectables and living cells under carefully controlled conditions. From such research, reasonable inferences can be drawn about observed injuries worldwide that have occurred since the injectables were pressed upon billions of individuals. In addition to cellular toxicity, our findings reveal numerous — on the order of 3~4 x 106 per milliliter of the injectable — visible artificial self-assembling entities ranging from about 1 to 100 µm, or greater, of many different shapes. There were animated worm-like entities, discs, chains, spirals, tubes, right-angle structures containing other artificial entities within them, and so forth. All these are exceedingly beyond any expected and acceptable levels of contamination of the COVID-19 injectables, and incubation studies revealed the progressive self-assembly of many artifactual structures. As time progressed during incubation, simple one- and two-dimensional structures over two or three weeks became more complex in shape and size developing into stereoscopically visible entities in three-dimensions. They resembled carbon nanotube filaments, ribbons, and tapes, some appearing as transparent, thin, flat membranes, and others as three-dimensional spirals, and beaded chains. Some of these seemed to appear and then disappear over time. Our observations suggest the presence of some kind of nanotechnology in the COVID-19 injectables.’
Kansas Attorney General Report
Trust The Evidence 27.06.24
A insurmountable pile of evidence will eventually lead Pfizer to be deemed a criminal company:
‘Pfizer misled the public.
Pfizer used confidentiality agreements to conceal critical data relating to the safety and effectiveness of its COVID-19 vaccine.
Pfizer used its confidentiality agreements with the US government and others to conceal, suppress, and omit material facts relating to Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine, including the safety and efficacy of the vaccine.
Pfizer used an extended study timeline to conceal critical data – the study was repeatedly delayed.
Pfizer destroyed the vaccine control group.
Pfizer knew its COVID-19 vaccine was connected to serious adverse events, including myocarditis and pericarditis.
Pfizer only tested the booster shot on 12 trial participants who were in the 65- to 85-year-old age range.
Pfizer did not test the booster on any participant older than 85 years old.
Pfizer did not publicly release adverse event data from its database.
Pfizer announces study on pregnant women but omits material facts already in its possession.
Pfizer’s February 18, 2021, press release also did not disclose other adverse effects on the reproductive systems of women who received Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine.
Pfizer’s study on pregnant women failed and the results are secret.
Pfizer concealed critical safety information from the public.
On April 1, 2021, Pfizer issued a press release that celebrated “high efficacy” in Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine through up to six months after the second dose. Pfizer and BioNTech Confirm High Efficacy and No Serious Safety Concerns Through Up to Six Months Following Second Dose in Updated Topline Analysis of Landmark COVID-19 Vaccine Study, Pfizer, Apr. 1.
Pfizer said its COVID-19 vaccine would prevent transmission even though it knew it had never studied the effect of its vaccine on transmission.
Despite admissions by Pfizer Chairman and CEO Dr. Bourla and Board Member Dr. Scott Gottlieb that Pfizer did not know if its vaccine prevented transmission, Pfizer Chairman and CEO Dr. Bourla warned Kansans on multiple occasions that not receiving a COVID-19 vaccine would affect the lives of those around them, thus implying that Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine prevented transmission.
Pfizer worked to censor speech on social media that questioned Pfizer’s claims.
Pfizer worked to conceal and suppress material facts.’
FCC Knew Phones Exceeded Radiation Limits, Hid Info From Public and Courts
CHD 24.04.24
When lies are prevalent in most global governments, why would disclosure be a given?:
‘The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) knew for years that certain popular smartphones exceeded the agency’s safety limits for human exposure to wireless radiation when held close to the body, according to data obtained by the Environmental Health Trust (EHT) via Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests… In EHT’s appeal letter, Scarato pointed out that scientific research has found adverse effects from cellphone radiation exposure at levels well below FCC limits. The adverse effects include cancer, the induction of oxidative stress, epigenetic effects, damage to neurotransmitters, memory, brain development and the immune, endocrine, hematological and reproductive systems.’
Covid-19 Response and Excess Deaths
HART 24.04.24
Obfuscation and denial by the UK government serve no one except the pharmaceutical industry and the interested politicians’ desire to be out of law’s reach:
‘In terms of safety, he highlighted data from Australia: “Like us, it saw a rise in deaths, which began in May 2021 and has not let up since. The impact was evident on the ambulance service first. South Australia saw a 67% increase in cardiac presentations of 15 to 44-year-olds. That increase peaked in November 2021” In October 2021, “Mark McGowan, Premier of Western Australia, said that he could not explain the overwhelmed hospitals:”
Mr Bridgen also reminded his colleagues of the novel nature of the mRNA vaccines and their ability to be spread to every organ in the body, contrary to the original reassurances “that the injection was broken down in the arm at the injection site. Regulators ought to have known that those were problems.” He then discussed more fully the potential effects on the immune system of making a foreign protein for months or even years and the potential not only for cardiac problems but also for cancers. He concluded that the covid vaccines are neither safe nor effective: “Those are hard truths to face, but we must face them if we want to learn the lessons of the last few years. At some point we will have to face up to all the evidence that is building. It was fairly convincing 18 months ago when I first spoke out, but it is unequivocal now. It is time to take the politics out of our science, and to put actual science back into our politics. I ask the House to support the motion today, and for Baroness Hallett’s inquiry to open module 4 on the safety and efficacy of the experimental covid-19 vaccines. Given the evidence, I call on the Government once again to immediately suspend the use of all mRNA treatments in both humans and animals, pending the outcome of that inquiry.”‘
Why are people worried about cancer risk from covid vaccines?
HART 16.04.24
Safe and effective slogan turns out to be a marketing slogan:
'There is now practical evidence to support the claim that vaccine DNA can integrate into a cell’s DNA. It was already shown that the virus SARS-CoV-2 can, like certain other viruses, integrate into DNA which is why, after testing positive, healthcare workers have to wait 90 days for their mucosal cells to die off before testing again. The vaccine has been shown to result in a vaccine sequence integrating into the DNA of liver cells in the laboratory within 6 hours. The authors believed this was due to the cell converting the mRNA into DNA first. Kevin McKernan, a genomics expert, who has been instrumental in exposing the problems of DNA contamination and the true content of the sequences in the vaccine, has again been first to carry out this critical experiment. He worked with Professor Ulrike Kämmerer to show that cells in a laboratory surrounded by vaccine not only had DNA integration, but showed tiny mutations where the DNA has been passed on to daughter cells…
Kevin McKernan’s carried out critical work on the presence of DNA in the vaccines and he reported that his work has been replicated in Germany, Japan, France and South Carolina. The evidence was such that regulators had to admit to it but tried to downplay the issue claiming there was no functional consequence of this DNA without evidence to back that up. In Kevin’s words, “After the regulators had admitted to being deceived they asked the opinion of the party that deceived them ‘how bad was the deception?’ They shockingly believed the answer they were given.” The trial product did not have the same level of contamination because a “bait and switch” meant that the clean trial product was replaced by a mass produced product contaminated with endotoxins (from the cell walls of bacteria used in production) and DNA.'
From blood clots to myocarditis the answer is still unbelievably ‘no’!
HART 04.04.24
The denial of vaccine harm is incomprehensible and thorough unscientific:
‘On 16th January 2021 the first death due to the AstraZeneca vaccine was reported. On 11th March 2021, there had been 5 instances of rare brain clots, 22 thrombocytopenias and at least four suspected deaths had occurred. The MHRA put out a statement that there was no evidence of causation. On 18th March 2021, the MHRA said “there is no evidence that blood clots in veins is occurring more than would be expected in the absence of vaccination…We will continue to robustly monitor all the data we have on this extremely rare possible side effect.” On 7th April 2021, the MHRA reported 19 deaths and a total of 79 UK reports of blood clotting with low platelets following Astrazeneca. They said, “the evidence of a link with COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca is stronger but more work is still needed.”
On 28th April 2021, the MHRA still said causation was not proven although the link was “firming up” after finding 242 cases of clotting cases and 49 deaths. On 7th May MHRA issued another statement about their continued rigorous monitoring. In November 2021, the MHRA acknowledged 72 fatalities in the first 10 months of use, about one every four days.
By Feb 2022, they had increased the claimed incidence from 4 per million in April 2021 to 14.9 per million. They were still saying “further investigations are underway to understand the biological mechanisms and whether the association is related to the vaccine platform.” Causation has yet to be mentioned.
The same is true for myocarditis. In January 2023, the wording in official documents included the possibility that these were all coincidental and they continued to recommend further doses to people who had had myocarditis and pericarditis. No causal link has been admitted to by the MHRA.'
Concerns regarding Transfusions of Blood Products Derived from Genetic Vaccine Recipients and Proposals for Specific Measures
Preprints 15.03.24
A non-peer-reviewed Japanese article draws attention to blood transfusions from vaccinated patients:
'The coronavirus pandemic was declared by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2020, and a global genetic vaccination program has been rapidly implemented as a fundamental solution. However, many countries around the world have reported that so-called genetic vaccines, such as those using modified mRNA encoding the spike protein and lipid nanoparticles as the drug delivery system, have resulted in post-vaccination thrombosis and subsequent cardiovascular damage, as well as a wide variety of diseases involving all organs and systems, including the nervous system. In this article, based on these circumstances and the volume of evidence that has recently come to light, we call the attention of medical professionals to the various risks associated with blood transfusions using blood products derived from people who have suffered from long COVID and from genetic vaccine recipients, including those who have received mRNA vaccines, and we make proposals regarding specific tests, testing methods, and regulations to deal with these risks. We expect that this proposal will serve as a basis for discussion on how to address post-vaccination syndrome and its consequences following these genetic vaccination programs.’
What the US Might Owe the World for Covid-19
Consortium News 19.03.24
SARS-CoV-2 ‘virus’ was created in a lab as a bioweapon:
‘A powerful recent assessment by mathematical biologist Alex Washburne reaches the conclusion “beyond reasonable doubt that SARS-CoV-2 emerged from a lab…” He also notes that the collaborators “proceeded to mount what can legitimately be called a disinformation campaign” to hide the laboratory origin.
‘A U.S.-funded laboratory origin of Covid-19 would certainly constitute the most significant case of governmental gross negligence in world history. Moreover, there is a high likelihood that the U.S. government continues to this day to fund dangerous GoF work as part of its biodefense program. The U.S. owes the full truth, and perhaps ample financial compensation, to the rest of the world, depending on what the facts ultimately reveal. We need three urgent actions. The first is an independent scientific investigation in which all laboratories involved in the EHA research program in the U.S. and China fully open their books and records to the independent investigators. The second is a worldwide halt on GoF research until an independent global scientific body sets ground rules for biosafety. The third is for the U.N. General Assembly to establish rigorous legal and financial accountability for governments that violate international safety norms through dangerous research activities that threaten the health and security of the rest of the world.’
Eric Clapton’s Friend and Song Co-Writer, Robin Monotti, Addresses The Covid Crimes, Following Our Reports – People Speak Up
Health Thoroughfare 12.02.24
Midazolam was given to care residents as a way to reduce their numbers:
‘This paper shows that the UK spike in deaths, wrongly attributed to COVID-19 in April 2020, was not due to SARS-CoV-2 virus, which was largely absent, but was due to the widespread use of Midazolam injections which were statistically very highly correlated (coefficient over 90 percent) with excess deaths in all regions of England during 2020… You can check out more disturbing data in the official report. ‘
COVID-19 vaccines and adverse events of special interest: A multinational Global Vaccine Data Network (GVDN) cohort study of 99 million vaccinated individuals
Science Direct 12.02.24
Covid vaccines were never safe and effective:
‘Risk periods following homologous vaccination schedules contributed 23,168,335 person-years of follow-up. OE ratios with LBCI > 1.5 were observed for Guillain-Barré syndrome (2.49, 95 % CI: 2.15, 2.87) and cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (3.23, 95 % CI: 2.51, 4.09) following the first dose of ChAdOx1 vaccine. Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis showed an OE ratio of 3.78 (95 % CI: 1.52, 7.78) following the first dose of mRNA-1273 vaccine. The OE ratios for myocarditis and pericarditis following BNT162b2, mRNA-1273, and ChAdOx1 were significantly increased with LBCIs > 1.5… This multi-country analysis confirmed pre-established safety signals for myocarditis, pericarditis, Guillain-Barré syndrome, and cerebral venous sinus thrombosis. Other potential safety signals that require further investigation were identified.’
Cardiovascular effects of the covid vaccines
HART 07.02.24
The ‘safe and effective’ covid vaccines are anything but:
‘There is strong evidence that the covid vaccines induce endothelial cell damage, intravascular inflammation and an increased risk of clotting. These are not mere theoretical risks but are supported by emerging evidence that points to mechanisms of harm which have led to the excess mortality… Dr Aseem Malhotra alleged that an individual working for a British Heart Foundation research team told him that they had been asked to sign non-disclosure agreements to protect their pharmaceutical industry funding after their team noted a significant increased risk of coronary vascular inflammation after vaccination.’
COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines: Lessons Learned from the Registrational Trials and Global Vaccination Campaign
Cureus 24.01.24
This peer-reviewed paper rightly calls for a moratorium on covid vaccines as they were erroneously (and criminally) presented to the world as safe. In fact, they’re highly dangerous:
‘Our understanding of COVID-19 vaccinations and their impact on health and mortality has evolved substantially since the first vaccine rollouts. Published reports from the original randomized phase 3 trials concluded that the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines could greatly reduce COVID-19 symptoms. In the interim, problems with the methods, execution, and reporting of these pivotal trials have emerged. Re-analysis of the Pfizer trial data identified statistically significant increases in serious adverse events (SAEs) in the vaccine group. Numerous SAEs were identified following the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA), including death, cancer, cardiac events, and various autoimmune, hematological, reproductive, and neurological disorders. Furthermore, these products never underwent adequate safety and toxicological testing in accordance with previously established scientific standards.
Among the other major topics addressed in this narrative review are the published analyses of serious harms to humans, quality control issues and process-related impurities, mechanisms underlying adverse events (AEs), the immunologic basis for vaccine inefficacy, and concerning mortality trends based on the registrational trial data. The risk-benefit imbalance substantiated by the evidence to date contraindicates further booster injections and suggests that, at a minimum, the mRNA injections should be removed from the childhood immunization program until proper safety and toxicological studies are conducted. Federal agency approval of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines on a blanket-coverage population-wide basis had no support from an honest assessment of all relevant registrational data and commensurate consideration of risks versus benefits. Given the extensive, well-documented SAEs and unacceptably high harm-to-reward ratio, we urge governments to endorse a global moratorium on the modified mRNA products until all relevant questions pertaining to causality, residual DNA, and aberrant protein production are answered.’
Sickening Profits — The Global Food System’s Poisoned Food and Toxic Wealth
Off-Guardian 02.12.24
As in Big Pharma, profits come first:
‘Aside from losing their land to global investors and big agribusiness concerns, people are being sickened by corporations and a system that thrives on the promotion of ‘junk’ (ultra-processed) food laced with harmful chemicals and cultivated with the use of toxic agrochemicals. It’s a highly profitable situation for investment firms like BlackRock, Vanguard, State Street, Fidelity and Capital Group and the food and agribusiness conglomerates they invest in. But BlackRock and others are not just heavily invested in the food industry. They also profit from illnesses and diseases resulting from the food system by having stakes in the pharmaceuticals sector as well. For them, it’s a win-win situation… All of this is set out in Sickening Profits: The Global Food System’s Poisoned Food and Toxic Wealth (December 2023), published as an open-access (free) e-book by Global Research (it can be read directly on the Global Research website or downloaded as a pdf) and is a follow up to the author’s book Food, Dispossession and Dependency: Resisting the New World Order (2022).’
Patient privacy fears as US spy tech firm Palantir wins £330m NHS
The Guardian 21.11.23
The NHS was always going to go down the Palantir route, a company which supports Israel to the hilt, including its decimation of Palestinian hospitals:
‘The NHS has sparked controversy by handing the US spy tech company Palantir a £330m contract to create a huge new data platform, leading to privacy concerns around patients’ medical details… NHS England has given Palantir and four partners including Accenture a five-year contract to set up and operate the “federated data platform” (FDP). Palantir is known for working closely with intelligence agencies and military organisations around the world, such as the CIA and UK Ministry of Defence… Amnesty International said Palantir’s involvement in “serious human rights abuses” meant NHS England should have rejected the bid. The company has come under fire for helping the US immigration enforcement agency (ICE) implement a tough deportation policy that Trump introduced in 2017. Its technology helped enable ICE to identify, exchange information about and track migrants and asylum seekers, and also to plan raids that led to parents being arrested, separated from their children and deported, Open Democracy reported. Palantir has also supplied technology to governments that allows them to spy on their citizens. The British Medical Association, which had previously voiced concern about the NHS’s alleged lack of scrutiny of bidders on “ethical” grounds, said Palantir’s winning bid was “deeply worrying”.’
Operation MOAR, the mother of all revelations (video)
One of the New Zealand parties describes that a full enquiry over vaccination deaths should be immediately started:
‘The figures show that there are tens of thousands of deaths linked to the [COVID] jabs and this is just one of the sites recording this type of information in New Zealand. We don’t know how many further databases like this are in the country. So it follows that as the deaths are usually less than the numbers of side effects, then the extrapolation of the numbers of injured and dead Kiwis starts to become, frankly, eyewatering.’
What is adulteration of vaccines and why should you care
Brownstone Institute 25.10.23
It has now been conclusively proven that Covid shots included DNA fragments:
'What Speicher et al are observing and reporting in this scientific manuscript linked below clearly demonstrates a profound failure of FDA and global regulatory authorities to do their most important job – to insure the purity and lack of adulteration of the pharmaceuticals which they authorize for marketing and use by physicians and allied health professionals… At worse, with this new information there is the appearance of a “smoking gun” demonstrating corrupt collusion between the US and other Western administrative states’ pharmaceutical regulatory authorities and the pharmaceutical industry… These data demonstrate the presence of billions to hundreds of billions of DNA molecules per dose in these vaccines. Using fluorometry, all vaccines exceed the guidelines for residual DNA set by FDA and WHO of 10 ng/dose by 188 – 509-fold. However, qPCR residual DNA content in all vaccines were below these guidelines emphasizing the importance of methodological clarity and consistency when interpreting quantitative guidelines. The preliminary evidence of a dose-response effect of residual DNA measured with qPCR and SAEs warrant confirmation and further investigation. Our findings extend existing concerns about vaccine safety and call into question the relevance of guidelines conceived before the introduction of efficient transfection using LNPs. With several obvious limitations, we urge that our work is replicated under forensic conditions and that guidelines be revised to account for highly efficient DNA transfection and cumulative dosing.’
‘A Panopticon of Epic Proportions’: CDC Awards $260 Million to Track Disease Outbreaks in Massive Surveillance Scheme
CHD 29.09.23
Because modelling gives accurate data. Outrageous:
‘The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is spending hundreds of millions of dollars to establish a national “public-private” network to sweep up unprecedented amounts of individual and community data and develop artificial intelligence (AI)-driven models to predict disease outbreaks… Two of the centers will be private entities — Kaiser Permanente Southern California and a “disaster preparedness organization” called International Responder Systems LLC, whose relevant experience includes running tabletop exercises for weaponized Anthrax outbreaks and helping to manage the Ebola outbreak in West Africa. Some centers will work with U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) researchers and bioengineering firms to develop new AI and machine-learning-based modeling tools and platforms to track and predict disease outbreaks across the country…
Michael Rectenwald, Ph.D., author of “Google Archipelago: The Digital Gulag and the Simulation of Freedom,” told The Defender: “What they’re constructing is a panopticon of epic proportions, which will be inescapable in the future and will make for surveillance, not only of people’s behaviors, but also, as they’ve said themselves, of their very thoughts.”… “The use of modeling is a very poor predictor of infectious disease, and it has been abused in the past, in particular with reference to COVID-19.” Rectenwald, who is also a presidential candidate for the Libertarian Party, cited the work of Neil Ferguson, the physicist at Imperial College London who, along with his team, created the epidemiological model in early 2020 that predicted the catastrophic global death toll from COVID-19. Ferguson’s model was used to justify social distancing, masking and lockdowns. But his predictions — which were criticized at the time by experts such as Oxford epidemiologist Sunetra Gupta, Ph.D. — turned out to be wildly exaggerated in real-world tests.’
‘Definite Causal Link’ Between COVID Vaccine Rollouts and Peaks in All-Cause Mortality, New Study Finds
CHD 20.09.23
An extensive study following vaccination, outlines the direct causality of excess mortality:
‘Research in the Public Interest found more than half of the countries analyzed had no detectable rise in all-cause mortality after the World Health Organization declared a global pandemic on March 11, 2020 — until after the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccines and boosters. They also found that all 17 countries, which make up 10.3% of the global population, had an unprecedented rise in all-cause mortality that corresponded directly to vaccine and booster rollouts.’
AstraZeneca facing two London lawsuits over COVID-19 vaccines
Reuters 23.08.23
Best of luck with these lawsuits:
‘AstraZeneca (AZN.L) is facing two London lawsuits, including one from the husband of a woman who died after receiving the Anglo-Swedish drugmaker's COVID-19 vaccine, in the first of potentially dozens of cases brought in England. Britain was the first country to roll out the at-cost AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine in early 2021, although it later restricted the use of it among under 40s due to the small risk of blood clots. Anish Tailor, whose wife Alpa died in March 2021 after receiving her first dose of the vaccine, filed a product liability claim against AstraZeneca at London's High Court on Aug. 4, according to court records. His lawyer Peter Todd, from the law firm Scott-Moncrieff & Associates, told Reuters that he has nearly 50 other clients who will formally sue AstraZeneca in the coming months.’
Have we only seen the tip of the iceberg for mRNA vaccine harms?
HART 05.09.23
Vaccine data from Pfizer was set to be released in 2023, yet, obfuscations remain and long-term effects are still being felt:
‘In contrast to the original claims made – that the product would be broken down in the deltoid (shoulder) muscle with little or no distribution throughout the body, it turns out that the product DOES become widely distributed – potentially to every organ system. Of course, this should not have been surprising, since the whole point of the lipid in the lipid nanoparticles is to make them able to cross membranes and become distributed, to help with their original role as conveyors of targeted drugs to cancerous cells.
Moreover: The amount of spike protein produced is uncontrolled and uncontrollable, as is the duration over which it is produced. High levels of spike antibodies have been found many months after injection, suggesting continued creation of the protein. The spike protein produced has inbuilt differences compared to the natural version – the replacement of uridine by pseudouridine – designed to ensure the mRNA is less degradable. Other changes (eg codon optimisation) may well alter the folding characteristics of the protein produced – with unknown consequences. It is thought that the spike protein may translocate to the nuclei of cells, the risks of which are still unknown. The repeated creation of spike from multiple injections may have deleterious effects, both on the ability to fight similar viruses (so-called “tolerance” created through changing the type of antibody created) through to immune exhaustion (reducing the body’s ability to fight other pathogens or cancers) The LNPs themselves (notwithstanding their “payload”) may well be pro-inflammatory in themselves… The significance of above-tolerance levels of DNA contamination left-over from the bacterial plasmids used in the high-volume manufacturing process are as yet unknown.’
Pfizer and FDA Knew in Early 2021 That Pfizer mRNA COVID “Vaccine” Caused Dire Fetal and Infant Risks, Including Death. They Began an Aggressive Campaign to Vaccinate Pregnant Women Anyway.
Daily Clout 29.08.23
Looking at the Pfizer paper, this should lead to criminal charges against the pharmaceutical company as well as the FDA:
‘The batch of Pfizer clinical trial documents released in April 2023 by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) under court order contains a shocking, eight-page document titled, “Pregnancy and Lactation Cumulative Review.” The data in the Cumulative Review span “…from the time of drug product development to 28-FEB-2021.” A Pfizer employee, Robert T. Maroko, approved the Review on April 20, 2021. (p. 8) This document is among the most horrifying yet to emerge into public view. It reveals that both Pfizer and the FDA knew by early 2021 that Pfizer’s mRNA COVID vaccine, BNT162b2, resulted in horrible damage to fetuses and babies.’
Risk Assessment Summary for SARS CoV-2 Sublineage BA.2.86
CDC 23.08.23
You’re more at risk of falling ill with the new variant it you’d been previously vaccinated:
‘BA.2.86 may be more capable of causing infection in people who have previously had COVID-19 or who have received COVID-19 vaccines.’
A Systematic Review of Autopsy FIndings in Deaths after COVID-19 Vaccination
SSRN 01.07.23
This paper was pulled out of The Lancet a mere 24 hours after it was published. The evidence was too damning I guess:
‘The most implicated organ system in COVID-19 vaccine-associated death was the cardiovascular system (53%), followed by the hematological system (17%), the respiratory system (8%), and multiple organ systems (7%). Three or more organ systems were affected in 21 cases. The mean time from vaccination to death was 14.3 days. Most deaths occurred within a week from last vaccine administration. A total of 240 deaths (73.9%) were independently adjudicated as directly due to or significantly contributed to by COVID-19 vaccination… If a large number of deaths are indeed causally linked to COVID-19 vaccination, the implications could be immense, including: the complete withdrawal of all COVID-19 vaccines from the global market, suspension of all remaining COVID-19 vaccine mandates and passports, loss of public trust in government and medical institutions, investigations and inquiries into the censorship, silencing and persecution of doctors and scientists who raised these concerns, and compensation for those who were harmed as a result of the administration of COVID-19 vaccines.’
Rare link between coronavirus vaccines and Long Covid–like illness starts to gain acceptance
Science Magazine 03.07.23
Not so rare, once you track vaccinations resulting in debilitating illness:
'Symptoms can include persistent headaches, severe fatigue, and abnormal heart rate and blood pressure. They appear hours, days, or weeks after vaccination and are difficult to study. But researchers and clinicians are increasingly finding some alignment with known medical conditions. One is small fiber neuropathy, a condition Oaklander studies, in which nerve damage can cause tingling or electric shock–like sensations, burning pain, and blood circulation problems. The second is a more nebulous syndrome, with symptoms sometimes triggered by small fiber neuropathy, called postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS). It can involve muscle weakness, swings in heart rate and blood pressure, fatigue, and brain fog… Despite the uncertainties, German Minister of Health Karl Lauterbach acknowledged in March that though rare, Long Covid–like symptoms after vaccination are a real phenomenon. He said his ministry was working to organize funding for studies, although none has been announced so far… Postvaccination illness is “a long, relentless disease,” says Lawrence Purpura, an infectious disease specialist at Columbia University who is also Subaiya’s partner—and who treats both Long Covid patients and those with chronic symptoms after vaccination.’
Open Letter to the WHO re: recognition of vaccine side effects
HART 01.07.23
Here’s hoping that the letter gets acknowledged:
‘As clinicians, we are seeing patients with severe diseases that appear linked to COVID-19 vaccines rather than SARS-CoV-2 infection. Clinicians are trained to recognise new and unusual patterns of illness and have an ethical duty to report a suspicion of iatrogenic harm being caused. As academics, we can also see plainly that even the trial data itself shows a higher rate of serious adverse reactions from the vaccine (12.5 per 10,000) than any reduction in serious events from COVID-19 (2.3 and 6.4 per 10,000 for Pfizer and Moderna, respectively).2 As with all medical interventions, mRNA-based and DNA-based vaccines have been associated with adverse effects. The absolute figures are unclear, however using the latest published European Medicines Agency EudraVigilance data, there were a total of 1,626,491 reports to of side effects following COVID-19 vaccines, up to November 23, 2022.3. In the US, a similar safety signal is seen, with 1,563,950 adverse events relating to the COVID- 19 vaccines reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) up to 2 June 2023, including 35,347 deaths and 202,505 hospitalisations.4 In 2021, 737,689 adverse events were reported following COVID-19 vaccines, representing 93% of the total reported for any vaccine in that year.5 Given that only 1–10% of all vaccine-related adverse events are reported to VAERS,6 it is likely that these official numbers are significantly underestimating the extent of the problem… The same pattern is seen all over the world. For example, the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) received a total of 138,932 COVID-19 vaccine adverse event reports up to 11 June 2023.8 Again, we can assume that the true figures are a lot higher. Of additional concern, other official data from Australia suggest that the more COVID-19 doses received by an individual, the higher the likelihood of hospital admission, intensive care unit admission, and death.9 These data have serious implications for global health and, in accordance with WHO stated goals, requires immediate attention.’
Strategies for the Management of Spike Protein-Related Pathology
MDPI 04.05.23
More peer-reviewed papers like this one are essential for tackling vaccine harm:
‘Compared with other vaccines, COVID-19 vaccines have a much higher adverse event rate [27]. Histopathological findings and autopsies of those dying post-vaccination support the causative role of the vaccine in deaths [28], most commonly from vascular-related events. Pharmacovigilance programs in several countries have observed a safety signal for myocarditis in the COVID-19 vaccinated population [29,30,31]. A US survey found that 19% of myocarditis cases had not recovered at 90 days after onset [32]. In addition, screening of BNT162b2 vaccine recipients among boys aged 13–18 in a Thai study revealed that 2.3% of the boys had at least one elevated cardiac biomarker or positive lab assessment, and 29% had at least one cardiac manifestation, such as tachycardia, palpitation, or myopericarditis [33]... Anti-coagulant medication, such as aspirin, can be useful in alleviating the cardiovascular complications of COVID-19 [195,196], as they have a long history of use in improving blood flow and reducing coagulopathies [197,198,199]. Another useful compound for breaking up blood clots is nattokinase, which is a fibrinolytic found in fermented soybeans (bacterial species Bacillus subtilis var. natto) [200,201]. Experiments have demonstrated that it potently degrades spike protein [202,203], which is an added benefit in addition to its fibrinolytic and anti-coagulant properties [204].
WHO Decides? Part 1: Money
HART 14.06.23
The new amendments to the WHO leaves accountability out of the discussion:
‘The story begins back in 1993 when the WHO introduced public-private partnerships into its governance system. It took a full seven years after that before consideration was given within the WHO to potential conflicts of interest and the first safeguards and guidelines to address these concerns were published. At this point GAVI and CEPI were formed. GAVI (calling itself a Global Vaccine Alliance) is a public private partnership that leads on global vaccination campaigns and CEPI (the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations) is the equivalent formed for vaccinations in pandemics. The private organisations collaborate with the WHO to create markets for ‘health’ commodities such as diagnostics and vaccines, and vaccine mandates are the perfect way to do that. It’s a potentially very profitable business model…. Ultimately, the systems have been ramped up for a repeated cycle of pandemic declarations followed by money flowing towards the WHO and the pharmaceutical industry, and away from causes where the money could have had a much bigger impact. Taxpayers’ money will be spent with no accountability, and there will be little control about how much is spent this way. If you do not want the UK trapped in this way then you need to educate your MP and fast. If the treaty is signed then only WHO decides.’
WHO Decides? Part 2: Data
HART 14.06.23
The data obtained by this corporation flies against all GDPR rules:
'The WHO is building a centralised health database for the world, and if you don’t act your health details will be in it… The chair of the WHO working group on the International Health Regulations amendments said last week that “the world requires a different level of legal mandates” and went on to specify a need to prioritise “actions that may restrict individual liberties” and the “mandating and sharing of information, knowledge and resources”. (Isn’t the mandating of the sharing of resources a euphemism for stealing?) The International Health Regulations amendments and proposed treaty would also demand extensive data sharing. Superficially, the requirements are for data sharing in an epidemic context, with a particular emphasis on genomic sequence data. Much of it is vague talking of “including building digital health and data science capacities.” However, reading on, this data sharing initiative quickly morphs into travel requirements. Their claimed justification for this is that “there is no standardised and international recognized electronic system to allow for safe and secure data transfer between passengers and the competent health authorities of a State Party for contact tracing purpose, in case of a reported infectious disease.”
Why on earth do we need a supranational body involved in passenger location forms — whether or not there is a risk of infectious disease. The data on arriving passengers is a matter for the nation involved. In fact, collecting such data at a supranational level would contravene current EU and UK GDPR rules which strictly prevent the collection of data that is not needed for a specific purpose; after all, surely contact tracing is a national-level activity. WHO decides. Specifically, Article 23 says that passenger locator forms must be produced in digital form that fulfil the WHO interoperability requirements. Menacingly, they also specify that there must be “safeguards to reduce the risk of abuse and falsification” suggesting the collection of biological identifiers. It goes on in Article 35: “Digital health documents must incorporate means to verify their authenticity via retrieval from an official web site, such as a QR code.” In Article 36 they specified a requirement “for digital vaccination or prophylaxis certificates.” We’re told this is all “for the purpose of contact tracing.” How will it actually be used? WHO decides.’
WHO Decides? Part 3: The line between good and evil
HART 14.06.23
This international ‘health body’ strays into politics and education with detrimental consequences:
There is a principle that children should be educated about reproduction and sexual relationships before girls become fertile themselves. Again there is a balance between ensuring children are educated in advance of any need for that knowledge against giving them age inappropriate information. This principle has been perverted by the WHO into a plan to inform to 0-4 year olds of “enjoyment and pleasure when touching one’s own body,” to teach 6 year olds about sexual intercourse, 9 year olds about pornography and 15 year olds about “transactional sex (prostitution, but also sex in return for small gifts, meals / nights out, small amounts of money).” The principle of safeguarding children from adult content has been overridden here. Again, it was liberals who were lauded for ensuring children were given sexual health education and others seem to think they will be similarly praised for extending it.There is a principle that free speech should only be restricted if it could result in direct physical harm to others. There is a grey area here between being protected from real world harm and being protected from what you choose to be offended by. This principle has been distorted so that even speech that causes “potential harm” has been censored. The WHO wants all member states to sign a treaty committing to conducting “regular social listening” and combating “misinformation.” It seems most governments are very ready to do this with doctors and others who raised concerns about the harms of covid policy were censored with the help of a well funded pseudo-anti-terrorism unit. However, the WHO have repeatedly spread misinformation themselves about covid such as saying spread was through droplets that fell rapidly to the ground and labelling the results of a study showing aerosol transmission as incorrect before conceding this was wrong in December 2021. In April 2021 they were telling people how to make cloth masks, complete with sewing lessons whereas in March 2020 they were correctly saying, “masks can give you a false feeling of protection and can even be a source of infection.”’
This Government-Approved COVID Treatment Was a Death Trap
CHD 08.06.23
All the covid deaths I’ve personally heard about, were preceded by ventilator use:
'Within weeks of the pandemic outbreak, it had become apparent that the standard practice of putting COVID-19 patients on mechanical ventilation was a death sentence; 76.4% of COVID-19 patients (aged 18 to 65) in New York City who were placed on ventilators died. Among patients over age 65 who were vented, the mortality rate was 97.2%… According to the WHO, treatment needed to be rapidly escalated to mechanical ventilation. Ideally, patients should be placed on it immediately. What escaped the public was the primary reason why. Venting COVID-19 patients wasn’t recommended because it increased survival; rather, it was to protect healthcare workers by isolating the virus inside the mechanical vent machine.’
Safety of mRNA Vaccines Administered During the First Twenty-Four Months of the International COVID-19 Vaccination Program
International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice and Research11.04.23
In black and white, covid vaccines have done more harm than good:
‘Our data show, among other trends, increases in adverse event reports if we compare COVID products to influenza and pertussis vaccines and statistically significant higher numbers of hospital encounters in military personnel, as well as increases in incidences of thromboembolic conditions, such as menstrual abnormalities, myocarditis, and cerebrovascular events after the implementation of COVID injection mandates, compared to the preceding five years. We verified these observations using data from EudraVigilance; the UK’s ONS; German health providers; and Eurostat. Our meta-analysis of both national and international vaccine adverse events emphasizes the importance of re-evaluating public health policies that promote universal mass injection and multiple boosters for all demographic groups. In combination with informal reports from reliable witnesses, limitations of the safety trials, and the decreased lethality of new strains, our research demonstrates that the cost (both monetary and humanitarian) of injecting healthy people, and especially children, outweighs any claimed though unvalidated benefits…
[pdf] Since there is a low morbidity associated with COVID-19 infection in the populations focused on in this study, (also see (Abbasi, 2020), we suggest that, for many young men and women, the risk of injuries from the injectables leading to serious adverse events and known mortalities outweighs the risk of potential symptoms from COVID-19 infection and should be considered when making recommendations about the COVID-19 injectables, or similar experimental products now in the background but known to be under development. It is important to raise awareness of the potential early symptoms of the adverse events discussed here, and others that were outside the scope of this investigation, in order to inform public policy and hopefully minimize or even prevent further avoidable harm (Sun et al., 2022).’’
Patients launch legal action against AstraZeneca over its covid-19 vaccine
BMJ 28.03.23
The law is the only medium information will be made to the public. Hopefully, more legal suits will follow around the world:
‘Dozens of patients and families are launching legal action against AstraZeneca over a rare side effect of its covid-19 vaccine. Lawyers have sent the company pre-action protocol letters, the first step in a legal claim on behalf of around 75 claimants. Some have lost relatives and some have survived with catastrophic injuries following blood clots. Many millions have had the vaccine without suffering complications but in 2021 the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency confirmed a possible link between the vaccine, known as Vaxzevria, and a rare condition involving blood clots along with abnormally low platelet levels. Those taking legal action have been diagnosed with vaccine induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia… In response to a freedom of information request, NHS Business Services, which operates the vaccine damage scheme, revealed that by 6 March 2023 the scheme had received 4017 claims relating to a covid-19 vaccine. Of those which had been dealt with, 622 concerned the AstraZeneca vaccine, 348 the Pfizer, and 43 the Moderna vaccine. Of the 4017 claims, 334 were for a death.’
‘No Doubt’ Fauci Funded Gain-of-Function Research That Likely Led to Pandemic, Former CDC Director Tells Lawmakers
CHD 09.03.23
In their rush to name China as the culprit for hosting the origin of the pandemic, the US keeps forgetting that the NIH was behind the Wuhan lab:
‘Dr. Robert Redfield, former director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), on Wednesday said he has “no doubt” the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and Dr. Anthony Fauci funded gain-of-function research that likely resulted in the creation of COVID-19 and its subsequent leak. Redfield made the statement during the first formal hearing of the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic... When asked whether gain-of-function research had ever stopped a pandemic, Redfield said, “No. On the contrary, I think it probably caused the greatest pandemic our world has seen.”'
5G Towers Can Make Healthy People Sick, Two Case Reports Show
CHD 23.02.23
Studies on injury resulting from 5G will be relegated to the back of a forgotten drawer, as the commission in charge (ICNIRP) exists at the behest of the telecommunications agencies:
‘The case reports’ lead author, Dr. Lennart Hardell — a world-leading scientist on cancer risks from radiation — said the two reports are “groundbreaking” because they serve as the “first warning of a health hazard.” “This may be the case for 5G and these results must be taken seriously,” he said. “People shouldn’t have to leave their homes because of 5G,” said Hardell, an oncologist and epidemiologist with the Environment and Cancer Research Foundation who has authored more than 100 papers on non-ionizing radiation… Mona Nilsson — managing director of the Swedish Radiation Protection Foundation and co-author of the case reports — said it was a “great scandal” that “5G has been rolled out for several years now in Sweden and in the U.S. without any study at all being performed about the health effects.”… The International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) is a private non-governmental organization registered in Munich, Germany, that “managed to get collaborative status” with the World Health Organization to “harmonize the RF-radiation guidelines all over the world,” Hardell said in a 2021 review article. According to Hardell, ICNIRP appoints its own members and is closed to transparency.’
Innate immune suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccinations: The role of G-quadruplexes, exosomes, and MicroRNAs
Science Direct June2022
Debilitating and grave consequences of the covid mRNA vaccine laid out in full:
‘In this paper, we explore the scientific literature suggesting that vaccination with an mRNA vaccine initiates a set of biological events that are not only different from that induced by infection but are in several ways demonstrably counterproductive to both short- and long-term immune competence and normal cellular function. These vaccinations have now been shown to downregulate critical pathways related to cancer surveillance, infection control, and cellular homeostasis. They introduce into the body highly modified genetic material… The increasing evidence that the vaccines do little to control disease spread and that their effectiveness wanes over time make it even more imperative to assess the degree to which the vaccines might cause harm. That SARS-CoV-2 modified spike protein mRNA vaccinations have biological impacts is without question… Summarizing the topic to this point, the enrichment of GC content in vaccine mRNA will inevitably lead to an increase in the pG4 content of the vaccines. This, in turn, will lead to dysregulation of the G4-RNA-protein binding system and a wide range of potential disease-associated cellular pathologies including suppression of innate immunity, neurodegeneration, and malignant transformation (Herdy et al., 2018)...
In this paper, we call attention to three very important aspects of the safety profile of these vaccinations. First is the extensively documented subversion of innate immunity, primarily via suppression of IFN-α and its associated signaling cascade. This suppression will have a wide range of consequences, not the least of which include the reactivation of latent viral infections and the reduced ability to effectively combat future infections. Second is the dysregulation of the system for both preventing and detecting genetically driven malignant transformation within cells and the consequent potential for vaccination to promote those transformations. Third, mRNA vaccination potentially disrupts intracellular communication carried out by exosomes, and induces cells taking up spike glycoprotein mRNA to produce high levels of spike-glycoprotein-carrying exosomes, with potentially serious inflammatory consequences. Should any of these potentials be fully realized, the impact on billions of people around the world could be enormous and could contribute to both the short-term and long-term disease burden our health care system faces.’
Intracellular Reverse Transcription of Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 In Vitro in Human Liver Cell Line
MDPI 11.04.22
mRNA vaccines alter your DNA:
‘In this study, we investigated the effect of BNT162b2 on the human liver cell line Huh7 in vitro. Huh7 cells were exposed to BNT162b2, and quantitative PCR was performed on RNA extracted from the cells. We detected high levels of BNT162b2 in Huh7 cells and changes in gene expression of long interspersed nuclear element-1 (LINE-1), which is an endogenous reverse transcriptase. Immunohistochemistry using antibody binding to LINE-1 open reading frame-1 RNA-binding protein (ORFp1) on Huh7 cells treated with BNT162b2 indicated increased nucleus distribution of LINE-1. PCR on genomic DNA of Huh7 cells exposed to BNT162b2 amplified the DNA sequence unique to BNT162b2. Our results indicate a fast up-take of BNT162b2 into human liver cell line Huh7, leading to changes in LINE-1 expression and distribution. We also show that BNT162b2 mRNA is reverse transcribed intracellularly into DNA in as fast as 6 h upon BNT162b2 exposure…
In this study we present evidence that COVID-19 mRNA vaccine BNT162b2 is able to enter the human liver cell line Huh7 in vitro. BNT162b2 mRNA is reverse transcribed intracellularly into DNA as fast as 6 h after BNT162b2 exposure. A possible mechanism for reverse transcription is through endogenous reverse transcriptase LINE-1, and the nucleus protein distribution of LINE-1 is elevated by BNT162b2.’
Evidence for a connection between coronavirus disease-19 and exposure to radiofrequency radiation from wireless communications including 5G
NIH 29.09.21
No longer a conspiracy theory, yet no mainstream media would touch this:
‘In short, WCR has become a ubiquitous environmental stressor that we propose may have contributed to adverse health outcomes of patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 and increased the severity of the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, we recommend that all people, particularly those suffering from SARS-CoV-2 infection, reduce their exposure to WCR as much as reasonably achievable until further research better clarifies the systemic health effects associated with chronic WCR exposure… There is a substantial overlap in pathobiology between COVID-19 and WCR exposure. The evidence presented here indicates that mechanisms involved in the clinical progression of COVID-19 could also be generated, according to experimental data, by WCR exposure. Therefore, we propose a link between adverse bioeffects of WCR exposure from wireless devices and COVID-19. Specifically, evidence presented here supports a premise that WCR and, in particular, 5G, which involves densification of 4G, may have exacerbated the COVID-19 pandemic by weakening host immunity and increasing SARS-CoV-2 virulence by (1) causing morphologic changes in erythrocytes including echinocyte and rouleaux formation that may be contributing to hypercoagulation; (2) impairing microcirculation and reducing erythrocyte and hemoglobin levels exacerbating hypoxia; (3) amplifying immune dysfunction, including immunosuppression, autoimmunity, and hyperinflammation; (4) increasing cellular oxidative stress and the production of free radicals exacerbating vascular injury and organ damage; (5) increasing intracellular Ca2+ essential for viral entry, replication, and release, in addition to promoting pro-inflammatory pathways; and (6) worsening heart arrhythmias and cardiac disorders. WCR exposure is a widespread, yet often neglected, environmental stressor that can produce a wide range of adverse bioeffects. For decades, independent research scientists worldwide have emphasized the health risks and cumulative damage caused by WCR [42,45]. The evidence presented here is consistent with a large body of established research. Healthcare workers and policymakers should consider WCR a potentially toxic environmental stressor. Methods for reducing WCR exposure should be provided to all patients and the general population.’
Covid’s warped model
The Spectator 18.01.23
Captured health agencies are obfuscating scientific data:
‘A recent report analysing Bureau of Labor Statistics in the US up to November 2022 by the Phinance Technologies Team shows a dramatic increase in disabilities in people aged 16-64 which coincides with the rollout of the vaccines. Treating those people will certainly be a viable business model for Big Pharma for the foreseeable future. How does this relate to the extraordinary level of injury and death that experts say the Covid vaccines are causing? Dr Richard Ennos, a retired professor of evolutionary biology at Edinburgh University, is the latest eminent academic to call for the immediate withdrawal of the mRNA Covid vaccines writing that ‘Glaring safety signals are apparent, indicating harm to the lymph system, the heart and to female reproduction.’ Dr Ennos came to this conclusion after conducting a thorough analysis of detailed data collected by the UK’s Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) through its Covid-19 Yellow Card vaccine adverse event database which the agency finally agreed to release after stalling for more than 18 months. It claimed that it would be too onerous to pass on the raw data despite the fact that the raw data is sent immediately to Pfizer and Moderna.’
4 Studies Add to Evidence of Wireless Technology-Related Electromagnetic Radiation in Humans
CHD 18.01.23
These studies would most certainly not make the news:
‘In the first example, an international peer-reviewed journal — Annals of Case Reports — on Jan. 10 published a Swedish case report showing 5G radiation causes symptoms indicative of “microwave syndrome.” The report initially was censored by the telecom industry, the study authors said… According to researchers with the Oceania Radiofrequency Scientific Advisory Association (ORSAA) in Brisbane, Australia, and the Centre for Environment and Population Health at the School of Medicine and Dentistry at Griffith University in Brisbane, there is an “extensive evidence base revealing that significant stress to human biological systems is being imposed by exposure to everyday wireless communication devices and supporting infrastructure.” “This evidence is compelling enough to warrant an update in medical education and practice,” they added.’
Massive Clot Burden Days after Taking Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine
Courageous Discourse 13.01.23
This FDA paper lays out the catastrophic possibilities of injecting the Johnson jab:
‘Many thought initially that the Johnson and Johnson (Janssen) product would be safer since it was just one shot of an adenoviral vector vaccine (not mRNA). Unfortunately before COVID-19 it was known that the vector itself was thrombogenic. So combined with the genetic code for the Spike protein which is known to damage blood vessels and cause blood clots, the Janssen vaccine was expected to cause thromboembolism in patients from the very date of its release. Woo et al from the FDA in a report has described thousands (N=3790, 11% fatal) of patients with blood clots and their description of what happens in the human body is nothing short of “blood curdling.” Clots going from the ankle to the groin, shooting to both lungs, and killing the victim is a description out of a science fiction horror movie yet in this report produced by our own government gives no apologies nor raises a sense of alarm for the public.’
BBC criticised for letting cardiologist ‘hijack’ interview with false Covid jab claim
The Guardian 13.01.23
‘Factcheckers’ and ‘experts’ up in arms after cardiologist airs his opinion on the BBC:
‘Malhotra told the Guardian: “Medical science is ever-evolving – discussing new developments openly is hard because the complicit media wants to only frame mRNA as right or wrong, to conflate mRNA vaccine debate as an entire attack on all vaccines, and to politicise views as left or right. “I’ve promoted vaccines my entire career, including Covid vaccines on Good Morning Britain in early 2021. Labelling individuals who flag mRNA vaccine concerns as anti-vaxxers – pursuing personal attacks rather than analysing the latest data (with now overwhelming evidence of serious and common cardiac harms) and who funds it – sows public distrust and leads to a dangerous fall in safe vaccine uptake.”’
U.S. FDA, CDC see early signal of Pfizer bivalent COVID shot's link to stroke
Reuters 13.01.23
Finally, some inroad into MSM. Can’t wait for the data of the under 40s’ to come out. The mRna vaccines should never have been mandated or offered to the public:
'A safety monitoring system flagged that U.S. drugmaker Pfizer Inc (PFE.N) and German partner BioNTech's updated COVID-19 shot could be linked to a type of brain stroke in older adults, according to preliminary data analyzed by U.S. health authorities. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) said on Friday that a CDC vaccine database had uncovered a possible safety issue in which people 65 and older were more likely to have an ischemic stroke 21 days after receiving the Pfizer/BioNTech bivalent shot, compared with days 22-44.'
British scientists plan to expand genomic sequencing from COVID to flu
Reuters 10.01.23
Genomic sequencing or data gathering of the public’s DNA?
‘"We hope that by expanding our ability to sequence these viruses routinely, we can build upon the work that's going on COVID, and hopefully supercharge research efforts to understand the transmission of these viruses, but also to help develop new treatments and vaccines," Harrison said. The aim is to make genomic surveillance of this type the norm, to inform public health responses and act as a blueprint for other countries that want to do the same thing, he said. The work will begin later this year by using leftover material from swabs taken for COVID-19 diagnostic purposes, sequencing SARS-CoV-2, influenza, RSV and other common respiratory viruses in a combined process.'
Technologists share visions of our future world
WEF 09.12.21
So a year ago, the WEF sent out a declaration confirming that DNA changes were embedded in covid vaccines, despite the non-censored global narrative saying that no change to DNA would happen. A year in from the introduction of mRna vaccines, we see a sudden global explosion of excess deaths, a plethora of cancers, neurological diseases and an inability to have a normal healthy life for those who had been vaccinated. Will any judicial body explore the clear genocidal intent behind the vaccine mandates?:
‘We are talking about improving biology and redesigning organisms for beneficial purposes. It’s going to allow us to not just edit genomes but also, and importantly, write a new code for life. We’ll have write-level permissions. We already started to see that this year, with Covid-19 vaccines, they make use of engineered code, in the form of messenger mRna.’
Rapid Progression of Angioimmunoblastic T Cell Lymphoma Following BNT162b2 mRNA Vaccine Booster Shot: A Case Report
PubMed 25.11.21
One way to totally mismanage your cancer is to get vaccinated. Then you’re beyond saving:
‘Considering oncologic patients, the most informative study was conducted in a series of 728 patients having received the BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine (14). PET/CT revealed hypermetabolic lymph nodes in the axillary and supraclavicular regions draining the vaccine injection site in 36% of the subjects having received the first dose and 54% of those studied after the 2nd dose. The hypermetabolic lymph nodes were enlarged in 7% of 1st dose vaccinees and 18% of 2nd dose vaccinees. Both differences were statistically significant, demonstrating that the impact on draining lymph nodes was greater after the booster dose, confirming data from the meta-analysis above (12). Regarding the relationship with the underlying malignancy, hypermetabolic lymph nodes were considered as malignant in 5% of the patients while no conclusion regarding the malignant nature could be drawn in 15% of the vaccinees including 16 patients with lymphoma. Interestingly, in none of these studies, the possibility that the mRNA vaccines could have played a role in the development of malignant lymph nodes was considered. Indeed, the consensus so far is that the occurrence of hypermetabolic lymphadenopathies should not question the safety of mRNA vaccines, neither in healthy individuals nor in patients with neoplastic conditions (15).
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first observation suggesting that administration of a SARS-CoV-2 vaccine might induce AITL progression. Several arguments support this possibility. First, the dramatic speed and magnitude of the progression manifested on two 18F-FDG PET-CT performed 22 days apart. Such a rapid evolution would be highly unexpected in the natural course in the disease. Since mRNA vaccination is known to induce enlargement and hypermetabolic activity of draining lymph nodes, it is reasonable to postulate that it was the trigger of the changes observed. Indeed, the increase in size and metabolic activity was higher in axillary lymph nodes draining the site of vaccine injection as compared to their contralateral counterparts. However, pre-existing lymphomatous nodes were also clearly enhanced as compared to the first test. Moreover, new hypermetabolic lesions most likely of lymphomatous nature clearly appeared at distance of the injection site.'
Congressional report: U.S. FDA broke own protocols in approving Biogen Alzheimer's drug
Reuters 30.12.22
Crucial evidence pointing to the FDA being a captured agency:
‘When none of the advisory panel members voted to approve Aduhelm, the FDA pivoted to using its accelerated approval pathway - typically used for rare diseases or small patient populations that lack access to effective treatments - despite having considered the drug under the traditional approval pathway for nine months, the report said.’
MP calls for complete suspension of mRNA jab in extraordinary British Parliamentary speech (VIIDEO)
YouTube 13.12.22
A well-referenced speech by MP Andrew Bridgen sheds light on the absolute harm of mRna vaccines that had been foisted on the public as well as the captured essence of medical investigatory bodies which have been bought by Big Pharma.
COVID-19 vaccine boosters for young adults: a risk benefit assessment and ethical analysis of mandate policies at universities
BMJ September 2022
If the BMJ is now saying that boosters are more harmful than useful, one should pay attention:
‘Booster mandates in young adults are expected to cause a net harm: per COVID-19 hospitalisation prevented, we anticipate at least 18.5 serious adverse events from mRNA vaccines, including 1.5–4.6 booster-associated myopericarditis cases in males (typically requiring hospitalisation). We also anticipate 1430–4626 cases of grade ≥3 reactogenicity interfering with daily activities (although typically not requiring hospitalisation). University booster mandates are unethical because they: (1) are not based on an updated (Omicron era) stratified risk-benefit assessment for this age group; (2) may result in a net harm to healthy young adults; (3) are not proportionate: expected harms are not outweighed by public health benefits given modest and transient effectiveness of vaccines against transmission; (4) violate the reciprocity principle because serious vaccine-related harms are not reliably compensated due to gaps in vaccine injury schemes; and (5) may result in wider social harms. We consider counterarguments including efforts to increase safety on campus but find these are fraught with limitations and little scientific support. Finally, we discuss the policy relevance of our analysis for primary series COVID-19 vaccine mandates.’
More than 110 experts raise alarm over WHO’s ‘weak’ PFAS limits for drinking water
The Guardian 19.11.22
The WHO is a captured organisation:
‘More than 110 scientists and regulators worldwide are raising a public alarm over what they label “weak” PFAS drinking water limits proposed by the World Health Organization, which they charge used shoddy science and “arbitrarily” dismissed hundreds of studies linking the “forever chemicals” to serious health problems. Some further alleged the process of developing the guidelines was corrupted by industry-aligned consultants aiming to undercut strict new PFAS limits proposed in the US, and weaken standards in the developing world. The chemicals have been called “forever chemicals” due to their longevity in the environment. The limits would allow far more PFAS in drinking water than what is allowed or proposed by the US Environmental Protection Agency, most US states, and some agencies within the EU. WHO’s guidelines and justification are “inexcusable”, said Linda Birnbaum, a former head of the US National Toxicology Program and EPA scientist.’
Bent Over in Pain
The Intercept 01.11.22
Biosecurity labs are ubiquitous and should be made illegal:
‘“People have it in their minds that lab accidents are very, very rare, and if they happen, they happen only in the least well-run overseas labs,” said Richard Ebright, a molecular biologist at Rutgers University and an advocate for better biosafety standards. “That simply isn’t true.” The United States has a patchwork of regulations and guidelines covering lab biosafety. Safety training can vary widely from one institution to the next. Experiments involving certain pathogens and some research funded by the U.S. government is subject to oversight, but critics say that other areas are like the Wild West. Unless they work with the most dangerous pathogens, biolabs don’t have to register with the U.S. government. As a result, there is little visibility into the biosafety of experiments carried out by private companies or foundations. “Your favorite tech billionaire could, with their own money, do basically whatever the hell they want with any pathogen,” said Rocco Casagrande, managing director of Gryphon Scientific, a biosafety advisory firm that has advised NIH on biosafety standards. “They could take the measles virus and intentionally try to make it vaccine-resistant and more pathogenic in their garage. If they’re doing it for legitimate research purposes in their own minds, they can do so wildly, unsafely, and no one can stop them.”’
A parasitological evaluation of edible insects and their role in the transmission of parasitic diseases to humans and animals
NIH 08.07.19
For all the advocates promoting nutrition through insects, this is an important read:
‘Our research indicates the important role of these insects in the epidemiology of parasites pathogenic to vertebrates. Conducted parasitological examination suggests that edible insects may be the most important parasite vector for domestic insectivorous animals.’
Scientific evidence invalidates health assumptions underlying the FCC and ICNIRP exposure limit determinations for radiofrequency radiation: implications for 5G
BioMedCentral 18.10.22
An exhaustive study on the real dangers posed by 5G tech:
‘Adverse effects observed at exposures below the assumed threshold SAR include non-thermal induction of reactive oxygen species, DNA damage, cardiomyopathy, carcinogenicity, sperm damage, and neurological effects, including electromagnetic hypersensitivity. Also, multiple human studies have found statistically significant associations between RFR exposure and increased brain and thyroid cancer risk. Yet, in 2020, and in light of the body of evidence reviewed in this article, the FCC and ICNIRP reaffirmed the same limits that were established in the 1990s. Consequently, these exposure limits, which are based on false suppositions, do not adequately protect workers, children, hypersensitive individuals, and the general population from short-term or long-term RFR exposures. Thus, urgently needed are health protective exposure limits for humans and the environment. These limits must be based on scientific evidence rather than on erroneous assumptions, especially given the increasing worldwide exposures of people and the environment to RFR, including novel forms of radiation from 5G telecommunications for which there are no adequate health effects studies….
The assumption that 5G is safe at the power density limits recommended by ICNIRP (50 W/m2 and 10 W/m2 averaged over 6 min for occupational and 30 min for public exposures, respectively) because of its minimal penetration into the body does not justify the dismissal of the need for health effects studies prior to implementing 5G networks. The new communication networks will result in exposures to a form of radiation that has not been previously experienced by the public at large (Assumption 14). The implementation of 5G technology without adequate health effects information raises many questions, such as: Will exposure to 5G radiation: (i) compromise the skin’s ability to provide protection from pathogenic microorganisms? (ii) will it exacerbate the development of skin diseases? (iii) will it increase the risk of sunlight-induced skin cancers? (iv) will it increase the risk of damage to the lens or cornea? (v) will it increase the risk of testicular damage? (vi) will it exert deeper tissue effects either indirectly following effects on superficial structures or more directly due to deeper penetration of the ELF components of modulated RF signals? (vii) will it adversely affect wildlife populations? Answers to these questions and others that are relevant to human and wildlife health should be provided before widespread exposures to 5G radiation occur, not afterwards. Based on lessons that should have been learned from studies on RFR at frequencies below 6 GHz, we should no longer rely on the untested assumption that current or future wireless technology, including 5G, is safe without adequate testing. To do otherwise is not in the best interest of either public or environmental health.’
A Case Report: Multifocal Necrotizing Encephalitis and Myocarditis after BNT162b2 mRNA Vaccination against COVID-19
MDPI 01.10.22
Peer-reviewed paper directly links mRNA vaccine to brain and heart damage:
‘Numerous cases of encephalitis and encephalomyelitis have been reported in con- nection with the gene-based COVID-19 vaccines, with many being considered causally related to vaccination [31,38,39]. However, this is the first report to demonstrate the presence of the spike protein within the encephalitic lesions and to attribute it to vac- cination rather than infection. These findings corroborate a causative role of the gene-based COVID-19 vaccines, and this diagnostic approach is relevant to potentially vaccine-induced damage to other organs as well.’
Dark -Field Microscopic Analysis on the Blood of 1,006 Symptomatic Persons After Anti-COVID mRNA Injections from Pfizer/BioNtech or Moderna
IJVTPR 12.08.22
Some highly disturbing findings in the blood tests of the vaccinated, from an impeccable scientific source:
‘There were 948 subjects (94% of the total sample) whose blood showed aggregation of erythrocytes and the presence of particles of various shapes and sizes of unclear origin one month after the mRNA inoculation. In 12 subjects, blood was examined with the same method before vaccination, showing a perfectly normal hematological distribution. The alterations found after the inoculation of the mRNA injections further reinforce the suspicion that the modifications were due to the so-called “vaccines” themselves… The vaccines arepurported to contain at least the spike protein from SARS-CoV-2 (Nance &Meier, 2021), but is known also to contain foreign particles that the CDCand the many promoters of the experimental injections claimed were not in them at all. Among those foreign components are metallic objects as demonstrated previously in this journal by Lee et al. (2022)which are confirmed in our results as described in the following. The 4 clinical cases reported below,with photographic documentationrevealing strange phenomena in their blood,illustrate the range and types of the anomaliesfound in the microscopic examination of the bloodof 94.23% of the 1,006 cases (a total of 948 casesthat showed the same sorts of abnormalities)…
Aggregation of erythrocytes were highlighted and exogenous point-like and self-luminescent particles in the dark-fieldweredetected. The luminescence of those particles was markedly higher than that of oxygenated red blood cell walls. The particulate infiltrates, whatever they may consist of, gave the appearance of a starry skyat night.All of the abnormal blood samples of injected persons, the 948 cases,showed tubular/fibrous formations and frequently also crystalline and lamellar formations with extremely complex but consistently similar morphologiesacross all of the patients with abnormal blood samples. What seems plain enough is that metallic particles resembling graphene oxide and possibly other metallic compounds, like those discovered by Gatti and Montanari (Montanari & Gatti, 2016; Gatti & Montanari, 2012, 2017, 2018), have been included in the cocktail of whatever the manufacturers have seen fit to put in the so-called mRNA “vaccines”. In our experience as clinicians, these mRNA injections are very unlike traditional “vaccines” and their manufacturers need, in our opinions, to come clean about what is in the injections and why it is there.’
‘Please uninstall’: Australia’s multi-million dollar Covid app branded ‘failure’ and decommissioned
The Independent 11.08.22
$22million is small change next to the billions the UK squandered on such apps. What a waste:
'The app cost the government AUS$21m (£12.2m) to produce, roll out and host, and was designed to help manual contact tracers identify Covid infections around them. However, the app was successful in identifying just two positive infections that had not been found by manual contact tracing, Mr Butler said, meening it cost more than AUS$10m per infection traced.’
Why the Chair of the Lancet’s COVID-19 Commission Thinks The US Government Is Preventing a Real Investigation Into the Pandemic
Current Affairs 02.08.22
Until we all know what research is being undertaken in bio labs across the world, we are unable to prepare for bio weapons that would hold the world hostage:
‘Prof. Jeffrey Sachs is the Director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University and the President of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network. He has also served as the chair of the COVID-19 commission for leading medical journal the Lancet. Through his investigations as the head of the COVID-19 commission, Prof. Sachs has come to the conclusion that there is extremely dangerous biotechnology research being kept from public view, that the United States was supporting much of this research, and that it is very possible that SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for COVID-19, originated through dangerous virus research gone awry… And the particular virus that causes COVID-19, called SARS-Cov-2, is notable because it has a piece of its genetic makeup that makes the virus more dangerous. And that piece of the genome is called the “furin cleavage site.” Now, what’s interesting, and concerning if I may say so, is that the research that was underway very actively and being promoted, was to insert furin cleavage sites into SARS-like viruses to see what would happen. Oops! Well, that is what may have happened. And what has been true from the start is that that very real possibility, which a lot of scientists know, has not been looked at closely, even though it’s absolutely clear that it could have happened that way. They’re not looking…
One thing that is rather clear to me is that there is so much dangerous research underway right now under the umbrella of biodefense or other things that we don’t know about, that is not being properly controlled. This is for sure. And that’s happening around the world. And governments say “don’t poke your nose into that.” That’s our business, not your business. But it’s actually our business. It’s our business to understand what is going on with this. This is not to be kept secret. We don’t trust you… What should we know?” Because no matter what the truth is on SARS-Cov-2, what is pretty clear is we’ve got so much technological capacity to engineer dangerous pathogens right now. And a lot of that is being done. And it’s classified. It’s secret, and we don’t know what it is. And I don’t like that feeling at all. I don’t recommend it for us and for the world… The most interesting things that I got as chair of the Lancet commission came from Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuits and whistleblower leaks from inside the U.S. government. Isn’t that terrible? NIH was actually asked at one point: give us your research program on SARS-like viruses. And you know what they did? They released the cover page and redacted 290 pages. They gave us a cover page and 290 blank pages! That’s NIH, for heaven’s sake. That’s not some corporation. That is the U.S. government charged with keeping us healthy.‘
Nearly 30,000 Deaths Reported to VAERS, Including 17-Year-Old Who Died of Myocarditis 5 Months After Pfizer Shot
CHD 05.08.22
The news that never seem to make it to mainstream consumption:
‘'VAERS data released Friday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show 1,371,474 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID-19 vaccines, including 29,981 deaths and 249,116 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020, and July 29, 2022… The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) today released new data showing a total of 1,371,474 reports of adverse events following COVID-19 vaccines were submitted between Dec. 14, 2020, and July 29, 2022, to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). That’s an increase of 13,534 adverse events over the previous week. VAERS is the primary government-funded system for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S. The data included a total of 29,981 reports of deaths — an increase of 191 over the previous week — and 249,116 serious injuries, including deaths, during the same time period — up 1,430 compared with the previous week. Of the 29,981 reported deaths, 19,348 cases are attributed to Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine, 7,981 cases to Moderna, 2,603 cases to Johnson & Johnson (J&J) and no cases yet reported for Novavax.’
UK Government confirms the Triple / Quadruple Vaccinated account for 91% of all COVID Deaths since the beginning of 2022
The Expose 22.07.22
Damming data drawn from UK government website shows that covid vaccines are the main culprit behind rise of deaths:
‘That report reveals that since the beginning of 2022, the vaccinated population have accounted for over 9 in every 10 Covid-19 deaths in England, and a shocking 91% of those deaths have been among the triple/quadruple vaccinated… A UK Government agency, known as the Office for National Statistics (ONS), has just published data on deaths by vaccination status in England up to 31st May 2022. The latest dataset from the ONS is titled ‘Deaths by Vaccination Status, England, 1 January 2021 to 31 May 2022‘, and it can be accessed on the ONS site here, and downloaded here... January saw the most deaths among both the vaccinated and unvaccinated population in England, with 3,914 deaths among the vaccinated, and 693 deaths among the unvaccinated. However, this is where the similarities end because we can see that except for the month of May, deaths rose among the vaccinated from February onward, whilst falling among the unvaccinated.’
From FDA to MHRA: are drug regulators for hire?
BMJ 29.06.22
The pharmaceutical industry is joined at the hips with health regulators which impose their mandates on the global public. This scenario reeks of dirty money:
‘Recently, a group of more than 80 professors and researchers called the Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency sued the FDA for access to all the data which the agency used to grant licensure for Pfizer’s covid-19 vaccine.19 The FDA argued that the burden on the agency was too great and requested that it be allowed to release appropriately redacted documents at the rate of 500 pages a month, a speed that would take approximately 75 years to complete. In a win for transparency advocates, this was overturned by a US Federal Court Judge, ruling that the FDA would need to turn over all the appropriately redacted data within eight months. Pfizer sought to intervene to ensure “information that is exempt from disclosure under the FOI act is not disclosed inappropriately,” but its request was denied…
At the FDA, generally regarded as the world’s premier regulator, nine out of 10 of its past commissioners between 2006 and 2019 went on to secure roles linked with pharmaceutical companies,24 and its 11th and most recent, Stephen Hahn, is working for Flagship Pioneering, a company that acts as an incubator for new biopharmaceutical companies. In February, the US Senate narrowly confirmed Robert Califf, a cardiologist, to lead the FDA, a position he previously held under the Obama administration. Califf’s rehiring led some senators to argue that his ties to the pharmaceutical industry made him unfit for the role. Financial disclosure forms show Califf was paid $2.7m by Verily Life Sciences and in 2021 held a position on the boards of two pharmaceutical companies, AmyriAD and Centessa Pharmaceuticals. After resigning from a senior position in the FDA’s vaccine division, Philip Krause secured a role in the biotech sector. One study found more than a quarter of the FDA employees who approved cancer and haematology drugs between 2001 and 2010 left the agency and now work or consult for pharmaceutical companies.25
Beyond the FDA, Ian Hudson, chief executive of the UK’s MHRA between 2013 and 2019, now serves on the board of biotech company Sensyne Health and is a senior adviser for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Before joining the MHRA, Hudson held various senior roles at pharmaceutical giant SmithKline Beecham… Light says it is no longer possible for doctors and patients to receive unbiased, rigorous evaluations from drug regulators. He suggests setting up non-profit organisations like Germany’s Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care, which was established to carry out evaluations of approved drugs that are independent of industry, rigorous, unbiased, and transparent. “The question is why weren’t drug regulators doing this trustworthy, transparent, rigorous, unbiased job in the first place?” says Light.’
Delta reinfection risk low among unvaccinated children
Nature 29.06.22
Enough said:
‘The team found that unvaccinated children and adolescents were 89% less likely to be infected with SARS-CoV-2 3–6 months after their first infection than were children who had not previously been infected. For the 12–18 age group, this protection against reinfection dropped to 82.5% from 9 months to a year after infection and remained at around that level until up to 18 months post-infection.’
Serious adverse events of special interest following mRNA vaccination in randomized trials
SSRN 23.06.22
Covid-19 vaccines should be taken off the market:
‘Pfizer and Moderna mRNA COVID-19 vaccines were associated with an increased
risk of serious adverse events of special interest, with an absolute risk increase of 10.1 and 15.1 per 10,000 vaccinated over placebo baselines of 17.6 and 42.2 (95% CI -0.4 to 20.6 and -3.6 to 33.8), respectively. Combined, the mRNA vaccines were associated with an absolute risk increase of serious adverse events of special interest of 12.5 per 10,000 (95% CI 2.1 to 22.9). The excess risk of serious adverse events of special interest surpassed the risk reduction for COVID-19 hospitalization relative to the placebo group in both Pfizer and Moderna trials (2.3 and 6.4 per 10,000 participants, respectively).
The excess risk of serious adverse events found in our study points to the need for formal harm-benefit analyses, particularly those that are stratified according to risk of serious COVID-19 outcomes such as hospitalization or death… Comparing the excess of serious AESI against the reduction of serious complications of COVID-19 among the vaccinated is essential for harm-benefit analyses. The results show an excess risk of serious AESIs greater than the reduction in COVID-19 hospitalizations in both Pfizer and Moderna trials. These results are compatible with a recent preprint analysis of COVID-19 vaccine trials by Benn et al., which found no evidence of a reduction in overall mortality in the mRNA vaccine trials based on data from the later, March 2021 BLA (Biologics License Application) timepoints that underpinned subsequent regulatory approval (31 deaths in the vaccine arms versus 30 events in the placebo arms; RR 1.03, 95% CI 0.63 to 1.71).28 ‘
1.3 Million Reports of Injuries After COVID Vaccines, VAERS Data Show, as CDC Meets to Rubber-Stamp Shots for Kids Under 5
CHD 17.06.22
Kids are sacrificial pawns at the altar of greed:
‘The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) today released new data showing a total of 1,301,356 reports of adverse events following COVID-19 vaccines were submitted between Dec. 14, 2020, and June 10, 2022, to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). That’s an increase of 6,027 adverse events over the previous week… The data included a total of 28,859 reports of deaths — an increase of 327 over the previous week — and 238,412 serious injuries, including deaths, during the same time period — up 1,645 compared with the previous week. Of the 28,859 reported deaths, 18,719 cases are attributed to Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine, 7,581 cases to Moderna and 2,493 cases to Johnson & Johnson (J&J). Excluding “foreign reports” to VAERS, 831,801 adverse events, including 13,293 deaths and 84,151 serious injuries, were reported in the U.S. between Dec. 14, 2020, and June 10, 2022.’
COVID UPDATE: What is the truth?
PubMedCentral 22.04.22
An extremely well-referenced article by retired neurosurgeon on the manipulation perpetrated by agents responsible for the covid pandemic scam. If you read one article about covid, make it this one:
‘Throughout this “pandemic” we have been fed an unending series of lies, distortions and disinformation by the media, the public health officials, medical bureaucracies (CDC, FDA and WHO) and medical associations. Physicians, scientists, and experts in infectious treatments who formed associations designed to develop more effective and safer treatments, were regularly demonized, harassed, shamed, humiliated, and experience a loss of licensure, loss of hospital privileges and, in at least one case, ordered to have a psychiatric examination.[2,65,71]... The head of the insurance company OneAmerica stated that their data indicated that the death rate for individuals aged 18 to 64 had increased 40% over the pre-pandemic period.[21] Scott Davidson, the company’s CEO, stated that this represented the highest death rate in the history of insurance records, which does extensive data collections on death rates each year. Davidson also noted that this high of a death rate increase has never been seen in the history of death data collection. Previous catastrophes of monumental extent increased death rates no more than 10 percent, 40% is unprecedented. Dr. Lindsay Weaver, Indiana’s chief medical officer, stated that hospitalizations in Indiana are higher than at any point in the past five years. This is of critical importance since the vaccines were supposed to significantly reduce deaths, but the opposite has happened. Hospitals are being flooded with vaccine complications and people in critical condition from medical neglect caused by the lockdowns and other pandemic measures.[46,56]...
We were informed that the hospitals were filled mostly with the unvaccinated and later found the exact opposite was true the world over. We were told that the vaccine was 95% effective, only to learn that in fact the vaccines cause a progressive erosion of innate immunity. Upon release of the vaccines, women were told the vaccines were safe during all states of pregnancy, only to find out no studies had been done on safety during pregnancy during the “safety tests” prior to release of the vaccine. We were told that careful testing on volunteers before the EUA approval for public use demonstrated extreme safety of the vaccines, only to learn that these unfortunate subjects were not followed, medical complications caused by the vaccines were not paid for and the media covered this all up.[67] We also learned that the pharmaceutical makers of the vaccines were told by the FDA that further animal testing was unnecessary (the general public would be the Guinea pigs.) Incredibly, we were told that the Pfizer’s new mRNA vaccines had been approved by the FDA, which was a cleaver deception, in that another vaccine had approval (comirnaty) and not the one being used, the BioNTech vaccine. The approved comirnaty vaccine was not available in the United States. The national media told the public that the Pfizer vaccine had been approved and was no longer classed as experimental, a blatant lie. These deadly lies continue. It is time to stop this insanity and bring these people to justice.’
Vaccinations of young children could begin 'in earnest' by June 21 - White House
Reuters 02.06.22
This is a greedy manoeuvre with criminal intent. No justification whatsoever except to keep on making money for big pharma:
‘The White House expects vaccinations of young children to begin in earnest as early as June 21, if federal authorities approve their use in coming weeks, White House COVID response coordinator Ashish Jha said on Thursday. Jha told reporters that the U.S. government had enough COVID-19 vaccines from Pfizer Inc (PFE.N) and Moderna Inc (MRNA.O) to begin the program for young children if and when the vaccines are approved.’
Palantir Hires AI Chief From U.K.’s NHS as It Bids to Expand
Bloomberg 21.04.22
Peter Thiel’s Palantir strengthens its claws into UK health industry:
‘Palantir Technologies Inc., the U.S. data analytics company, has hired the former head of artificial intelligence at the digital wing of Britain’s National Health Service as it looks to sign a lucrative new contract with the U.K. government…. Huge sums of U.K. taxpayer money are currently being invested in the life sciences industry, with a particular focus on AI. Joshi set up and was the director of the NHS AI Lab, a 250 million pound project to deliver AI-driven technologies into the U.K. health system. Its budget included the 140 million pound grant program.’
How Much Radiation Is Emitted By Popular Smartphones?
Zerohedge 17.04.22
Good to see that this topic still makes it out for people to engage in a much-needed discussion, despite no research being funded into this important field:
‘Most people spend 5-6 hours on their phones each day. And, as Visual Capitalist's Anshool Deshmukh and Sabrina Lam detail below, given that our phones emit a tiny amount of radiation, we’re exposing ourselves to radiation for hours each day. But different phones emit different amounts of radiation. With the help of data collected by the German Federal Office of Radiation Protection, we visualize the radiation emissions of some popular smartphones in the market today… Smartphones and other mobile devices emit tiny amounts of radiofrequency (RF) radiation. Humans can absorb this radiation when the smartphone is being used or is lying dormant anywhere near their bodies. The parameter used to measure phone radiation emissions is the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR). It is the unit of measurement that represents the quantity of electromagnetic energy absorbed by the body when using a mobile device. The Council of the European Union has set radiation standards for cell phones at 2.0 watts per kilogram, measured over the 10 grams of tissue that is absorbing the most signal. SAR values are calculated at the ear (speaking on the phone) and at the body (kept in your pocket). For the purposes of this article, we’ve used the former calculations… There is currently no significant research proving the harmful effects of phone radiation.’
More Than 1 Million COVID Vaccine Injuries, Nearly 27,000 Deaths Reported to VAERS, CDC Data Show
CHD 15.04.22
A lot of negative outcomes follow the ‘safe vaccines’:
‘The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) today released new data showing a total of 1,226,314 reports of adverse events following COVID vaccines were submitted between Dec. 14, 2020, and April 8, 2022, to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). VAERS is the primary government-funded system for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S. The data included a total of 26,976 reports of deaths — an increase of 277 over the previous week — and 219,865 serious injuries, including deaths, during the same time period — up 2,564 compared with the previous week.’
17,500% Increase in Heart Disease in Children Following COVID-19 Vaccines – This is NOT Rare!
Health Impact News 02.04.22
The truth is being hijacked by a captured media:
‘The number of injuries and deaths recorded in the U.S. Government’s database of Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) following COVID-19 vaccines has now reached 1.2 million cases as of the last update on Friday, April 1st. (Source.) By way of contrast, there are 930,952 cases of injuries and deaths following all other vaccines for the previous 30+ years before the COVID-19 vaccines were issued emergency use authorizations in December of 2020. (Source.) When you take the monthly average of cases filed in VAERS following all vaccines for the previous 30 years (360 months – 2,586 cases per month), and compare that to the monthly average of cases recorded after COVID-19 vaccines for the past 15 months (80,384 cases per month), that is an increase of 3,008%.’
Former BlackRock Advisor Tells RFK, Jr.: ‘FDA Is in on the Cover-Up’
CHD 18.03.22
Cannot wait till all is laid bare:
‘In an interview with former BlackRock advisor Edward Dowd on “RFK Jr. The Defender Podcast,” Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Dowd discussed the financial and moral implications of fraudulent data from the COVID-19 vaccine trials. Dowd, a managing director with BlackRock from 2002 to 2012, said, “what tipped me off to the fraud” was when the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced it wouldn’t release the trial data for 75 years. He knew something wasn’t right… Dowd said: “I think there’s enough proof for people to investigate fraud in the clinical data and the FDA’s complicity in this … The tragic part of this is we had to wait for real-world evidence. And the real-world evidence is so awful that there’s gonna be a public outcry. And even though the mainstream media is not participating with this yet, they will. You can’t hide this anymore.”’
Hybrid & Electric Cars: Electromagnetic Radiation Risks
Safer EMR 14.03.22
A collection of studies highlighting health impacts from electric and hybrid vehicles:
‘Considering the chronic nature of exposure to EMF in EVs (in particular with respect to potential exposure to drivers when various EMF sources are located near their cabins), and the potential specific risks from exposure to EMF of complex composition in time and frequency domains, there is a need to collect research data on the complex characteristics of EMF exposure related to the use of EVs in public transportation and the associated health outcome in chronically exposed workers, as well as decreasing the level of their exposure by applying relevant preventive measures (e.g., locating indoor Wi-Fi routers, and other such electrical equipment, away from the driver’s cabin) [17,23,42,43,44]… This study reviews and compiles the EMF emission limitations identified in international guidelines and standards including IEEE, ICNIRP, ACGIH, and SAE. EMF emissions can be substantial particularly at high-power transfer levels and misaligned conditions and should be reduced below the limits identified in the ICNIRP 2010 guidelines which are more conservative and thought to be safer. This study also provides a review of the shielding methods and presents two case studies from ORNL experiences and practices on EMF shielding. EMF exposure levels and shielding methodologies for high-power and dynamic wireless power transfer applications should be analyzed in future studies with possible standards development activities…
The Method of Auxiliary Sources was used to study the exposure of the electromagnetic field of a mobile phone’s antenna on a human inside a car. The calculations took into account the effect of Earth’s reflective surface under the car. The results showed that high-amplitude reactive fields inside the car can lead to a multiple increase in the SAR coefficient in human tissues compared to values obtained in the free space. It is recommended to reduce the duration of mobile phone calls inside a car… We found that the B amplitudes and the spectral components could be modified by replacing the components and the hubs, while regular checks or maintenance did not influence the B values in the vehicle. This observation highlights the necessity of regularly monitoring ELF MF in EVs, especially after major repairs or accidents, to protect car users from potentially excessive ELF MF exposure. These results should be considered in updates of the measurement standards. The ELF MF effect should also be taken into consideration in relevant epidemiological studies…
The mobile phone’s EM exposure problem for a homogenous human model inside the car is studied using the MAS. MAS were used to simulate earth reflective surface. The obtained results, conducted with the MAS based program package, showed the presence of resonance and reactive fields inside the car, that causes high SAR in human tissues. The reason of this is that at the considered frequencies car’s metallic surface acts as the resonator. So, it isn’t desirable speak on phones for a long time inside the car, that can be hazardous for the cell phone users located in it… Passengers inside an EV could be exposed to MFs of considerable strength when compared with conventional vehicles or to other daily exposures (at home, in the office, in the street, etc.). In this paper, the MF created by the batteries of a particular electric car is evaluated from the human health point of view by means of finite-elements simulations, measurements, and a simple analytical approximation, obtaining an upper bound for the estimated MF generated by a given battery pack. These results have been compared with ICNIRP's recommendations concerning exposure limitation to low-frequency MFs, finding that the field generated by this particular battery pack should be below ICNIRP's field reference levels, and conclusions concerning the influence of the switching frequency have been drawn. Finally, some discussion regarding other field sources within the vehicle and different vehicles designs has been presented. Due to the wide variety of both available EVs and battery stacks configurations, it is recommended that each vehicle model should be individually assessed regarding MF exposure.’
1,223 Deaths Reported After Pfizer Vaccine in First 3 Months of Rollout, Documents Reveal
CHD 11.03.22
After a court order facilitated the release of Pfizer documents, we now establish that the safe vaccine was anything but:
‘Here I will discuss one of these released documents, the “Cumulative Analysis of Post-authorization Adverse Event Reports.” This document constitutes one part of Pfizer’s responsibility for pharmacovigilance with respect to their Biological License Agreement with the FDA… Through Feb. 28, a total of 42,086 recipients (cases) reported 158,893 events, or adverse reactions to the Pfizer vaccine. Approximately 50% of these events were deemed serious… Of note, 1,223 recipients of the vaccine had a fatal outcome. More than 11,000 had not recovered. The outcome of 9,400 was unknown. Nearly three-quarters were female… According to Pfizer, 1,403 cardiovascular AESIs, 932 hematologic, 3,600 musculoskeletal, 501 neurologic and 3,674 “other” serious AESIs all occurred with a median time of onset of 24 hours or less from vaccination.’
Whilst you’ve been distracted by Russia’s Invasion, the UK Gov. released a Report confirming the Fully Vaccinated now account for 9 in every 10 Covid-19 Deaths in England
Daily Expose 01.03.22
Damning reports from UK Health Security Agency re the vaccinated vs the unvaccinated:
‘The latest data published by the UK Health Security Agency confirms deaths are rising dramatically among the triple vaccinated population whilst declining steadily among the not-vaccinated population in England… Table 10, found on page 41 of the latest report shows the number of Covid-19 cases by vaccination status in England between 24th Jan and 20th Feb 22, and it confirms the vast majority were recorded among the triple vaccinated population.’
Over 20,000 excess arrest calls in 2021
HART 25.02.22
An excess of heart attacks since the vaccination program began should mean that all shots need to be halted:
'A weekly report from the 10 English ambulance trusts shows numbers of calls for cardiac or respiratory arrests. The two are grouped together as it is not always clear whether a cardiac arrest was precipitated by a respiratory arrest. The data shows two anomalies: 1. a significant rise in arrest calls since spring 2021 and 2. a significant rise in the number of expected arrest calls in the baseline figure. The latter is important as deciding whether there is a problem is critically dependent on knowing what “normal” levels should be. There is no text in the reports detailing why the baseline has shifted so dramatically. The expected number of daily arrest calls rose suddenly in March by about 50 per day – around 30% higher than before.’
EU investigates reports of menstrual disorders after mRNA COVID shots
Reuters 11.02.22
When a cell gene therapy enters your body, the consequences are as yet unknown:
‘The European Medicines Agency's safety committee said on Friday it was reviewing reports of heavy menstrual bleeding and absence of menstruation from women who had received COVID vaccines from Pfizer (PFE.N)/BioNTech (22UAy.DE)and Moderna (MRNA.O)... After reviewing the available evidence, the EMA's Pharmacovigilance Risk Assessment Committee (PRAC) said it decided to request an evaluation of all available data, including reports from patients and healthcare professionals, clinical trials and the published literature.’
Evidence for a connection between coronavirus disease-19 and exposure to radiofrequency radiation from wireless communications including 5G
PubMed 29.10.21
An important paper showing that stressors facilitated the negative relationship between the wireless communications radiation and the spread of covid
‘In this study, we examined the peer-reviewed scientific literature on the detrimental bioeffects of WCR and identified several mechanisms by which WCR may have contributed to the COVID-19 pandemic as a toxic environmental cofactor. By crossing boundaries between the disciplines of biophysics and pathophysiology, we present evidence that WCR may: (1) cause morphologic changes in erythrocytes including echinocyte and rouleaux formation that can contribute to hypercoagulation; (2) impair microcirculation and reduce erythrocyte and hemoglobin levels exacerbating hypoxia; (3) amplify immune system dysfunction, including immunosuppression, autoimmunity, and hyperinflammation; (4) increase cellular oxidative stress and the production of free radicals resulting in vascular injury and organ damage; (5) increase intracellular Ca2+ essential for viral entry, replication, and release, in addition to promoting pro-inflammatory pathways; and (6) worsen heart arrhythmias and cardiac disorders. In short, WCR has become a ubiquitous environmental stressor that we propose may have contributed to adverse health outcomes of patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 and increased the severity of the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, we recommend that all people, particularly those suffering from SARS-CoV-2 infection, reduce their exposure to WCR as much as reasonably achievable until further research better clarifies the systemic health effects associated with chronic WCR exposure.’… We postulate that WCR possibly contributed to the early spread and severity of COVID-19. Once an agent becomes established in a community, its virulence increases [130]. This premise can be applied to the COVID-19 pandemic.’
COVID Vaccines Cause ‘Irreparable’ Damage to Kids’ Brains, Heart, Other Organs
CHD 02.02.22
The criminal act of foisting these cell gene therapies on defenceless kids is abhorrent:
‘Dr. Michael Yeadon, a former Pfizer vice president and chief scientist, pointed out that when questioned about the safety of mRNA vaccines for children, drug companies claim there’s no evidence to show the vaccines aren’t safe. “A lack of data regarding harm does not equal confirmation of safety,” Yeadon said. Yeadon also addressed the November 2021 article in Nature showing COVID is “rarely fatal” in children and, for young people under 18 with no comorbidities, the survival rate is 99.995%. He also cited an April 2021 article showing children’s immune systems are “far superior at clearing novel viruses,” and a December 2021 article, also in Nature, reporting children have adaptive “immune systems that naturally generate robust, cross-reactive and sustained immune responses to SARS-Cov-2 …”… Malone, a scientist who assisted in the creation of mRNA vaccine technology, explained by injecting a child with the COVID vaccine, “a viral gene will be injected into your children’s cells.” He said: “This gene forces your child’s body to make toxic spike proteins. These proteins often cause permanent damage in children’s critical organs, including their brain, nervous system, heart and blood vessels, and their reproductive system. And this vaccine can trigger fundamental changes to the immune system.” Once this damage occurs, it’s irreparable, Malone said….
Still, governments, including Australia, continue to push the vaccine for children, according to the video, noting that decisions are often based on “studies” conducted by pharmaceutical companies themselves. For example, an article published in November 2021 in the New England Journal of Medicine concluded: “A Covid-19 vaccination regimen consisting of two 10-μg doses of BNT162b2 administered 21 days apart was found to be safe, immunogenic, and efficacious in children 5 to 11 years of age.” However, that statement was followed by the disclosure that the study was funded by BioNTech and Pfizer. According to the video, of the 33 authors of the study, 94% have a financial interest in the vaccine makers, 60% were employees of BioNTech or Pfizer and 57% had received payments from the companies or owned stock in them.’
Covid-19 vaccines and treatments: we must have raw data, now
BMJ 19.01.22
Brilliant editorial from the BMJ demanding data from past pharmaceutical felons:
‘Today, despite the global rollout of covid-19 vaccines and treatments, the anonymised participant level data underlying the trials for these new products remain inaccessible to doctors, researchers, and the public—and are likely to remain that way for years to come.16 This is morally indefensible for all trials, but especially for those involving major public health interventions… Big pharma is the least trusted industry.30 At least three of the many companies making covid-19 vaccines have past criminal and civil settlements costing them billions of dollars.31 One pleaded guilty to fraud.31 Other companies have no pre-covid track record. Now the covid pandemic has minted many new pharma billionaires, and vaccine manufacturers have reported tens of billions in revenue.32 The BMJ supports vaccination policies based on sound evidence. As the global vaccine rollout continues, it cannot be justifiable or in the best interests of patients and the public that we are left to just trust “in the system,” with the distant hope that the underlying data may become available for independent scrutiny at some point in the future. The same applies to treatments for covid-19. Transparency is the key to building trust and an important route to answering people’s legitimate questions about the efficacy and safety of vaccines and treatments and the clinical and public health policies established for their use…
There is no place for wholesale exemptions from good practice during a pandemic. The public has paid for covid-19 vaccines through vast public funding of research, and it is the public that takes on the balance of benefits and harms that accompany vaccination. The public, therefore, has a right and entitlement to those data, as well as to the interrogation of those data by experts. Pharmaceutical companies are reaping vast profits without adequate independent scrutiny of their scientific claims.33 The purpose of regulators is not to dance to the tune of rich global corporations and enrich them further; it is to protect the health of their populations. We need complete data transparency for all studies, we need it in the public interest, and we need it now.’
Meeting highlights from the Pharmacovigilance Risk Assessment Committee (PRAC) 10 - 13 January 2022
European Medicines Agency 14.01.22
Serious side-effects from experimental therapy are piling up:
‘The PRAC has recommended a change to the product information for Vaxzevria and COVID-19 Vaccine Janssen to include a warning to raise awareness among healthcare professionals and people receiving the vaccines of very rare cases of transverse myelitis (TM) reported following vaccination. TM has also been added as an adverse reaction of unknown frequency. TM is a rare neurological condition characterised by an inflammation of one or both sides of the spinal cord. It can cause weakness in the arms or legs, sensory symptoms (such as tingling, numbness, pain or loss of pain sensation) or problems with bladder or bowel function. The Committee has reviewed available information on globally reported cases, including those in the European database for suspected side effects (EudraVigilance) and data from the scientific literature, with both vaccines2. The PRAC has concluded that a causal relationship between these two vaccines and transverse myelitis is at least a reasonable possibility. The benefit-risk profile of both vaccines remains unchanged. Healthcare professionals should be alert to signs and symptoms of TM, allowing early diagnosis, supportive care and treatment. People receiving either of these vaccines are advised to seek immediate medical attention if they develop symptoms of the condition.’
146 Research Studies Affirm Naturally Acquired Immunity to Covid-19: Documented, Linked, and Quoted
The Brownstone Institute 17.10.21
Mass vaccinations are redundant and vaccines’ efficacy seriously unimpressive, yet governments worldwide are encouraging boosters and punishing those who are hesitating about getting shot:
‘We should not force COVID vaccines on anyone when the evidence shows that naturally acquired immunity is equal to or more robust and superior to existing vaccines. Instead, we should respect the right of the bodily integrity of individuals to decide for themselves. Public health officials and the medical establishment with the help of the politicized media are misleading the public with assertions that the COVID-19 shots provide greater protection than natural immunity. CDC Director Rochelle Walensky, for example, was deceptive in her October 2020 published LANCET statement that “there is no evidence for lasting protective immunity to SARS-CoV-2 following natural infection” and that “the consequence of waning immunity would present a risk to vulnerable populations for the indefinite future.”… The Brownstone Institute previously documented 30 studies on natural immunity as it relates to Covid-19. This follow-up chart is the most updated and comprehensive library list of 146 of the highest-quality, complete, most robust scientific studies and evidence reports/position statements on natural immunity as compared to the COVID-19 vaccine-induced immunity and allow you to draw your own conclusion. This represents the judged trustworthy ‘body of evidence’ that includes peer-reviewed studies and high-quality literature and reporting that contributes to that body of evidence. The aim here is to share and inform for your own decision-making.’
Worse Than the Disease? Reviewing Some Possible Unintended Consequences of the mRNA Vaccines Against COVID-19
International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice and Research 10.05.21
A litany of horrendous side effects and harm observed following mRNA vaccinations:
‘Public policy around mass vaccination has generally proceeded on the assumption that the risk/benefit ratio for the novel mRNA vaccines is a “slam dunk.” With the massive vaccination campaign well under way in response to the declared international emergency of COVID-19, we have rushed into vaccine experiments on a world-wide scale. At the very least, we should take advantage of the data that are available from these experiments to learn more about this new and previously untested technology. And, in the future, we urge governments to proceed with more caution inthe face of new biotechnologies.’
The SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein disrupts human cardiac pericytes function through CD147 receptor-mediated signalling: a potential non-infective mechanism of COVID-19 microvascular disease
PubMed 22.12.21
So now we know why all these footballers die on the pitch post vaccination and why heart problems are so prevalent these days in younger people:
'In conclusion, our findings suggest that the S protein may prompt PC dysfunction, potentially contributing to microvascular injury. This mechanism may have clinical and therapeutic implications.'
Super poo: the emerging science of stool transplants and designer gut bacteria
The Guardian 02.01.22
Having suddenly discovered the microbiome, which health naturopaths have been discussing for decades, the new emerging ‘unicorns’ of health are the poo techies:
'Emerging science shows that a human’s microbiome – their constellation of gut microbes – has a far greater effect on health than anyone previously imagined. This enormous ecosystem we host in our bodies includes bacteria, fungi, viruses and more. The collective genetic material in the microbiome performs myriad functions that affect our mood, our immunity, and our physical and mental health… Now researchers are working on a “super stool” – a poo pellet you can eat that mimics a so-called unicorn’s special abilities.’
A Plant That Sterilizes Medical Equipment Spews Cancer-Causing Pollution on Tens of Thousands of Schoolchildren
ProPublica 27.12.21
That chemical that’s used to sterilise your mask is carcinogenic:
‘Out of all the pollutants that the EPA regulates, ethylene oxide is the most toxic, contributing to the majority of the excess cancer risk created by industrial air pollutants in the United States, according to an unprecedented analysis of the agency’s most recent modeling data by ProPublica, in collaboration with The Texas Tribune.’
New Zealand links 26-year-old man's death to Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine
Reuters 20.12.21
It really is like a Russian roulette with the vaccine:
'New Zealand authorities on Monday said they had linked a 26-year-old man's death to Pfizer Inc's (PFE.N) COVID-19 vaccine after the person suffered myocarditis, a rare inflammation of the heart muscle, after taking his first dose. The death is New Zealand's second linked to a known but rare side effect from the vaccine after health authorities in August reported a woman had died after taking her doses.’
Refugees lack COVID shots because drugmakers fear lawsuits - documents
Reuters 16.12.21
Will the migrants be the canary in the mine? With so many side-effects reported worldwide, how could a verdict of ‘wilful misconduct’ not be ultimately considered especially as recent disclosure of Pfizer data demonstrates manipulations of finding:
‘Unless all the firms accept legal liability, "access to vaccines for some populations will remain a challenge," the Gavi documents say, adding that new crises will generate additional demand to cover displaced populations.The vaccine makers' reluctance to take on the legal risks is "a major hurdle" in attempts to provide vaccines for the buffer, a spokesperson for Gavi told Reuters. Gavi did not comment on the details in the documents, but said applications for vaccines are confidential until the doses are delivered. In September, Gavi's CEO, Seth Berkley, tweeted an appeal to drugmakers to waive their requirements for legal indemnity… It would be hard to continuously monitor vaccines for safety in refugee camps, and delivery is logistically very challenging and not suitable for all types, said the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA), which represents large pharmaceutical companies in Europe. People may blame vaccines for problems that emerge afterwards even if they are unrelated, it said. "This could then lead to an increased number of litigation cases ... during which the safety and efficacy of the vaccine would be publicly questioned," it said in a statement to Reuters. That might lead to increased vaccine hesitancy and a slower recovery from the pandemic, it said… Ann Burton, Chief of Public Health at the U.N. refugee agency UNHCR, said the liability issue was one reason agencies have been slow to apply. The programme has also been delayed by the general shortage of vaccines and administrative hurdles read more … Many governments and international agencies have set up compensation schemes to reimburse victims and avoid lengthy litigation. An emergency law invoked by the U.S. government provides legal immunity for drug companies for side effects from their COVID-19 vaccines used in the country. The only exception is for instances of "wilful misconduct.”'
The end of the pandemic will not be televised
BMJ 14.12.21
Couldn’t agree more:
‘Some historians have observed that pandemics do not conclude when disease transmission ends “but rather when, in the attention of the general public and in the judgment of certain media and political elites who shape that attention, the disease ceases to be newsworthy.”8 Pandemic dashboards provide endless fuel, ensuring the constant newsworthiness of the covid-19 pandemic, even when the threat is low. In doing so, they might prolong the pandemic by curtailing a sense of closure or a return to pre-pandemic life. Deactivating or disconnecting ourselves from the dashboards may be the single most powerful action towards ending the pandemic. This is not burying one’s head in the sand. Rather, it is recognising that no single or joint set of dashboard metrics can tell us when the pandemic is over… As an extraordinary period in which social life was upturned, the covid-19 pandemic will be over when we turn off our screens and decide that other issues are once again worthy of our attention. Unlike its beginning, the end of the pandemic will not be televised.’
Comprehensive investigations revealed consistent pathophysiological alterations after vaccination with COVID-19 vaccines
Nature 26.12.21
Mass vaccination is a short-sighted endeavour and can produce more harm in certain people than if no action was undertaken:
‘Here, we report, besides generation of neutralizing antibodies, consistent alterations in hemoglobin A1c, serum sodium and potassium levels, coagulation profiles, and renal functions in healthy volunteers after vaccination with an inactivated SARS-CoV-2 vaccine. Similar changes had also been reported in COVID-19 patients, suggesting that vaccination mimicked an infection. Single-cell mRNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) before and 28 days after the first inoculation also revealed consistent alterations in gene expression of many different immune cell types… Altogether, our study recommends additional caution when vaccinating people with pre-existing clinical conditions, including diabetes, electrolyte imbalances, renal dysfunction, and coagulation disorders…
With the development of large-scale single-cell mRNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) technology, systematic investigation of people’s immune system function with precision became possible, primarily through scRNA-seq of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs). During the COVID-19 pandemic, a large body of studies using scRNA-seq of PBMCs had revealed detailed changes in gene expression in different immune cell subtypes including different types of T and B cells, NK cells, monocytes, dendritic cells, etc. during and after infection, results from which indicated greatly reduced CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell numbers and T-cell exhaustion upon SARS-CoV-2 infection. Reduced peripheral mucosal-associated invariable T (MAIT) cell numbers and their migration in andout of the lung had also been observed. Highly activated inflammatory immune responses, including Interferon-gamma (IFN-γ), interleukin-6 (IL-6), and NF-κB responses, had been reported in COVID-19 patients6,7,8,9,10,11,12. Many studies had revealed immune state differences between people with severe versus mild symptoms, in that strong type I interferon (IFN-α/β) responses were beneficial after COVID-19 infection and attenuated IFN-α/β responses were associated with the development of severe symptoms13. In contrast, stronger NF-κB inflammatory responses were associated with more severe symptoms14. In addition, increased γδ-T cell and reduced neutrophil contents were reported to be associated with milder symptoms15... Together, these data suggested that after vaccination, at least by day 28, other than generation of neutralizing antibodies, people’s immune systems, including those of lymphocytes and monocytes, were perhaps in a more vulnerable state… Our study postulates that it is imperative to consider the potential long-term impact of vaccination to certain medical conditions34 or to general human health.’
Evidence for a connection between coronavirus disease-19 and exposure to radiofrequency radiation from wireless communications including 5G
National Library of Medicine 29.09.21
A brilliant paper studying the effects of Wireless Communications Radiation and its mimicry and support of covid symptoms:
‘In this study, we examined the peer-reviewed scientific literature on the detrimental bioeffects of WCR and identified several mechanisms by which WCR may have contributed to the COVID-19 pandemic as a toxic environmental cofactor. By crossing boundaries between the disciplines of biophysics and pathophysiology, we present evidence that WCR may: (1) cause morphologic changes in erythrocytes including echinocyte and rouleaux formation that can contribute to hypercoagulation; (2) impair microcirculation and reduce erythrocyte and hemoglobin levels exacerbating hypoxia; (3) amplify immune system dysfunction, including immunosuppression, autoimmunity, and hyperinflammation; (4) increase cellular oxidative stress and the production of free radicals resulting in vascular injury and organ damage; (5) increase intracellular Ca2+ essential for viral entry, replication, and release, in addition to promoting pro-inflammatory pathways; and (6) worsen heart arrhythmias and cardiac disorders. In short, WCR has become a ubiquitous environmental stressor that we propose may have contributed to adverse health outcomes of patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 and increased the severity of the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, we recommend that all people, particularly those suffering from SARS-CoV-2 infection, reduce their exposure to WCR as much as reasonably achievable until further research better clarifies the systemic health effects associated with chronic WCR exposure…
Specifically, evidence presented here supports a premise that WCR and, in particular, 5G, which involves densification of 4G, may have exacerbated the COVID-19 pandemic by weakening host immunity and increasing SARS-CoV-2 virulence by (1) causing morphologic changes in erythrocytes including echinocyte and rouleaux formation that may be contributing to hypercoagulation; (2) impairing microcirculation and reducing erythrocyte and hemoglobin levels exacerbating hypoxia; (3) amplifying immune dysfunction, including immunosuppression, autoimmunity, and hyperinflammation; (4) increasing cellular oxidative stress and the production of free radicals exacerbating vascular injury and organ damage; (5) increasing intracellular Ca2+ essential for viral entry, replication, and release, in addition to promoting pro-inflammatory pathways; and (6) worsening heart arrhythmias and cardiac disorders.’
Out of Control
Reuters 08.12.21
I’m mentioning this article to outline the likely scenario which will inevitably come out in two years about the covid vaccines. There are too many side effects which are being reported globally, yet the message being amplified by paid-for media is that they are safe:
‘To promote Invokana, J&J paid doctors millions of dollars in consulting and speaking fees, as well as travel, meals and other in-kind payments… Ketoacidosis is less common with type 2 diabetes than in type 1. Though patients can recover with prompt treatment, once severe symptoms kick in, it can be fatal. The link between the condition and type 2 patients who weren’t otherwise ill at the time surprised safety department staff. On March 5, 2014, records show, Leslie registered ketoacidosis in the company’s computer system as a “validated safety signal,” meaning an adverse event meriting closer monitoring… Initial injury reports filed by doctors or hospitals often lack details. But only four of the 18 ketoacidosis cases under review indicated the patient had type 1 diabetes. Executives saw no need to escalate the matter internally or notify regulators, concluding that ketoacidosis “is not an emerging safety issue,” according to minutes of the meeting… Leslie, who had left the company in July 2014 after being reprimanded, said the delay was unconscionable. “In my opinion, the company wasn’t sufficiently proactive at notifying regulators, and hundreds of people got sick. That is the tragedy to me,” said Leslie, 74, who has continued to work in the industry on drug safety.’
New York City expands COVID vaccine mandates for children, private sector
Reuters 07.12.21
It’s an absolutely sick scenario when 5 year-olds have to present a vaccine passport to enter cinemas or restaurants. Actually, it’s criminal and scientifically abhorrent:
‘The most-populous U.S. city set a Dec. 27 deadline for all 184,000 businesses within its limits to make their employees show proof they have been vaccinated, Mayor Bill de Blasio said. In addition, children 5 to 11 years old must get at least one dose by Dec. 14 and those 12 and older need to be fully vaccinated by Dec. 27 to enter restaurants and participate in extracurricular school activities, such as sports, band and dances.’
Omicron Variant Sends Vaccine Makers’ Stocks Soaring, as VAERS Data Show 913,000 Reported Adverse Events After COVID Vaccines
CHD 30.11.21
Adverse effects and deaths pile up but so do profits:
‘VAERS data released Monday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention included a total of 913,268 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID vaccines, including 19,249 deaths and 143,395 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020, and Nov. 19, 2021… In an analysis presented during a meeting of the American Heart Association, Dr. Steven Gundry, a pioneer in infant heart transplant surgery, said mRNA COVID vaccines put many patients at higher risk of a new acute coronary syndrome, such as a heart attack. The analysis concluded in part that mRNA vaccines “dramatically increase inflammation on the endothelium and T cell infiltration of cardiac muscle and may account for the observations of increased thrombosis, cardiomyopathy and other vascular events following vaccination.” Thousands of heart-related injuries have been reported following COVID mRNA vaccines, and scientists have established a myriad of heart- and blood-related effects in some patients, including young people. Among the adverse events linked to the vaccines are thrombosis blood clots and heart inflammation known as myocarditis and pericarditis… Shares of BioNTech, which partners with Pfizer to produce COVID vaccines, soared 14% on Friday and were up 3% Monday, as Pfizer gained 6% Friday.’
Australian Senator Gerard Rennick Speaks On COVID Vaccine Injuries: “This Needs To Stop” (VIDEO)
The Covid World 24.11.21
A brilliant speech by one Queensland senator, outlining the various side effects that the Covid vaccine has wrought upon the public and decrying the lack of support sufferers are getting from the government:
‘The senator said that not only are the jabs hurting people but that doctors and nurses have been intimidated by APHRA and threatened with deregistration if they speak out against the vaccines. The media is not reporting on vaccine injuries and politicians are ignoring the issue, Rennick stated. Additionally, he questioned the data on the jabs and asked why people are not being allowed to wait for the longitudinal data on safety. He also questioned why people who had serious reactions to the first jab are being ‘shut out of society’ if they do not have a second, even if their doctor has recommended against it. “I’d like to start today by acknowledging all the people who have suffered injuries from the vaccines. When I signed up to become a senator 2½ years ago, I signed up to protect the Australian people and, in particular, to make sure that we always look after the health and wellbeing of those people. The name of the game with health is to make sure that everyone has a good health outcome. It’s not just about the vaccine rollout and reaching targets. That’s a means to an end. The end, in itself, is good health for everyone. The best people to do that are the people themselves, in consultation with their doctor. We shouldn’t be having mandates imposed upon people by bureaucrats, by governments or by the media…”’
Worse Than the Disease? Reviewing Some Possible Unintended Consequences of the mRNA Vaccines Against COVID-19
International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 10.05.21
One should follow the science rather than the ‘message’:
’In this review we first describe the technology underlying these vaccines in detail. We then review both components of and the intended biological response to these vaccines, including production of the spike protein itself, and their potential relationship to a wide range of both acute and long-term induced pathologies, such as blood disorders, neurodegenerative diseases and autoimmune diseases. Among these potential induced pathologies, we discuss the relevance of prion-protein-related amino acid sequences within the spike protein. We also present a brief review of studies supporting the potential for spike protein “shedding”, transmission of the protein from a vaccinated to an unvaccinated person, resulting in symptoms induced in the latter.We finish by addressing a common point of debate, namely, whether or not these vaccines could modify the DNA of those receiving the vaccination. While there are no studies demonstrating definitively that this is happening, we provide a plausible scenario, supported by previously established pathways for transformation and transport of genetic material, whereby injected mRNA could ultimately be incorporated into germ cell DNA for transgenerational transmission. We conclude with our recommendations regarding surveillance that will help to clarify the long-term effects of these experimental drugs and allow us to better assess the true risk/benefit ratio of these novel technologies.…
Experimental mRNA vaccines have been heralded as having the potential for great benefits, but they also harbor the possibility of potentially tragic andeven catastrophic unforeseen consequences. The mRNA vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 have been implemented with great fanfare, but there are many aspects of their widespread utilization that merit concern. We have reviewed some, but not all, of those concerns here, and we want to emphasize that these concerns are potentially serious and might not be evident for years or even transgenerationally… Public policy around mass vaccination has generally proceeded on the assumption that the risk/benefit ratio for the novel mRNA vaccines is a “slam dunk.” With the massive vaccination campaign well under way in response to the declared international emergency of COVID-19, we have rushed into vaccine experiments on a world-wide scale. At the very least, we should take advantage of the data that are available from these experiments to learn more about this new and previously untested technology. And, in the future, we urge governments to proceed with more caution in the face of new biotechnologies.’
COVID-19: stigmatising the unvaccinated is not justified
The Lancet 20.11.21
Finally, a rebuttal from a prestigious medical journal against uninformed media and government ‘towncriers’:
‘In the USA and Germany, high-level officials have used the term pandemic of the unvaccinated, suggesting that people who have been vaccinated are not relevant in the epidemiology of COVID-19. Officials’ use of this phrase might have encouraged one scientist to claim that “the unvaccinated threaten the vaccinated for COVID-19”… There is increasing evidence that vaccinated individuals continue to have a relevant role in transmission. In Massachusetts, USA, a total of 469 new COVID-19 cases were detected during various events in July, 2021, and 346 (74%) of these cases were in people who were fully or partly vaccinated, 274 (79%) of whom were symptomatic. Cycle threshold values were similarly low between people who were fully vaccinated (median 22·8) and people who were unvaccinated, not fully vaccinated, or whose vaccination status was unknown (median 21·5), indicating a high viral load even among people who were fully vaccinated. In the USA, a total of 10 262 COVID-19 cases were reported in vaccinated people by April 30, 2021, of whom 2725 (26·6%) were asymptomatic, 995 (9·7%) were hospitalised, and 160 (1·6%) died. In Germany, 55·4% of symptomatic COVID-19 cases in patients aged 60 years or older were in fully vaccinated individuals, and this proportion is increasing each week. In Münster, Germany, new cases of COVID-19 occurred in at least 85 (22%) of 380 people who were fully vaccinated or who had recovered from COVID-19 and who attended a nightclub. People who are vaccinated have a lower risk of severe disease but are still a relevant part of the pandemic. It is therefore wrong and dangerous to speak of a pandemic of the unvaccinated. Historically, both the USA and Germany have engendered negative experiences by stigmatising parts of the population for their skin colour or religion. I call on high-level officials and scientists to stop the inappropriate stigmatisation of unvaccinated people, who include our patients, colleagues, and other fellow citizens, and to put extra effort into bringing society together.’
Government’s Bounty on Your Life: Hospitals’ Incentive Payments for COVID-19 are About $100K per COVID Patient
Health Impact News 18.11.21
That’s just plain wrong:
‘Elizabeth Lee Vliet, M.D. and Ali Shultz, J.D. have just written a report documenting how much hospitals make when a patient is tested positive for COVID-19. It is published on the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) website... The hospital payments include: A “free” required PCR test in the Emergency Room or upon admission for every patient, with government-paid fee to hospital - Added bonus payment for each positive COVID-19 diagnosis. - Another bonus for a COVID-19 admission to the hospital. - A 20 percent “boost” bonus payment from Medicare on the entire hospital bill for use of remdesivir instead of medicines such as Ivermectin. - Another and larger bonus payment to the hospital if a COVID-19 patient is mechanically ventilated. - More money to the hospital if cause of death is listed as COVID-19, even if patient did not die directly of COVID-19. - A COVID-19 diagnosis also provides extra payments to coroners.’
Moderna COVID-19 vaccine patent dispute headed to court, U.S. NIH head says
Reuters 11.11.21
A country’s national health institute claims part ownership of a genetic therapy called Moderna’s covid vaccine, and will go to court to protect its financial claims. Has the mandate for getting that shot been no more than an exercise in making money?:
‘In a story first reported by the New York Times on Tuesday, Moderna excluded three NIH scientists as co-inventors of a central patent for the company's multibillion-dollar COVID-19 vaccine in its application filed in July. "I think Moderna has made a serious mistake here in not providing the kind of co-inventorship credit to people who played a major role in the development of the vaccine that they're now making a fair amount of money off of," Collins said in an interview ahead of the Reuters Total Health conference, which will run virtually from Nov. 15-18. Moderna expects 2021 sales of $15 billion to $18 billion from the COVID-19 vaccine - its first and only commercial product - and up to $22 billion next year.’
Pfizer CEO calls people who spread vaccine misinformation ‘criminals’
The Independent 10.11.21
That’s really rich, especially coming after the BMJ investigation which found the following: ‘A regional director who was employed at the research organisation Ventavia Research Group has told The BMJ that the company falsified data, unblinded patients, employed inadequately trained vaccinators, and was slow to follow up on adverse events reported in Pfizer’s pivotal phase III trial. Staff who conducted quality control checks were overwhelmed by the volume of problems they were finding’.
Furthermore, by hinting that money is being made by ‘misinformation’, who is making making the real money here? Big pharmaceutical companies or those who try to find nuggets of information and plausible explanations for the thousands of deaths and adverse reactions from the Pfizer vaccines, which the CDC has publicly acknowledged. Time will tell once the full data is collated in 2023, to be published some many months later:
‘“They’re not bad people. They are criminals because they have literally cost millions of lives," Mr Bourla told think-tank Atlantic Council’s CEO Frederick Kempe. He said that a “very small” group of people have been spreading misinformation about the coronavirus vaccines. "People want to make money, some of them, by playing with the emotions of people...they are creating this whole conspiracy theory to benefit and profit from fear of the people," he said.’
Bayer Pharmaceuticals President Admits mRNA “Vaccines” Are Cell and Gene Therapy and The Public Would Not Have Agreed to Take Them If It Were Not for the “Pandemic”
The Expose 06.11.21
The heralding of a new age of untold riches in the sphere of pharmaceuticals turns the World Health Summit into a gleeful assembly. Beyer’s president confesses that covid vaccines are gene/cell therapy innovations and a new chapter is being written up:
‘Finally, for anyone who still believes the Covid injections are vaccines to artificially induce immunity to a virus Oelrich leaves us in no doubt as to what they are. “We are really taking that leap [to drive innovation] – us as a company, Bayer – in cell and gene therapies … ultimately the mRNA vaccines are an example for that cell and gene therapy. I always like to say: if we had surveyed two years ago in the public – ‘would you be willing to take a gene or cell therapy and inject it into your body?’ – we probably would have had a 95% refusal rate,” Oelrich said.’
NIH Officials Worked With EcoHealth Alliance to Evade Restrictions on Coronavirus Experiments
The Intercept 03.11.21
It’s easy to obfuscate research parameters when it suits interested parties. As long as there’s no global oversight in gain-of-function experiments, we will always be prey to novel pandemics:
‘One of the experiments proposed by EcoHealth Alliance involved making chimeras from the MERS virus. The other experiment used chimeras developed from bat viruses related to SARS. The researchers went on to infect the genetically engineered mice with the altered viruses… While it is not unusual for grantees to communicate with their federal program officers, the negotiation of this matter did not appropriately reflect the gravity of the situation, according to Jesse Bloom, a virologist at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. “The discussions reveal that neither party is taking the risks sufficiently seriously,” said Bloom. “MERS-CoV has killed hundreds of people and is thought to pose a pandemic risk, so it’s difficult to see how chimeras of MERS-CoV with other high risk bat coronaviruses shouldn’t also be considered a pandemic risk.”…
But the group’s argument that its viral research did not pose a risk of infection appears to contradict the justification for the work: that these pathogens could potentially cause a pandemic. “The entire rationale of EcoHealth’s grant renewal on SARS-related CoVs is that viruses with spikes substantially (10-25%) diverged from SARS-CoV-1 pose a pandemic risk,” said Bloom. “Given that this is the entire rationale for the work, how can they simultaneously argue these viruses should not be regulated as potential pandemic pathogens?”…
According to Richard Ebright, a molecular biologist at Rutgers University who has criticized the lack of federal oversight of gain-of-function research, the fact that the NIH allowed EcoHealth Alliance to write its own rules is further evidence of the NIH’s regulatory failure. “This is like the teacher giving you the opportunity to write your own homework problem and grade your own homework when you turn it in. Then you decide the teacher is so lenient, there’s no need to hand it in,” said Ebright. “The oversight process clearly failed.” Beyond the question of oversight, others question whether these experiments should be conducted at all. “In addition to the legalistic questions of whether EcoHealth and NIH were adhering to current guidelines,” said Bloom, “we urgently need a broader discussion about whether it’s a good idea to be making novel chimeras of coronaviruses that are at this point universally acknowledged to pose a pandemic risk to humans.”’
Google AI department sued for using the health data of 1.6 million NHS patients
PC Gamer 14.10.21
Owning your medical data is imperative. You may chose to share it with tech oligarchs but you must be asked first:
‘A class-action lawsuit has been launched against DeepMind, the Google-owned AI research company, over its use of the personal records of 1.6 million patients from the UK's National Health Service (thanks, AI News). The health data was provided by the Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust in 2015… The handing-over of patient records to one of the world's biggest technology companies was exposed by New Scientist in 2017, in a report showing that DeepMind had access to far more data than had been publicly announced. The UK Information Commission launched an investigation that ruled the Royal Free hospital hadn't done enough to protect patients' privacy: following which, DeepMind apologised. "Our investigation found a number of shortcomings in the way patient records were shared for this trial," Information Commissioner Elizabeth Denham said at the time. "Patients would not have reasonably expected their information to have been used in this way.”'
Covid crisis dramatically worsened global mental health, study finds
The Guardian 08.10.21
A very badly-handled pandemic has far-reaching consequences for years to come:
‘About two-thirds of these extra cases of major depressive disorder and 68% of the extra cases of anxiety disorders were among women, while younger people were affected more than older adults, with extra cases greatest among people aged 20-24. “We estimated that the locations hit hardest by the pandemic in 2020, as measured with decreased human mobility and daily Sars-CoV-2 infection rate, had the greatest increases in prevalence of major depressive disorder and anxiety disorders,” the team said. Parts of western Europe and the Middle East appear to be among such regions.’
Intimate data: can a person who tracks their steps, sleep and food ever truly be free?
The Guardian 05.10.21
Data sharing is mainstream:
‘Such quandaries will only become more common and complex, says Btihaj Ajana, a reader in media and digital culture at King’s College London and a specialist in self-tracking. She traces our tracking instincts in the digital age to the “quantified self” movement. It took shape in 2007 as a way for individuals to use technology to optimise themselves like machines. “What started as a positive phenomenon then got hijacked,” Ajana says. Constant advances in tracking have given tech companies new ways to keep selling their latest devices, while happily collecting the data we generate and sign away without reading the terms and conditions. “You don’t own that data,” Ajana says. Apple promises to encrypt and guard the multiplying streams of health data it collects for us. But much of the concern about privacy in this growing market is what we consent to share with third-party apps and services that have their own privacy policies. “We are so blase about privacy,” Ajana says.’
Pfizer Scientists: ‘Your [COVID] Antibodies Are Better Than The [Pfizer] Vaccination.’ (VIDEO)
Project Veritas 05.10.21
From the horses’ mouths: vaccines are not as good as natural immunity and the vaccination mandate is nothing but a cash cow for Big Pharma.
The smart toilet era is here! Are you ready to share your analprint with big tech?
The Guardian 23.09.21
When you switch a quick glance into toilet bowl to check on your health and replace it with a full diagnostic data-ridden system:
‘The smart toilet’s time has come and it is a potentially huge market – in the developed world, everyone who is able to uses a toilet multiple times a day… People bought Fitbits, says Booth, “thinking it was just a cool new item to monitor their exercise and, hey presto, Google buys it. All of a sudden, all that really rich data gets absorbed into a company that has other agendas.” Google has had its eye on the multitrillion-dollar health market, with an attempt to become dominant in health data, for some time – controversially, it has had access to the health data of 1.6 million NHS patients and 50 million Americans. Is Google interested in your bathroom habits? Well, it patented a toilet seat sensor way back in 2016. When it comes to information about your bodily waste, Booth says: “What data are companies linking together? What are they trying to analyse about you? Profile you for? You call them ‘smart homes’, but they’re surveillance homes.”’
US COVID-19 Vaccines Proven to Cause More Harm than Good Based on Pivotal Clinical Trial Data Analyzed Using the Proper Scientific Endpoint, “All Cause Severe Morbidity”
Trends In Internal Medicines 25.08.21
Let’s see if the mainstream media pick up on this and start questioning governmental mandates:
‘Results prove that none of the vaccines provide a health benefit and all pivotal trials show a statically significant increase in “all cause severe morbidity" in the vaccinated group compared to the placebo group. The Moderna immunized group suffered 3,042 more severe events than the control group (p=0.00001). The Pfizer data was grossly incomplete but data provided showed the vaccination group suffered 90 more severe events than the control group (p=0.000014), when only including “unsolicited” adverse events. The Janssen immunized group suffered 264 more severe events than the control group (p=0.00001). These findings contrast the manufacturers’ inappropriate surrogate endpoints: Janssen claims that their vaccine prevents 6 cases of severe COVD-19 requiring medical attention out of 19,630 immunized; Pfizer claims their vaccine prevents 8 cases of severe COVID-19 out of 21,720 immunized; Moderna claims its vaccine prevents 30 cases of severe COVID-19 out of 15,210 immunized. Based on this data it is all but a certainty that mass COVID-19 immunization is hurting the health of the population in general. Scientific principles dictate that the mass immunization with COVID-19 vaccines must be halted immediately because we face a looming vaccine induced public health catastrophe
… In such a hostile government environment, the citizens need to individually evaluate the science of immunization with COVID-19 vaccines and not rely on philosophical arguments propagated by government officials. In this case there is no scientific evidence that the COVID-19 vaccines improve the health of the individual, much less of the population as a whole. Mass immunization with COVID-19 vaccines is certainly leading to a catastrophic public health event.’
Notices of Liability for Vaccine Harm and Death Sent to the EMA and all Members of the European Parliament
Doctors for Covid Ethics 13.09.21
With the EU parliament take note of this letter? More data is needed and it must be transparent:
‘As the European Parliament resumed on Monday September 13 2021, with their first order of business a debate over health and disease prevention to be followed by a vote on Tuesday, a letter of Notice of Liability for harm and death from COVID-19 vaccines was served on all members of the European Parliament, and sent to the Executive Director of the European Medicines Agency. The notice was a accompanied by a summary of the latest scientific evidence regarding vaccine-immune interactions, and a letter from Holocaust survivors demanding a halt to the vaccination program and an end to unlawful medical coercion. The notice read: “The rush to vaccinate first and research later has left you in a position whereby COVID-19 vaccination policy is now entirely divorced from the relevant evidence-base.”’
Comparing SARS-CoV-2 natural immunity to vaccine-induced immunity: reinfections versus breakthrough infections
Medrxiv 25.08.21
That natural immunity is better than any vaccine is not something pharmaceutical industries would want to hear:
‘This study demonstrated that natural immunity confers longer lasting and stronger protection against infection, symptomatic disease and hospitalization caused by the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2, compared to the BNT162b2 two-dose vaccine-induced immunity. Individuals who were both previously infected with SARS-CoV-2 and given a single dose of the vaccine gained additional protection against the Delta variant.’
U.S. could authorize Pfizer COVID-19 shot for kids age 5-11 in October
Reuters 10.09.21
This looks less like science supported by data and more like a criminal act from a deranged government and a reckless (yet fully-indemnified-against-all-liability) pharmaceutical behemoth:
'Top U.S. health officials believe that Pfizer Inc's (PFE.N) COVID-19 vaccine could be authorized for children aged 5-11 years old by the end of October, two sources familiar with the situation said on Friday… Earlier on Friday, the FDA said it would work to approve the COVID-19 vaccines for children quickly once the companies submitted their data. It said it would consider applications based on a faster path to authorize the shot for emergency use. Such emergency authorization requires companies to submit two months of safety data on trial participants, versus six months required for full licensure. Pfizer partner BioNTech told Der Spiegel that it also expects to request authorization globally for the COVID-19 vaccine in children as young as five over the next few weeks and that preparations for a launch were on track.’
Boys more at risk from Pfizer jab side-effect than Covid, suggests study
The Guardian 10.09.21
With a ‘tsunami’ of hospitalisation in the elderly - most of whom have been double-jabbed - it’s refreshing to see that caution is being exercised over vaccinating teenagers in the UK:
‘Healthy boys may be more likely to be admitted to hospital with a rare side-effect of the Pfizer/BioNTech Covid vaccine that causes inflammation of the heart than with Covid itself, US researchers claim. Their analysis of medical data suggests that boys aged 12 to 15, with no underlying medical conditions, are four to six times more likely to be diagnosed with vaccine-related myocarditis than ending up in hospital with Covid over a four-month period.’
The $1 Billion Whistleblower Search; International Vaccine Mandates Start; W.H.O. Insider Exposes Pandemic Response; The Ultimate Proof Masks Don’t Work! (video)
With all the censorship re health issues about this pandemic, it falls to us to look at a Bitchute video with an ex WHO Ethics Consultant (Astrid Stuckleberger) talking about the interrelation between the WHO, GAVI, The World Bank, who have coalesced together to become the deciding global policy-makers on health and immunisation (start at 1:00 hour). With total immunity larger than any government, the lack of discussion re the 18,000 deaths directly related to the vaccines, the almost 2 million serious side effects, these issues will go nowhere. We are entering a health tech coup with no viable scientific data being made available. Frightening.
Scientists closer to making bread with ‘low cancer-causing risk’ when toasted
The Independent 02.09.21
When a ‘probably carcinogenic’ element is being addressed - as it was for wireless frequencies, with no remedial action whatsoever - the floodgates open to create a CRISPR bread which, when toasted, would eliminate unfounded concerns:
‘Scientists are allowed to grow the UK’s first wheat that is expected to almost eliminate the risk of a compound, that they say “probably” causes cancer, from being produced when the bread is toasted. Agricultural experiment institute Rothamsted Research has announced that its application to run a series of field trials had been approved by the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra). The CRISPR-edited wheat experiment – the first in the whole of Europe – will start at the Hertfordshire-based research institute this autumn. The field trials have been allowed by the government following the UK’s exit from the European Union, as the bloc has treated gene-editing (GE) the same as genetic modification (GM). The scientists have been using GE to develop a wheat with reduced levels of the naturally occurring amino acid asparagine, which converts to the carcinogenic acrylamide when bread is toasted, fried, or baked… However, Cancer Research UK says that “studies in people have not shown that eating more foods higher in acrylamide increases cancer risk”… The CRISPR-edited wheat experiment – the first in the whole of Europe – will start at the Hertfordshire-based research institute this autumn. The field trials have been allowed by the government following the UK’s exit from the European Union, as the bloc has treated gene-editing (GE) the same as genetic modification (GM).’
They saw a YouTube video. Then they got Tourette’s
Wired 01.09.21
Mass psychological infections now delivered through social media:
‘Mass sociogenic illness – also known as mass psychogenic illness or historically called mass hysteria – spreads like a social virus. But instead of a perceptible viral particle, the pathogen and method of contagion is invisible. Symptoms spread by unconscious social mimicry to vulnerable people, thought to be triggered by emotional distress. (It isn’t included in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, although it does bear a keen resemblance to conversion disorder, which entails the “conversion” of emotional distress into physical symptoms.) Historically, mass sociogenic illness affects women more than men. The reason why is unknown, but one hypothesis is that females generally tend to have higher levels of anxiety and depression, which could make them more susceptible to the illness…
Today, the reach of social media means that these outbreaks won’t be confined to a single school or community – they can reach far and wide to every corner of the world easily through a screen. In their paper published in the journal Brain, Müller-Vahl and her colleagues have come up with a new term to describe the phenomenon: mass social media-induced illness. Robert Bartholomew, a sociologist in New Zealand who has been studying mass sociogenic illness for decades, was the first person to speculate that it could spread through social media, as in the case of the Le Roy girls. He thinks this outbreak is no different, and not the last. “I believe we are seeing a major shift in the presentation of mass psychogenic illness – where the internet and the mass media are the primary vectors,” he says. The phenomenon, he says, has morphed over the centuries to reflect the fear of the times. In the 17th century that was witches. Today, it’s technology.’
COVID-19 Mandates Will Not Work for the Delta Variant
AIER 28.08.21
A damning report on the mishandling of covid research and the absurd and ineffectual reaction to this epidemic:
‘The World Economic Forum estimates that the Covid response has cost the globe $11 trillion thus far and counting and AIER’s seminal analysis of the costs (mental health costs, hunger and poverty costs, direct economic costs, unemployment costs, educational costs, healthcare costs, and crime costs etc.), places the Covid ‘emergency’ in a sobering light. It reveals the devastating and crushing collateral damage from the unnecessary lockdowns, school closures, and masking and mask mandates that will impact the rest of the 21st century by some estimates… These restrictive policies worked to ruin and kill (direct and indirect) more persons than SARS-CoV-2 itself…
This is ‘panic porn’ driven by a craven inept media, and the corrupt public health officials who are using the Delta variant (soon another e.g. Lambda or Epsilon), to drive further fear. We wonder if it is pure incompetence or unabashed unbridled bias and corruption?… We can state conclusively, after 17 months, that lockdowns and school closures were a catastrophic failure in every sense of the word! With careful examination of all available studies, reports, and documents that are judged of quality enough to inform this thesis, we can find not one instance, (not one!) across the entire globe whereby societal or setting lockdowns or school closures conferred any benefit in curbing the spread of Covid virus or reducing deaths. In fact, we find the contrary, whereby lockdowns and school closures were devastating and particularly on the poorer in society, benefitting the laptop ‘café latte’ class and decimating the underprivileged class.’
Dr. Roger Hodkinson | It's all been a pack of lies (video)
Explosive Topics 19.08.21
A highly respected pathologist speaks out against the covid script. Just under five minutes.
Worse Than the Disease? Reviewing Some Possible Unintended Consequences of the mRNA Vaccines Against COVID-19
International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 10.05.21
It’s time to stop and take stock of what is happening to global populations:
‘Experimental mRNA vaccines have been heralded as having the potential for great benefits, but they also harbor the possibility of potentially tragic andeven catastrophic unforeseen consequences. The mRNA vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 have been implemented with great fanfare, but there are many aspects of their widespread utilization that merit concern. We have reviewed some, but not all, of those concerns here, and we want to emphasize that these concerns are potentially serious and might not be evident for years or even transgenerationally. In order to adequately rule out the adverse potentialities described in this paper, we recommend, at a minimum, that the following research and surveillance practices be adopted:
•A national effort to collect detailed data on adverse events associated with the mRNA vaccines with abundant funding allocation, tracked well beyond the first couple of weeks after vaccination.
•Repeated autoantibody testing of the vaccine-recipient population. The autoantibodies tested could be standardized and should be based upon previously documented antibodies and autoantibodies potentially elicited by the spike protein. These include autoantibodies against phospholipids, collagen, actin, thyroperoxidase (TPO), myelin basic protein, tissue transglutaminase, and perhaps others.
•Immunological profiling related to cytokine balance and related biological effects. Tests should include, at a minimum, IL-6, INF-α, D-dimer, fibrinogen, and C-reactive protein.
•Studies comparing populations who were vaccinated with the mRNA vaccines and those who were not to confirm the expected decreased infection rate and milder symptoms of the vaccinated group, while at the same time comparing the rates of various autoimmune diseases and prion diseases in the same two populations.
•Studies to assess whether it is possible for an unvaccinated person to acquire vaccine-specific forms of the spike proteins from a vaccinated person in close proximity.
•In vitro studies to assess whether the mRNA nanoparticles can be taken up by sperm and converted into cDNA plasmids.
•Animal studies to determine whether vaccination shortly before conception can result in offspring carrying spike-protein-encoding plasmids in their tissues, possibly integrated into their genome.
In vitro studies aimed to better understand the toxicity of the spike protein to the brain, heart, testes, etc.Public policy around mass vaccination has generally proceeded on the assumption that the risk/benefit ratio for the novel mRNA vaccines is a “slam dunk.” With the massive vaccination campaign well under way in response to the declared international emergency of COVID-19, we have rushed into vaccine experiments on a world-wide scale. At the very least, we should take advantage of the data that are available from these experiments to learn more about this new and previously untested technology. And, in the future, we urge governments to proceed with more caution in the face of new biotechnologies.’
EU looking into new possible side-effects of mRNA COVID-19 shots
Reuters 11.08.21
Rolling out these untested mRna vaccines and foisting them onto populations shows that neglect has taken place. As of the 2nd of August of 2021, in the UK alone, the MHRA (Yellow Card Reporting), published that there have been 1,517 deaths attributed to covid vaccines and 1,102,228 adverse reactions noted. Had informed consent been practiced to educate recipients, the take-up of these shots would not have been as high:
‘Three new conditions reported by a small number of people after vaccination with COVID-19 shots from Pfizer (PFE.N) and Moderna (MRNA.O) are being studied to assess if they may be possible side-effects, Europe's drugs regulator said on Wednesday. Erythema multiforme, a form of allergic skin reaction; glomerulonephritis or kidney inflammation; and nephrotic syndrome, a renal disorder characterised by heavy urinary protein losses, are being studied by the safety committee of the European Medicines Agency (EMA), according to the regulator.'
Mass Resignations at Scientific Journal Over Ethically Fraught China Genetics Papers
The Intercept 04.08.21
The data of genetic material has mushroomed through PCR tests alone so the purview of studying a certain race in China will not be isolated:
‘The journal, Molecular Genetics & Genomic Medicine, is the latest to be caught up in controversy involving ethically fraught research. Emails obtained by The Intercept show that the journal’s editor-in-chief has been slow to respond to queries about the papers, which involve research on Tibetans and Uyghurs, among other ethnic groups, and were first brought to her attention in March. The journal is published by Wiley, a multinational company based in New Jersey that is one of the world’s premier scientific publishers. Studies involving DNA profiling, facial recognition, and organ transplantation have sparked controversy at other journals, but this is the first time that so many members of a journal’s editorial board — eight of 25 — have resigned in response to such issues… Moreau’s quest began in 2015, when Kuwait announced plans for compulsory collection of DNA from all citizens, residents, and visitors. He helped spearhead an international campaign against the law and won an early victory when it was overturned the following year. He became convinced that if left unchecked, science and artificial intelligence would be used to further authoritarianism. “In technology, we have this nice comfortable geek image,” he said. “But when you really look at the history of technology, you see that it has been a nexus of power forever — for at least 2,000 years.” While many geneticists have worked for decades to overturn the idea that race is a scientific concept, Moreau saw that authorities around the world could exploit new technologies like readily available DNA testing for political gain.’
Coronavirus Spreading Among the Vaccinated in Highly Vaccinated Countries
The Vaccine Reaction 25.07.21
There’s growing evidence that big Pharma vaccines are not solving the problem:
‘A recent study published by King’s College in London, which operates the ZOE COVID Study app to monitor COVID infection and vaccination rates, found that, as of July 15, 2021, there was an average of 15,537 new daily symptomatic cases of COVID-19 among partly or fully vaccinated people in the United Kingdom—an increase of 40 percent from the previous week’s total of 11,084 new cases… There has also been a concerning rise in the number of vaccinated people in Israel being hospitalized. An article in The Jerusalem Post last week noted that the Israeli Health Ministry reported 124 people had been hospitalized for COVID-19 on July 20 and that 65 percent of them were fully vaccinated. Of the 124 people, 62 were in serious condition and 70% of those patients were fully vaccinated.7 Earlier this month, the Health Ministry estimated that the Pfizer/BioNTech’s BNT162b2 COVID biologic was only 64 percent effective in preventing symptomatic infections of COVID-19, specifically those caused by the Delta variant. But the effectiveness rate for Pfizer’s experimental COVID vaccine in preventing infection (and transmission) could be lower.8 ‘
France’s Covid health pass raises serious ethical questions
The Conversation 28.07.21
The rise of authoritarian measures mushrooming worldwide is sinister:
‘When France’s vaccination campaign began in January 2021, it was based on the principle of free and informed consent. But the announcements of compulsory vaccination for health workers and the widespread adoption of the health pass have changed that. Without making vaccination compulsory for the entire population (which would mean abandoning the principle of consent entirely), the pass makes vaccination necessary to participate in public life… The most concerning aspect of this measure is the fact that it will apply to children aged 12 and above from September 30. The difficulty here doesn’t just relate to a child’s capacity to make an autonomous and informed decision about vaccination. It’s also that their very access to health services, and therefore to vaccination, remains subject to their parents’ will and convictions… The measures risk also infringing on freedom of movement, given that the EU currently has enough doses to vaccinate 70% of its adult population, and that vaccination strategies vary from one country to another. The vaccine pass is thus likely to call the Schengen passport-free travel area of Europe into question… The pass is mainly available through the government’s app, TousAntiCovid (Everyone Against Covid). This means the choice to go to a public venue is also a choice over whether to agree to disclose information about our identity and health status to the app. For many people who will still have to travel to work by public transport or to places that require the pass, this will be a forced choice… The principles of autonomy and free and informed consent remain among the most fundamental in guaranteeing our individual freedoms. Giving them up may be justified in view of the millions of deaths from Covid-19 worldwide, and the very serious consequences of lockdown measures required in the absence of widespread vaccination. But we give up something much more essential if we effectively exclude a part of the population from public space.’
Coronavirus: Was US money used to fund risky research in China?
BBC 23.07.21
As long as non-regulated lab work is enabled, we shall experience a multiplication of virus epidemics:
‘Republican Senator Rand Paul alleges that US money was used to fund research there that made some viruses (not the coronavirus) more infectious and more deadly, known as "gain-of-function". But his assertion has been firmly rejected by Dr Anthony Fauci, the US infectious diseases chief… "Gain-of-function" is when an organism develops new abilities (or "functions"). This can happen in nature, or it can be achieved in a lab, when scientists modify the genetic code or place organisms in different environments, to change them in some way… In May, Dr Fauci stated that the National Institutes of Health (NIH) "has not ever and does not now fund gain-of-function research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology". Senator Rand Paul asked Dr Fauci this week if he wanted to retract that statement, saying: "As you are aware it is a crime to lie to Congress." Senator Paul believes the research did qualify as "gain-of-function" research, and referred to two academic papers by the Chinese institute, one from 2015 (written together with the University of North Carolina), and another from 2017. One prominent scientist supporting this view - and quoted by Senator Paul - is Prof Richard Ebright of Rutgers University. He told the BBC that the research in both papers showed that new viruses (that did not already exist naturally) were created, and these "risked creating new potential pathogens" that were more infectious.’
Development of health-based exposure limits for radiofrequency radiation from wireless devices using a benchmark dose approach
Environmental Health 17.07.21
So happy that research continues in this much contested field of wireless tech:
‘Radiofrequency radiation can elicit carcinogenic, genotoxic, reproductive, developmental, neurological, and cognitive effects [52,53,54]. Continuously increasing exposure to radiofrequency radiation from wireless communication devices and sources brings urgency to the question of health-protective limits for such exposures… In our view, more research is necessary to define what the acceptable, health-protective localized SAR value should be. An appropriate peak spatial SAR can be determined according to the concept of ALARA, or As Low As Reasonably Achievable, a concept developed for human exposures to ionizing radiation. Technical manuals for wireless devices specify that these products are tested for compliance with the SAR values defined under the U.S. Federal Communications Commission regulations, or under the corresponding regulations set by government authorities in other countries. However, investigative reports found that wireless devices may not comply with these regulatory limits if tested in a real-life scenario where the device touches the body directly [59]... The analysis presented here supports a whole-body SAR limit of 2 to 4 mW/kg for adults, an exposure level that is 20- to 40-fold lower than the legally permissible limit of 0.08 W/kg for whole-body SAR under the current U.S. regulations. A ten-fold lower level of 0.2–0.4 mW/kg whole-body SAR may be appropriate for young children. Both technology changes and behavior changes may be necessary to achieve these lower exposure levels. Simple actions, such as keeping the wireless devices farther away from the body, offer an immediate way to decrease RFR exposure for the user.’
Maine bans toxic ‘forever chemicals’ under groundbreaking new law
The Guardian 16.07.21
2030 seems a very long way to completely ban carcinogenic chemicals:
‘PFAS, or per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, are typically used to make products water and stain resistant. They’re so effective that they’re now used across dozens of industries and added to a wide range of products, including food packaging, cosmetics, cookware, waterproof textiles, guitar strings, dental floss, firefighting foam and stain protectors like Scotchgard that is commonly applied to carpet and furniture. An increasing body of science has linked the chemicals to a range of serious health problems such as cancer, liver disease, decreased immunity, kidney disease, plummeting sperm counts, endocrine disruption, high cholesterol, birth defects and more. Thursday’s action follows several years of persistent pressure from public health advocates and independent scientists who say that the chemical class is categorically toxic to humans, even at very low exposure levels.’
Should we trust big tech with our health data?
BBC 15.07.21
The fact that the biggest tech giants are investing in health data should raise serious alarm. To put trust in a government which thinks privatisation is holy is puerile:
'To try to put all the available data within the NHS to such use, the UK government announced earlier this year that it intended to create a central NHS digital database of all GP records in England... Yet the Labour Party responded that the plan to sell NHS health data "to unknown commercial interests for purposes unknown, has no legitimacy”. Dr Allyson Pollock, a consultant in public health medicine based in Newcastle, says it a thorny issue. "There's no doubt that using public health data is really important, but all the surveys of the public show they want their data used only for public benefit," she says. "They have very serious concerns about the commercialisation of their data, and if it's being exploited for profit”… Dr Sarah Deany, from the UK charity The Health Foundation, adds that if, and when, NHS data is shared with outside organisations, strict anonymity rules must be in place. "Health data often has very private things that people want to keep to themselves," she says, for example, mental health issues, or heart problems that could affect someone's chance of getting insurance cover. These concerns come as four of the biggest tech firms - Google, Apple, Amazon and Facebook - are taking a growing interest in the field of data medicine. Google's Deepmind subsidiary is continuing to develop AI applications for the healthcare sector, while Apple has a growing healthcare division. Meanwhile, both Facebook and Amazon have recently launched online healthcare sites in the US.’
The rise of ‘ARPA-everything’ and what it means for science
Nature 08.07.21
There’s nothing wrong with doing research but don’t expect a magic bullet with risky and secretive inventions:
‘US President Joe Biden’s administration wants to create a US$6.5-billion agency to accelerate innovations in health and medicine — and revealed new details about the unit last month1. Dubbed ARPA-Health (ARPA-H), it is the latest in a line of global science agencies now being modelled on the renowned US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), whose work a generation ago laid the foundation for the modern Internet… Most recently, the United Kingdom announced plans to create its version, the Advanced Research and Invention Agency (ARIA), with an initial allocation of £800 million (US$1.1 billion). And the Biden administration has proposed launching a second US agency, the $500-million ARPA-Climate (ARPA-C), to spur technologies for fighting climate change. Scientists who have studied the DARPA model say it works if applied properly, and to the right, ‘ARPA-able’ problems. But replicating DARPA’s recipe isn’t easy. It requires the managers who build and run an agency’s grant programmes to have the freedom to assemble research teams and pursue risky ideas in promising fields that have typically been neglected by conventional industrial research and development programmes.’
Scientific American Retracted Pro-Palestine Article Without Any Factual Errors
The Intercept 01.07.21
The amount of coercion the zionist lobby employs in all walks of life is staggering:
‘“I think it’s really sad, that any criticism of Israel, especially from health care workers calling out health care disparity and destruction, would be considered antisemitic and that people would lob that accusation at us,” Akhter said. “I knew that this happened in other forms of media, but it was hard to imagine it taking place in a medical and scientific journal. It’s really unfortunate when you can’t even speak to the truth as health care personnel on this subject without being silenced.”’
The Department of Yes
The Intercept 30.06.21
The Environmental Protection Agency gets blitzed in this article:
‘The path from the EPA’s pesticide office to working in the pesticide industry is particularly well trodden. Since 1974, all seven of the office’s directors who continued to work after leaving the agency went on to make money from the pesticide companies they used to regulate, according to an analysis by The Intercept. (The two other former directors who left the agency went directly into retirement.) Most, like Jones, used their intimate knowledge of the regulatory process to help companies navigate it. Former Directors Marcia Mulkey, Dan Barolo, and Steve Schatzow went on to work as attorneys for the industry. In addition to consulting for industry, former Director Steve Bradbury is now a professor at Iowa State University, where his work is funded by Monsanto, Bayer, Syngenta, and the Iowa Farm Bureau Federation, among others. And Debra Edwards, who served as director of pesticide programs from 2007 to 2010, later joined the board of the agrochemical company American Vanguard. Many other EPA officials have left the agency to work for the agrochemical industry… The problem with this continuous flow of experts from the government to pesticide companies — and sometimes back again — isn’t just that it can enable dangerous chemicals to evade regulatory scrutiny but that it also shapes the culture within the agency. “Management officials graduate and move to direct hires with the registrants,” said Bill Hirzy, a 27-year veteran of EPA. “So these management officials are loathe to take any action that is likely to limit their post-EPA employment opportunities.”’
Whether Covid escaped from a lab or not, it’s time to talk about biosecurity
The Guardian 15.06.21
Of course there should be a tightening of security measures and new protocols established:
‘At a national level, countries with BSL-4 labs should have whole-of-government systems that can conduct multidisciplinary risk assessments of proposed research for safety, security and dual-use activities, such as certain gain-of-function research, that have significant potential to be repurposed to cause harm. These countries should also continue providing complete, regular and transparent reporting under international agreements that they are party to, such as the biological weapons convention and UN security council resolution 1540.
At the international level, we recommend that structures be put in place to systematically oversee maximum containment facilities. The World Health Organization (WHO) could be made directly responsible for this oversight, in much the same way that it conducts biennial biosafety and biosecurity inspections of the two labs in the United States and Russia that store the remaining samples of the variola virus that causes smallpox. Alternatively, the WHO could organise regular biorisk management peer review exercises by international teams of government and non-government experts. Another option would be to expand the membership and mission of the International Experts Group of Biosafety and Biosecurity Regulators, which currently serves as an information-sharing forum for national regulatory authorities from 11 countries, to validate that labs in members states are implementing ISO 35001.’
EU adds another rare blood condition as side effect of AstraZeneca shot
REUTERS 11.06.21
Drug trials are not meant to be finished ’til 2023, yet world governments are pushing covid vaccines onto billions of humans. The cost of all this will be horrendously high:
‘The European Medicines Agency's (EMA) safety committee said that capillary leak syndrome (CLS) must be added as a new side effect to labelling on AstraZeneca's vaccine, known as Vaxzevria… The regulator first began looking into these cases in April and the recommendation adds to AstraZeneca's woes after its vaccine was associated with very rare and potentially lethal cases of blood clotting that come with a low platelet count. Last month, the EMA had advised against giving a second AstraZeneca shot to people with that clotting condition, known as thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS)… Separately, the EMA said it was continuing its probe into cases of heart inflammation known as myocarditis and pericarditis, primarily following inoculation with the Pfizer/BioNTech (PFE.N), (22UAy.DE) and Moderna mRNA shots, but also after the J&J (JNJ.N) and AstraZeneca vaccines. U.S. health officials said on Thursday they had registered a higher-than-expected number of heart inflammation cases in young men who received a second dose of the mRNA shots, though a causal relationship could not be established. read more .’
Apple wants to own the interface between you and your doctor
Fast Company 10.06.21
Everyone and their (tech) aunties wants to take an active and very lucrative part in the health data sector:
‘This week Apple revealed a mix of health features that at first glance seem a bit all over the place. It added a new way to measure mobility health and announced that iOS 15, due this fall, will let users of its Health app send a summary of their data to doctors that is viewable inside their electronic health record. Patients will also be able to share their Health app data with friends and family. All these updates may seem minor, but they’re representative of a larger story: Apple increasingly wants to serve as an interface between patients and their doctors.’
Expanding Research Complex in Berkeley Highlights Dangers of U.S. Biolabs
The Intercept 09.06.21
Biolabs should always have stringently-adhered-to regulations in order to avoid fatal leaks:
‘In 2013, Boston residents were worried about the proposed siting of a biolab at Boston University that would be working with some of the most lethal pathogens in the world. The Conservation Law Center sued the National Institutes of Health and the university on behalf of the residents over the location of the lab, in part on the grounds that it didn’t have an adequate plan to protect them from infections from agents that might escape. In Manhattan, Kansas, residents also objected to a biosafety lab that would be working on the Nipah and Ebola viruses, which are lethal to people, as well as diseases that affect animals and pose a grave threat to local agriculture. Both efforts to stop the labs failed. Concern about the labs in Boston and Kansas ran particularly high because both are biosafety level 4 labs, the most restrictive of the CDC’s four-point rating system based on the dangers of the agents allowed there. BSL-4 labs deal with the most lethal pathogens in the world, including the Marburg virus and the viruses that cause Ebola and Bolivian hemorrhagic fever — diseases for which there is no cure. Workers who deal with these agents there are required to take extreme precautions, including wearing positive pressure suits that have their own air supplies. One step down, BSL-3 labs also work with infectious agents that can cause serious harm to lab workers and the surrounding community, including tuberculosis and coronaviruses…
There were 219 reported releases of biological select agents or toxins from biolabs in the U.S. in 2019, according to the most recent annual report of the Federal Select Agent Program, a joint effort of the CDC, NIH, and U.S. Department of Agriculture to manage the use and transport of some of the most dangerous biological agents and toxins, including ricin, Ebola, and anthrax. Of those releases, 195 led to occupational exposures and 177 led to the administration of health services, including prophylaxis. The Federal Select Agent Program did not respond to questions about how many of the select agents and toxins it oversees were released in 2020 and how many times the agents that were released came from BSL-2, BSL-3, or BSL-4 labs.’
Blackwater founder Prince takes role in COVID vaccine venture
REUTERS 04.06.21
When mercenaries’ managers go into the vaccine business, you know that there will be no end to the perpetuation of the Covid story. There’s just too much money to be made:
‘Since the start of the pandemic in 2020, the COVAXX vaccine has attracted some big-name backers, including endorsements from entrepreneur Peter Diamandis, who co-founded the company, and motivational speaker Tony Robbins. In March, the company raised $1.35 billion in a private placement, according to U.S. securities filings. Prince's involvement in vaccine distribution, which has not been previously reported, sheds new light on the race to profit from the uncertainties of the pandemic. Vaccine supply deals have often been forged through direct government ties to drugmakers, global health organizations or diplomatic channels… Data on how well the vaccine works is still pending. In an email to Reuters, Vaxxinity’s Murphy said the company had completed the Phase 1 trial of 60 volunteers aged 20 to 55 in Taiwan, and is conducting a new study of 3,800 people there, including teens and elderly participants. The company plans larger trials in Brazil and India later this year.’
Vaccine researcher admits ‘big mistake,’ says spike protein is dangerous ‘toxin’
LifeSite News 31.05.21
In this vaccine trial for covid, due to be finished by 2023, too many long-term negative scenarios are showing up:
‘New research shows that the coronavirus spike protein from COVID-19 vaccination unexpectedly enters the bloodstream, which is a plausible explanation for thousands of reported side-effects from blood clots and heart disease to brain damage and reproductive issues, a Canadian cancer vaccine researcher said last week. “We made a big mistake. We didn’t realize it until now,” said Byram Bridle, a viral immunologist and associate professor at University of Guelph, Ontario, in an interview with Alex Pierson last Thursday, in which he warned listeners that his message was “scary.” “We thought the spike protein was a great target antigen, we never knew the spike protein itself was a toxin and was a pathogenic protein. So by vaccinating people we are inadvertently inoculating them with a toxin,” Bridle said on the show, which is not easily found in a Google search but went viral on the internet this weekend. Bridle, a vaccine researcher who was awarded a $230,000 government grant last year for research on COVID vaccine development, said that he and a group of international scientists filed a request for information from the Japanese regulatory agency to get access to what’s called the “biodistribution study.” “It’s the first time ever scientists have been privy to seeing where these messenger RNA [mRNA] vaccines go after vaccination,” said Bridle. “Is it a safe assumption that it stays in the shoulder muscle? The short answer is: absolutely not. It’s very disconcerting.”’
12,184 DEAD 1,196,190 Injuries: European Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 “Vaccines”
Health Impact News 25.05.21
So much for vaccine safety:
'Total reactions for the experimental mRNA vaccineTozinameran (code BNT162b2,Comirnaty) from BioNTech/ Pfizer: 5,961 deaths and 452,779 injuries to 22/05/2021… Total reactions for the experimental mRNA vaccine mRNA-1273(CX-024414) from Moderna: 3,365 deaths and 72,596 injuries to 22/05/2021… Total reactions for the experimental vaccine AZD1222/VAXZEVRIA (CHADOX1 NCOV-19) from Oxford/ AstraZeneca: 2,489 deaths and 655,534 injuries to 22/05/2021… Total reactions for the experimental COVID-19 vaccine JANSSEN (AD26.COV2.S) from Johnson & Johnson: 369 deaths and 15,281 injuries to 22/05/2021… These totals are estimates based on reports submitted to EudraVigilance.'
COVID-19 vaccine efficacy and effectiveness—the elephant (not) in the room
The Lancet 20.04.21
It’s all about how data is interpreted:
‘Vaccine efficacy is generally reported as a relative risk reduction (RRR). It uses the relative risk (RR)—ie, the ratio of attack rates with and without a vaccine—which is expressed as 1–RR. Ranking by reported efficacy gives relative risk reductions of 95% for the Pfizer–BioNTech, 94% for the Moderna–NIH, 90% for the Gamaleya, 67% for the J&J, and 67% for the AstraZeneca–Oxford vaccines. However, RRR should be seen against the background risk of being infected and becoming ill with COVID-19, which varies between populations and over time. Although the RRR considers only participants who could benefit from the vaccine, the absolute risk reduction (ARR), which is the difference between attack rates with and without a vaccine, considers the whole population. ARRs tend to be ignored because they give a much less impressive effect size than RRRs: 1·3% for the AstraZeneca–Oxford, 1·2% for the Moderna–NIH, 1·2% for the J&J, 0·93% for the Gamaleya, and 0·84% for the Pfizer–BioNTech vaccines… There are many lessons to learn from the way studies are conducted and results are presented. With the use of only RRRs, and omitting ARRs, reporting bias is introduced, which affects the interpretation of vaccine efficacy… 10 When communicating about vaccine efficacy, especially for public health decisions such as choosing the type of vaccines to purchase and deploy, having a full picture of what the data actually show is important, and ensuring comparisons are based on the combined evidence that puts vaccine trial results in context and not just looking at one summary measure, is also important. Such decisions should be properly informed by detailed understanding of study results, requiring access to full datasets and independent scrutiny and analyses… Uncoordinated phase 3 trials do not satisfy public health requirements; platform trials designed to address public health relevant questions with a common protocol will allow decisions to be made, informed by common criteria and uniform assessment. These considerations on efficacy and effectiveness are based on studies measuring prevention of mild to moderate COVID-19 infection; they were not designed to conclude on prevention of hospitalisation, severe disease, or death, or on prevention of infection and transmission potential. Assessing the suitability of vaccines must consider all indicators, and involve safety, deployability, availability, and costs.’
NHS vaccine passports are here – but will they be used beyond international travel?
The Conversation 19.05.21
In a typically incompetent manner, the UK government backs a data-engorged vaccination app:
‘Instead of impact assessments that provide us with reassurance that risks have been responsibly mitigated, the vaccine passport has been released with a privacy notice that appears to contradict the caution and care the UK government has so far professed to be applying to this controversial technology… The stated purpose for the vaccine passport is to make it an integral part of “unlocking” society – but that comes with serious surveillance and discrimination concerns... The latest privacy policy also contains a long and confusing list of personal data under “The Personal Data we collect and how it is used”, some of which look worryingly sensitive – such as ethnicity, vehicle registration plate, national insurance number, employer, biometric and genetic information and criminal convictions. The list isn’t an exhaustive collection of all types of “special category data”, which receive extra legal protection due to their sensitivity, so until we receive clarification it’s unclear why such data are even listed. The NHS has expressed that it does not collect this list of data.’
Vaccine contract forces a government to pay if Pfizer makes mistakes
The Bureau of Investigative Journalism 10.03.21
When Big Pharma holds governments at financial ‘gunpoint’ you’d be hard-pressed not to think that this pandemic is purely an exercise to create trillions in profit:
‘An unredacted Pfizer contract with the Dominican Republic shows the company has been given wide-ranging indemnity against it covering any legal action, meaning it would not itself have to pay up for legal problems at any step of its vaccine supply chain. The contract, which was obtained by Knowledge Economy International, a US NGO that campaigns on equitable access to drugs, provides the exact wording of the expansive indemnity offered to Pfizer. The existence of these clauses was first revealed by the Bureau’s investigation into the company’s demands… Professor Lawrence Gostin, director of the World Health Organization Collaborating Center on National & Global Health Law, said: “The pharmaceutical companies are making extortionate demands on lower-income countries that are desperate for vaccines. It is utterly unreasonable that a country could be required to hold private companies harmless for the company’s own design, development, manufacture, clinical testing, and packaging. These are quality assurances that the company should make, not transfer the economic risk to poor countries. “This is all the more egregious because companies have received subsidies for their research and development from governments. These companies have lost a sense of their social responsibilities. They are behaving unethically.” Luis Gil Abinader, a senior researcher at KEI, added: “Liability protection from acts or mistakes made even during the manufacture, storage, transportation, distribution, prescription or administration of the vaccine is unreasonable. This wide-ranging immunity is yet another example of how Pfizer is shifting the financial risks of the vaccine onto national governments.’
Family Sues Telecom Giants, Alleging They Hid Risks of Cell Phone Radiation That Caused Man’s Brain Cancer
Children Health Defense 16.04.21
Delaying tactics in numerous courts re Wireless vs Cancer are bound to fail one day and irrefutable evidence of harm will be brought to light:
‘The family of a pastor from Louisiana who died from glioblastoma, an aggressive brain cancer, is suing Motorola, AT&T and other telecommunications companies. The lawsuit, filed April 8, alleges the cancer was caused by exposure to cell phones’ radiation and that the telecommunications industry has engaged for decades in fraudulent practices to hide the health risks of cell phone radiation… The plaintiffs claim that the wireless lobby associations, the CTIA and the Telecom Industry Association “have been at the forefront of the cell phone industry’s bad faith and deceptive public relations program to reassure the public of the absence of risk of harm from cell phone use.”’
A Different Theory of COVID-19’s Origin
Slate 13.04.21
The proliferation of bio scientific labs around the world have been getting away with so much laxity re regulations. Time to enforce much stronger measures:
‘We have all of these virus hunting programs spread everywhere, especially in developing countries. They’re worth hundreds of millions of dollars. And it’s not just that many, many groups of scientists all draw from this money. There’s a disincentive for them to advocate for an investigation into origins because it could shift the perception of their work as life-saving, as pandemic-preventing, to one that could actually result in a pandemic and in lives lost.’
An on-off switch for gene editing
Eureka Alert 09.04.21
So many leaps in gene editing tech, first the covid vaccines then an off/on button:
‘"The big story here is we now have a simple tool that can silence the vast majority of genes," says Weissman, who is also a professor of biology at MIT and an investigator with the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. "We can do this for multiple genes at the same time without any DNA damage, with great deal of homogeneity, and in a way that can be reversed. It's a great tool for controlling gene expression." The project was partially funded by a 2017 grant from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency to create a reversible gene editor. "Fast forward four years [from the initial grant], and CRISPRoff finally works as envisioned in a science fiction way," says co-senior author Gilbert. "It's exciting to see it work so well in practice”… To build an epigenetic editor that could mimic natural DNA methylation, the researchers created a tiny protein machine that, guided by small RNAs, can tack methyl groups onto specific spots on the strand. These methylated genes are then "silenced," or turned off, hence the name CRISPRoff. Because the method does not alter the sequence of the DNA strand, the researchers can reverse the silencing effect using enzymes that remove methyl groups, a method they called CRISPRon.’
‘Healthy People Do Not Require Genetic Vaccination’
Cassandra Voices 09.04.21
Brilliant explainer on the gene therapies inflicted unquestionably across the world:
‘It beggars belief that with over a quarter of a million cases of Covid-19 already confirmed in Ireland, [viii] those who have already contracted the virus, are not at least being offered antibody testing prior to being offered (or pressured into taking) a new type of vaccine; novel vaccine that have recognised associated risks, and have not completed all safety trials… Consider when a piece of synthetic DNA comes within intimate proximity of a relatively enormous coiled ball of DNA that is dynamically unwinding and unravelling in response to the daily activities of the cell. Is there a chance that this relatively small piece of synthetic DNA might become incorporated into or interfere with the normal function of our own DNA? Before Covid, the answer was an emphatic yes. However of late, the mere suggestion will undoubtedly be treated as something of a ‘conspiracy theory’. It is for this and other reasons that genetic-vaccines have not been previously licensed for use in humans prior to the current crisis. Thus, a 2013 paper[xiii] published in Germs, the respected Journal of Infectious Diseases lists the established disadvantages of DNA vaccines.
… There is certainly a mountain of spin and delusion on either side of the ‘genetic-vaccine’ or ‘gene-therapy’ debate, and we must keep matters in perspective. Genetic modification is here to stay, for better or for worse. The argument in respect of unforeseen genetic consequence to ourselves and/or other species is an old one. It began with ‘Dolly’ the sheep, and has raged for some time around the desirability of genetically modified foods… The battle may have been lost in respect of GM crops, but there is a reasonable argument to be advanced this time round as ‘human genetic processes’ are being tampered with, rather than sheep, beetroot or soya beans.’
Keele University CANCELS all aluminum research after scientist links aluminum in vaccines to human health problems
Vaccine Injury News 30.03.21
Money dictates what is being researched:
'University officials shut down Exley’s website and are actively blocking any charitable funds to his research team. These philanthropic funds have been used for nearly four decades to support Exley’s research on the bio-inorganic chemistry of aluminum and to better understand aluminum’s role in neurodegenerative diseases… After Keele University shut down Exley’s research and confessed it was done to appease their major funders; it became clear who was pulling the strings at the University. Over the past five years, the university adopted new priorities and “strategic research areas” that support “Global Health.” The major funder behind this new push is none other than the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. As the Gates priorities kicked in, Keele University partnered up with UK’s largest pharmacy company (Well Pharmacy), and gave them a special place on campus. The University’s Pharmacy School was radically transformed in 2019 as well, and was reconfigured as the School of Pharmacy and Bioengineering. The pharmaceutical and biotech industries were given precedence and exclusive influence over the science and technology department at Keele.’
It’s ‘entirely possible’ vaccine campaigns ‘will be used for massive-scale depopulation’: Former Pfizer VP
Life Site 29.03.21
When Big Pharma and Gates financially influence health regulators, health directives becomes a joke:
‘“Until recently, I had high regard for global medicines regulators. When I was in Pfizer, and later CEO of a biotech I founded (Ziarco, later acquired by Novartis), we interacted respectfully with FDA, EMA, and the U.K. MHRA. Always good quality interactions. “Recently, I noticed that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) had made a grant to the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA)! Can that ever be appropriate? They’re funded by public money. They should never accept money from a private body. “So here is an example where the U.K. regulator has a conflict of interest. “The European Medicines Agency failed to require certain things as disclosed in the ‘hack’ of their files while reviewing the Pfizer vaccine. “You can find examples on Reiner Fuellmich’s ‘Corona Committee’ online. “So I no longer believe the regulators are capable of protecting us. ‘Approval’ is therefore meaningless. “Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg and I petitioned the EMA Dec 1, 2020 on the genetic vaccines. They ignored us. “Recently, we wrote privately to them, warning of blood clots, they ignored us. When we went public with our letter, we were completely censored. Days later, more than ten countries paused use of a vaccine citing blood clots. “I think the big money of pharma plus cash from BMGF creates the environment where saying no just isn’t an option for the regulator.’
Expert Report by Former U.S. Government Official Concludes High Probability Radio Frequency Radiation Causes Brain Tumors
Electromagnetic Radiation Safety 15.03.21
Risks of gliomas and acoustic neuromas through radio frequency radiation are very high in a new report to be concluded by 2024:
‘"In my opinion, RF exposure probably causes gliomas and neuromas and, given the human, animal and experimental evidence, I assert that, to a reasonable degree of scientific certainty, the probability that RF exposure causes gliomas and neuromas is high”’Christopher Portier.
A living WHO guideline on drugs for covid-19
BMJ 04.09.20
The covid-19 virus has never been isolated:
‘We are told that the virus is everywhere – in the air, in our breath, on fomites, trapped in masks - yet public health authorities seem not to be in possession of any cultivable clinical samples of the offending pathogen. In March 2020, the World Health Organisation instructed authorities not to look for a virus but to rely instead on a genome test, the RT-PCR, which is not specific for SARS-CoV-2 (1) (2). A Freedom of Information request to Public Health England about cultivable clinical samples or direct evidence of viral isolation has no information and refers to the proxy RT-PCR test, quoting Eurosurveillance (3). Eurosurveillance states: “Virus detection by reverse transcription-PCR (RT-PCR) from respiratory samples is widely used to diagnose and monitor SARS-CoV-2 infection and, increasingly, to infer infectivity of an individual. However, RT-PCR does not distinguish between infectious and non-infectious virus. Propagating virus from clinical samples confirms the presence of infectious virus but is not widely available (and) requires biosafety level 3 facilities” (4). The CDC admits that, "no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available", and used a genetically modified human lung alveolar adenocarcinoma cell culture to, “mimic clinical specimen”(5). It appears, therefore, that we have public health bodies without clinical samples, a test which is non-specific and does not distinguish between infectivity and non-infectivity, a requirement for biosafety level 3 facilities to even look for a virus, yet we are led to believe that it is up all our noses. So, where is the virus?’
Please refer to article for references.
Covid-19 disruptions killed 228,000 children in South Asia, says UN report
BBC 17.03.21
The draconian label of ‘pandemic’ by the WHO was too short-sighted:
‘The report - Direct and Indirect Effects of Covid-19 Pandemic and Response in South Asia - examines the effect of these government strategies on healthcare, social services, including schools, and the economy. It estimates that there have been 228,000 additional deaths of children under five in these six countries due to crucial services, ranging from nutrition benefits to immunisation, being halted. It says the number of children being treated for severe malnutrition fell by more than 80% in Bangladesh and Nepal, and immunisation among children dropped by 35% and 65% in India and Pakistan respectively. The report also says that child mortality rose the highest in India in 2020 - up by 15.4% - followed by Bangladesh at 13%. Sri Lanka saw the sharpest increase in maternal deaths - 21.5% followed by Pakistan's 21.3%… The interruption to health services also affected those suffering from other diseases - the report predicts an additional 5,943 deaths across the region among adolescents who couldn't get treated for tuberculosis, malaria, typhoid and HIV/Aids.’
Drug Lobby Asks Biden to Punish Foreign Countries Pushing for Low-Cost Vaccines
The Intercept 03.03.21
Big Pharma will not suffer a reduction in exorbitant profits:
‘The drug industry has sharply criticized any attempt to share vaccine patents or the technological knowledge needed to manufacture them, despite global need. According to one estimate, wealthy countries representing just 16 percent of the world’s population have already secured more than half of all Covid-19 vaccine contracts. And current projections show that much of the middle-income and developing world will not achieve widespread vaccinations for years. Some projections predict that low-income countries such as Mali, South Sudan, and Zimbabwe may not achieve significant levels of vaccination until early 2024… In response, governments around the world are considering a temporary exemption to traditional intellectual property rights in order to rapidly produce coronavirus treatments at low cost, a demand intensely opposed by American lobbyists for the pharmaceutical industry…
BIO and PhRMA represent the largest drug firms in the world, including Pfizer, Gilead Sciences, and Johnson & Johnson. The two groups collectively spent more than $38 million lobbying federal officials last year, and member companies maintain extensive ties to prominent think tanks, lawmakers, and academics active in shaping the policy response to the pandemic… The strident corporate opposition to any intellectual property flexibility has rankled public health advocates, many of whom note that much of the vaccine technology has been financed by the public sector and transferred into the private domain. “So the patent system is, you risk private capital, you can get a monopoly in exchange as a reward for that,” said Achal Prabhala, coordinator for the AccessIBSA project, which advocates for global access to medicine. “Except as we know, for pharmaceutical companies, it’s not private capital, it’s actually public actors.” The Pfizer vaccine, noted Prabhala, was developed in partnership with the European firm BioNTech, which received $445 million from the German government to help accelerate vaccine development and manufacturing. The U.S. government provided about $1 billion for the research and testing by Moderna to create its coronavirus vaccine. Johnson & Johnson received over $1.45 billion in funding from the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority, a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, for its recently approved Covid-19 vaccine.’
U.S. Intelligence Claims China Wants to Steal Your DNA
Gizmodo 29.01.21
So it’s ok for US authorities to have access to your genes’ data?
‘The Chinese biotech firm BGI Group recently offered to “build and run” covid-19 testing centers in multiple U.S. states—including California, New York, and half a dozen others—but Bill Evanina, one of the top federal intelligence officials in the country, issued a dire warning against it, according to a new report from “60 Minutes.”... National security concerns about the DNA threat seem to boil down to the idea that if the Chinese have too much data on our genetics it will give them undue influence over us politically… At the same time, it can’t help but be noted how China’s advances in biotechnology appear to be spurring the U.S. to do the same, as pressures mount for the federal government to invest further in similar DNA collection and research. The same U.S.–China Commission report claims that America already “maintains a superior biotechnology innovation” than China but that “continued investment by the US in its own biotechnology industry will go a long way toward limiting the effectiveness of China’s efforts to close the biotechnology gap between the two countries.”’
Expert: Stop Global Roll Out of 5G Networks Until Safety Is Confirmed
SciTech Daily 18.01.21
A high-ranking respected Professor is throwing his evidence behind a moratorium on 5G. Hopefully this information gets disseminated before it gets ‘censored’:
'We should err on the side of caution and stop the global roll out of 5G (fifth generation) telecoms networks until we are certain this technology is completely safe, urges an expert in an opinion piece published online in the Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health. There are no health concerns about 5G and COVID-19, despite what conspiracy theorists have suggested. But the transmitter density required for 5G means that more people will be exposed to radio frequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMFs), and at levels that emerging evidence suggests, are potentially harmful to health, argues Professor John William Frank, Usher Institute, University of Edinburgh…
But for the current 5G roll-out, there’s a sound basis for invoking ‘the precautionary principle’ because of significant doubts about the safety of a new and potentially widespread human exposure, which should be reason enough “to call a moratorium on that exposure, pending adequate scientific investigation of its suspected adverse health effects,” he says. There is no compelling public health or safety rationale for the rapid deployment of 5G, he insists. The main gains being promised are either economic, and then possibly for some more than for others, or related to increased consumer convenience, he suggests. “Until we know more about what we are getting into, from a health and ecological point of view, those putative gains need to wait,” he concludes.’
CRISPR: What is the future of gene editing? (VIDEO)
Al-Jazeera 11.01.21
A broad overview on CRISPR and what it might mean for future genes.
Wireless Hazards
The Washington Spectator 20.12.20
An all-in-one article outlining the telecom cabal’s influence in discarding health studies which demonstrate harmful effects from wireless technology. More references to be found in my 5G Report:
'For the past few decades, the telecom wireless industry and its enthusiasts have heralded cellphones as the greatest achievement of the late 20th and early 21st centuries. But as their use soars, scientists worldwide worry about their hazards and have produced over 2,000 studies that tell a darker tale. They warn that the devices and antennas that power them expose humans and wildlife to nonionizing low-frequency electromagnetic fields—also called cellphone, microwave, or radio-frequency radiation. These studies indicate that when people and animals are exposed, they can develop brain, thyroid gland, prostate gland, acoustic nerve, and breast tumors, and other diseases. Not surprisingly, the industry argues this type of radiation is safe, because it is unlike the high-frequency ionizing radiation used in X-rays, which can directly damage DNA.’
Amazon plots a course into the healthcare industry
BBC 05.01.21
Soon it will be too big to dismantle:
‘"In the US, companies like CVS and Walmart negotiate drug prices all the time, and they have a fairly significant amount of market power. They've been able to create monopolies on certain drugs, making it more difficult for consumers to access drugs if you're not shopping with them. If Amazon enters, it disrupts this because they have much more sizeable purchase power," says Kate McCarthy, healthcare analyst at research company Gartner… Eventually, the company could use data from its different arms to build a picture of each consumer's health, and use this to provide them with products and services… It wouldn't be unfeasible for Amazon to enter the health insurance market considering the amount of data - and technological capabilities - at its disposal to assess risk. Mr Galloway says that over the medium to long term, Amazon will put a number of healthcare companies out of business. At the same time, healthcare start-ups may struggle to get a foothold in a market that Amazon has entered.’
Controversial ‘spy tech’ firm Palantir lands £23m NHS data deal
openDemocracy 21.12.20
Controlling patients’ data for two years is not just illegal but morally reprehensible:
'Back in June, we had to threaten to sue to just force the government to publish the original contracts governing the NHS COVID data deals. More than 14,000 people across the country backed our call – but we should never have had to fight. People have a right to know how their health assets are being held, protected or traded. They also have a right to be heard about whether a firm like Palantir is right for the NHS. Palantir’s co-founder, Peter Thiel, was not merely a major donor to the campaign of President Donald Trump: during the 2016 campaign season he chose to consult with avowed White nationalists. When pressed, Palantir seeks to justify its support for rights abuses committed by government clients by claiming its role is not to set the direction of a democracy’s travel. This is an impoverished view of democracy, in which people periodically vote, but on all detailed questions the government governs, and contractors contract.’
More from RT.
US FDA declares genetically modified pork 'safe to eat’
The Guardian 17.12.20
Pigs are being genetically modified so that their organs could be used in humans:
‘Steadman said the current gene edit was “just one of 10 edits we are currently using in pigs for our preclinical xenotransplantation [transplants to humans from nonhuman sources] development program that we hope one day will help address the critical shortage of transplantable organs for humans in need.” Walter Sánchez-Suárez, the veterinary scientist, and animal behaviour and welfare expert, was less upbeat. “Unfortunately, this is another example of how sentient non-humans are systematically exploited in the US,” he said. Suarez, who works with US NGO Mercy for Animals, said genetic modification was a “complex tool with great potential [but] also one whose use raises serious ethical and practical questions”. That tool, he said, would now be “merely employed to support the financial interests of animal production corporations”.’
Trump administration declines to tighten U.S. soot pollution standard
REUTERS 07.12.20
Pollution comes in many forms - satellite launches deliver tons of soot in the atmosphere:
‘Environmental groups had wanted the EPA to toughen the soot standards to protect public health. “Growing scientific evidence is revealing that long-term exposure to fine particles is even more hazardous than we once thought, and today’s standards simply aren’t protective enough,” said Gretchen Goldman, research director at the Union of Concerned Scientists. Al Armendariz, director of federal campaigns at the Sierra Club and a former EPA regional administrator, said low-income, minority communities would “bear the brunt” of the decision but said it expects the incoming administration to set the appropriate standard.’
Shock new figures fuel fears of more lockdown domestic abuse killings in UK
The Guardian 15.11.20
Lockdown reveals its fatal effect on domestic situations:
'Separate data from Counting Dead Women, a project that records the killing of women by men in the UK, identified 35 murders, with another 12 strongly suspected cases between 23 March and the start of July, when Covid restrictions were largely lifted… One notable aspect of the coronavirus restrictions was the use of technology to intimidate and control partners. Refuge said perpetrators were increasingly using smart locks, webcams and social media, or sharing revenge porn, to harass their targets, and that it had investigated 195 cases of “tech abuse” in the first lockdown.’
’I want to give my child the best’: the race to grow human breast milk in a lab
The Guardian 14.11.20
It doesn’t offer antibodies and is seriously expensive for mothers wanting to be off the pumping machine:
‘The breast milk Strickland produces in her lab is different from the milk that comes out of a human breast. It can’t change in response to a baby’s needs, as milk from a breast can (for example, being diluted on hotter days when the baby needs more fluids); it contains no hormones or bacteria from the mother’s biome. Most significantly, it has no antibodies, because these are imported into the milk from the mother’s blood, which disembodied cells can’t do. “That’s a part of breast milk we won’t be able to replicate,” Strickland says, matter-of-factly… It may be many years before we can go to the supermarket and buy a bottle of breast milk. But the existence of companies such as TurtleTree Labs and Biomilq could well be a symptom of a problem, rather than a solution. In the wrong circumstances, their products could be used to stop women from breastfeeding in public, or to make formula feeding even more taboo. If women were more supported in breastfeeding, less ashamed of using the “good enough” dairy-based formula and less judged in general, then breast milk grown in a lab might not be necessary.’
New study links air pollution to 15 percent of COVID-19 deaths
Al Jazeera 27.10.20
The unseen world of pollution is a killer. Coagulation of blood and its density contribute to deaths; funnily enough, it’s also the ceaseless assault emanating from radio frequency carried by wireless transmissions (not mentioned in this article) which leads to blood problems. Why is no one mentioning it?:
‘Long-term exposure to air pollution may be linked to 15 percent of COVID-19 deaths globally, according to a new study. Published in the journal Cardiovascular Research on Tuesday, the research from German and Cypriot experts analysed health and disease data from the United States and China relating to air pollution, COVID-19 and SARS – a respiratory illness similar to the new coronavirus disease… The authors said the deaths linked to COVID-19 and air pollution represented a “potentially avoidable, excess mortality” and that exposure to particulate matter in air likely aggravated “co-morbidities that lead to fatal outcomes” of infection by SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. “If both long-term exposure to air pollution and infection with the COVID-19 virus come together then we have an adverse effect on health, particularly with respect to the heart and blood vessels,” said the paper’s co-author Thomas Munzel.’
India's first 'saviour sibling' cures brother of fatal illness
BBC 27.10.20
Serious ethical questions need to be asked as ‘farming’ foetuses for existing is a prickly dilemma:
‘The technology used for Kavya's birth is called pre-implantation genetic diagnosis - it allows a disease-causing gene to be eliminated from the embryo and has been used in India for a few years now, but it's the first time it's been used to create a saviour sibling… Adam Nash - born in the US 20 years ago to be a donor for his six-year-old sister who suffered from Fanconi anaemia, a rare and fatal genetic disease - is considered the world's first saviour sibling. At the time, many questioned whether the baby boy was really wanted or merely "created as a medical commodity" to save his sister? Many also wondered if it would lead to eugenics or "designer babies"?The debate was renewed in 2010 when Britain reported its first saviour sibling. Kavya's birth has raised similar questions in India about babies becoming "commodities" and whether it's ethical to "purchase a perfect offspring”. "There's the long-standing ethical issue, as [German philosopher Immanuel] Kant said, that you should not use another person exclusively for your own benefit," says Prof John Evans, who teaches sociology at University of California and is an expert on the ethics of human gene editing. Having a saviour sibling raises several questions, he says, and "the devil is in the detail”.'
Contact-tracing apps: there’s no evidence they’re helping stop COVID-1
The Conversation 21.10.20
Billions have been spent on tech with very little to show for it:
'This kind of “tech solutionism” could be a distraction from developing proven manual contact-tracing systems. Indeed, the Council of Europe has raised the question of whether, given the lack of evidence, the promises made about these apps are “worth the predictable societal and legal risks”. Despite predictions that between 67.5% and 85.5% of potential app users would download apps, worldwide download rates of contact-tracing apps have so far been low, running approximately at 20%. In Germany it has been around 21%, in Italy 14%, in France just 3%. Iceland and Singapore, which was one of the first to launch an app, have the highest download rates to date at 40%…
Earlier in the year, there was much discussion about whether the apps should upload data to a central database or store it on users’ phones in order to preserve their privacy. Most countries eventually opted for the latter, although France went with the former, less private system (and has reported very low take-up). England also initially experimented with centralised model but after much criticism and reported difficulties switched to decentralised. However, the loud public debate may have left a permanent negative impression of the efficacy and inherent privacy concerns of government-developed tracking apps. Indeed there is good reason to be sceptical of the apps’ effectiveness. Most countries (with the exception of Iceland) have also opted to use Bluetooth to record when app users come into contact rather than using GPS to track their specific location, again to protect privacy. But Bluetooth has a number of weaknesses that mean it can record contacts that never happened and miss others that did.’
Bluetooth bugs are making contact tracing apps spit out tons of errors
WIRED 15.10.20
Tech fails at helping with Covid and apparently we need more data for it to work:
‘“There are at least four things that can have a big effect on the performance,” Leith says. None of these come as a surprise to engineers, he adds, as Bluetooth works on the same frequency band as microwave ovens and the frequencies are well studied. The type of phone, including the antennas, chipsets and way they’re combined, can all vary Bluetooth performance. How the app was tested before being released to the public can also have an impact, as can the materials of the environment where the app is being used – think thick concrete walls versus thin glass windows. All of these alter the registered RSSI… The inability for Bluetooth to always precisely measure how far away people are from each other is an open secret. And incorrect measurements can result in false notifications being sent. Telling people to self-isolate when there’s lesser risk of them having coronavirus can be economically damaging and erode trust in the overall track and trace system. On the flip side, not identifying people who have a greater risk of contracting the virus means it could spread more easily…
Seven months into the pandemic, there’s still no obvious answer. Distance and time are only two indicators of transmission risk. Airflow, whether people are indoors or outdoors and the volume at which people are speaking are some of the other variables that impact the Covid-19’s ability to spread. But none of these can be measured easily by an app that collects very little data. “We really need the data from the jurisdictions that are running this,” Zissman says. As a result, there’s little incentive for researchers to work out how contact tracing apps can be most effective. “There is no published data where we can take the country or state and tell you what these values are.”’
‘I’m not sure we’ll survive it’: How constant tech is breaking our brains
Fast Company 07.10.20
Too much tech into homes:
‘Along with Microsoft CVP Emma Williams and Stanford professor Jeremy Bailenson, Lanier spoke with Harry McCracken, Fast Company‘s senior tech editor, about our new pandemic world of 9-to-5 Zoom meetings and 24/7 doomscrolling, and the implications it has for society and culture over the long term. Lanier says he worries that the algorithms that curate our social feeds and decide what content to deliver hold even more sway over us than they did before—and that’s a dangerous prospect at a time when we’re more vulnerable to the effects of isolation and polarization.’
A DARPA-Funded Implantable Biochip To Detect COVID-19 Could Hit Markets By 2021
ZeroHedge 18.09.20
Things just got a lot more sinister:
‘The revolutionary breakthrough came to a Canadian scientist named Derek Rossi in 2010 purely by accident. The now-retired Harvard professor claimed in an interview with the National Post that he found a way to “reprogram” the molecules that carry the genetic instructions for cell development in the human body, not to mention all biological lifeforms. These molecules are called ‘messenger ribonucleic acid’ or mRNA and the newfound ability to rewrite those instructions to produce any kind of cell within a biological organism has radically changed the course of Western medicine and science, even if no one has really noticed yet. As Rossi, himself, puts it: “The real important discovery here was you could now use mRNA, and if you got it into the cells, then you could get the mRNA to express any protein in the cells, and this was the big thing.”… In 2014, DARPA’s BTO launched its “In Vivo Nanoplatforms” (IVN) program, which researches implantable nanotechnologies, leading to the development of ‘hydrogel’. Hydrogel is a nanotechnology whose inventor early on boasted that “If [it] pans out, with approval from FDA, then consumers could get the sensors implanted in their core to measure their levels of glucose, oxygen, and lactate.” This contact lens-like material requires a special injector to be introduced under the skin where it can transmit light-based digital signals through a wireless network like 5G.’
Cockpit Electromagnetic Fields May Be Harming Pilots, The U.S. Military Fears
Forbes 14.09.20
Tech wizardry entails health consequences:
‘DARPA’s Impact of Cockpit Electro-Magnetics on Aircrew Neurology (ICEMAN) is a two-year project that aims to determine whether radio waves and magnetic fields are harming pilots. Previous DARPA research has found that “human brains sense magnetic fields, like those used by animals for navigation, and that this process is ‘jammed’ (i.e., disrupted) by radio waves (RF), impacting brainwaves and behavior. Furthermore, recent findings were the first to show that even weak RF fields and ‘earth strength’ magnetic fields have measurable, reproducible effects on human brainwaves and unconscious behavior in a controlled environment”… To give an idea of just powerful cockpit electronics have become, DARPA notes that “current tactical audio headsets project magnetic fields up to 10 times earth strength.” Phase I of ICEMAN will determine how much radio frequency and electromagnetic field noise are present in cockpits. Phase II will examine the effects of RF and EM noise on the human body. Researchers will be asked to design sensors to measure these effects, and to find ways to mitigate them. DARPA expressly states that this problem affect commercial as well as military pilots. “If this research and development effort reveals negative impacts of cockpit EM/RF environments on human cognitive function or physiological sensor performance, it is expected to generate interest from the commercial airline industry as well as other industries in which humans are exposed to similar EM/RF conditions,” the agency says.”’
The NHS Test and Trace app has two flaws: QR codes and people
WIRED 23.09.20
So much money (£1billion) being spent on some tech gadget that may fail:
'Conflicting QR codes are one of several problems raised by the contact tracing app, alongside residents having phones too old to use the app, language challenges in this diverse area, and distrust of the government… The app uses Bluetooth to track who a user crosses paths with when out and about, sending a notification if someone they’ve been in close proximity to finds they’re infected with the coronavirus that causes Covid-19. Early reviews of the app suggest that’s working as well as Bluetooth can: the signal may be distorted by thick walls or suggest people in two different flats spent an evening together even though there was a wall between them. There are no stats currently available for how many alerts the contact tracing app has sent. The concerns raised by Newham early adopters aren’t focused on the technology itself. Instead, it’s a people problem: some people can’t or won’t download and install the app, while others have been confused by the QR code system…
There’s another challenge facing the app: trust in the government. Among people who can download and use the app, there’s a subset who won’t because of privacy concerns, partially sparked by debate around the first version’s centralised design, as well as wider government distrust. “There’s specific trust issues that are a hangover from the public discourse from the [first] Isle of Wight pilot, and that dovetails with generalised trust issues around the government’s response to Covid,” Strelitz says. “That creates a challenging environment for mass uptake.” That’s not helped by the lack of transparency around this app.’
Bill Gates doubts FDA & CDC can be trusted on Covid & vaccines. Sure, let’s trust a non-doctor billionaire who pays media instead
RT 16.09.20
No matter how you look at it, money buys serious influence:
‘Gates bemoaned the decline of the Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control, the US’ two chief health regulatory agencies in charge of monitoring drug safety, in a pair of interviews on Tuesday, insisting they’d become politicized servants of the Trump administration. Instead, he argued, Americans should trust private-sector pharmaceutical companies – specifically Pfizer – to save the day with a Covid-19 vaccine, possibly even before the year’s end!…
In addition to titles like the Guardian, Financial Times, National Public Radio, and NBCUniversal, the very entities supposedly tasked with guarding journalistic integrity are in Gates’ pocket. Groups like the Poynter Institute, the Bureau of Investigative Journalism, the Center for Investigative Reporting, and the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting have all benefited from the vaccine magnate’s largesse… While representatives of the Gates Foundation have hotly denied their donations pay for loyalty (or, in the case of the fact-checkers who reflexively defend the billionaire against any and all unsavory claims, for selective truth-telling), a recent report by the Columbia Journalism Review found Gates had basically bought the most trusted names in news. More disturbingly, it found evidence that the Gates Foundation had in at least one case gone over the heads of reporters to pressure their editors to quash stories critical of it. Money talks, especially in the perpetually cash-strapped journalism industry.’
Robots to be introduced in UK care homes to allay loneliness – that’s inhuman
The Conversation 14.09.20
When robots are recruited to ease loneliness there is something wrong in the way we treat each other:
‘Some UK care homes are to deploy robots in an attempt to allay loneliness and boost mental health. The wheeled machines will “initiate rudimentary conversations, play residents’ favourite music, teach them languages, and offer practical help, including medicine reminders”. They are being introduced after an international trial found they reduced anxiety and loneliness… In time, it may be that some of the distancing effects of technology, including the glitchy movements, whirring sounds and stilted body language will improve and become more naturalised. Similarly, robot companions may well in time become more lifelike. Who will remember the early, clunky days of Furreal pets? But care robots are offering a solution that should not be needed. There is no reason for care home residents to be so devoid of human companionship (or animal support) that robot friends are the answer. There is something dysfunctional about the infrastructure in which care is delivered, if robots are an economically motivated solution. Indeed, the introduction of robots into emotional care de-skills the complex work of caring, while commercialising and privatising responses to elderly loneliness.’
The debate over 5G in Switzerland (Video)
Euronews 12.09.20
As 5G has been rolled out, the medical community has been baffled by mysterious heart palpitations which gets blamed on the Covid pandemic. Couldn’t governments put 1 + 1 together and insist on an independent scientific evaluation as to the effects of wireless radiation? The last farcical universal standards have been laid out by ICNIRP some 18 years ago. The lure of trillions of monetary gains to be had through the new ‘smart’ tech should be halted and be exposed for what it is, greed, showing total disregard to populations’ health or that of the natural habitat:
'5G has been launched in 17 countries in Europe, including Switzerland, Norway and the UK. But the new technology, promising a hyper-connected world, is still being tested. In Switzerland, 90 per cent of the territory is covered by standard 5G, a kind of enhanced 4G. Protests and restrictions have hampered the real 5G network, known as 5G Plus, from being rolled out. Euronews met Olivier Bodenmann, an electrical engineer and the founder of 'Stop 5G'. "What worries us is the power increase. The operators would like to increase it to a factor of four. Currently in Switzerland, the limit is up to five or six volts per metre. But the operators would like 20," he said.’
Elon Musk’s Neuralink is neuroscience theater
Technology Review 30.08.20
Neuralink fails to impress neuroscientists:
‘A neurosurgeon who works with the company, Matthew MacDougall, did say the company was considering trying the implant on paralyzed people—for instance, to allow them to type on a computer, or form words. Musk went further: “I think long-term you can restore someone full body motion.” It is unclear how serious the company is about treating disease at all. Musk continually drifted away from medicine and back to a much more futuristic “general population device,” which he called the company’s “overall” aim. He believes that people should connect directly to computers in order to keep pace with artificial intelligence. “On a species level, it’s important to figure out how we coexist with advanced AI, achieving some AI symbiosis,” he said, “such that the future of world is controlled by the combined will of the people of the earth. That might be the most important thing that a device like this achieves.” How brain implants would bring about such a collective world electronic mind, Musk did not say. Maybe in the next update.’
India: Health workers alarmed over 'black holes' in COVID-19 apps
Al Jazeera 26.08.20
Apps get churned out under the banner of health emergencies, quickly and with no adequate privacy measures. They also fail miserably at stemming the tide of new cases:
'According to a new report released this month by Tandem Research, an independent research collective, there are at least 85 tech tools being used to support the public health response in India. At least half of them are mobile apps, say digital rights campaigners. Health workers and lawyers say they are worried about the lack of privacy policies in the apps, as well as the use of open-source software and unclear terms on issues like data retention and sharing…
A report released in April by the non-profit Software Freedom Law Center has warned about the "excessive collection and processing, and unauthorised sharing of personal data, unbridled surveillance and tracing of people" by state apps. Looking at the apps' policy documents, the researchers at the New Delhi-based organisation found that many did not have terms of service accessible to users, limiting the governments' liability in case of "misuse of the data collected”… Kaur has been asking herself the same questions lately, as India's coronavirus cases crossed the three-million mark over the weekend, making it the worst-affected country in Asia, and third behind Brazil and the United States globally. "I am not sure if using the app helped bring down cases," Kaur said. "Those who can afford to be safe at home are safe. Others have to step out for work. Besides, cases are increasing everywhere despite all this data being collected.”'
England’s new contact tracing app fixes privacy problems – whether it will work is another matter
The Conversation 18.08.20
Tech to the rescue slogan is not shared by the majority of people:
‘The new app gives users better control over their data. To enhance privacy, each phone is assigned a short-term random ID that changes frequently and is deleted after 14 days. While communicating, phones can only see these random IDs, from which it is extremely hard to identify the real user… The big challenge is still motivating people to be active users, not just downloaders. After downloading the app, people should be motivated to report their symptoms, scan the QR codes at the venues they visit, and self-isolate if advised. And there are several issues that might prevent this…
An adoption rate lower than 60% won’t necessarily make the app useless, and it can still contribute to encouraging potential virus carriers to self-isolate. But it looks increasingly unlikely that contact tracing apps will ever be able to provide the kind of technological solution to the pandemic that was first touted at the start of the year.’
UK government urged to justify £108m contact-tracing deal with Serco
The Guardian 11.08.20
Serco serves badly. They can’t even adequately collect my weekly rubbish (yes, another contract has been made with them through my borough):
’With Serco’s £108m three-month contract up for renewal on 23 August, the shadow health secretary, Jonathan Ashworth, and the shadow Cabinet Office minister, Rachel Reeves, jointly wrote this week to the health secretary, Matt Hancock, urging him not to hand Serco any more money to run contact tracing. They are calling on the government not to extend the contract, which could be worth up to £410m.’
Scientists Say Lithium Should Be Added to Drinking Water to Prevent Suicides
VICE 05.08.20
There are so many wrong angles to this idea of adding stuff to tap water:
‘In a press release from BSMS, the study’s lead author Professor Anjum Memon said: “It is promising that higher levels of trace lithium in drinking water may exert an anti-suicidal effect and have the potential to improve community mental health.” Part funded by King’s College London, the study is a meta-analysis of three decades of research in Austria, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, UK, Japan and USA.’
After the surge, the psychological impact of Covid-19 is hitting home
WIRED 31.07.20
PTSD cases on the rise - Project Fear has well and truly established itself:
‘For Agustina Sanzone in London, the last few months have been especially difficult for her mental health. The paediatric nurse was forced to self-isolate for a month after catching the virus, at a time when the hospital she works at was flooded with coronavirus patients. “Honestly, the fact that I’ve had it helps me a little bit. It keeps me a bit more calm,” she says. It took four swabs and an antibody test to show she could safely return to work. Her ward no longer treats adult patients, but in order to prevent a Covid-19 outbreak, she has to wear full PPE when caring for children needing inhalers or any devices that could generate aerosols, even if they test negative for the virus. This makes Sanzone’s anxiety come roaring back. “When I wear it, it brings back memories of the time when this was all we knew,” she says.’
Israeli farmers sue the military over its Iron Dome air defense system, alleging ‘radiation exposure’ and a ‘land grab’
RT 21.07.20
A missile detection tech meant to protect occupiers actually harms them:
‘The Iron Dome anti-missile system was set up near a collective farm, or kibbutz, in 2012. The exact location of the farm somewhere in the Negev desert has not been revealed. Now people living in the kibbutz are demanding monetary compensation from IDF for exposure to “very strong” radiation from the anti-missile radars… “The defendant only recently remembered to update the kibbutz about the very strong radiation the system emits, and that it is therefore strictly forbidden to engage in any agriculture work in the surrounding area,” the lawsuit states. The residents of the kibbutz are seeking compensation of NIS4.5 million (over $1,3 million) for damage to their health as well as for alleged disruption of the agricultural systems in the area of 2.5 acres occupied by the Iron Dome unit.’
Coronavirus: England's test and trace programme 'breaks GDPR data law’
BBC 20.07.20
Eight years rather than twenty for data retention is the concession obtained. This is beyond farcically authoritarian:
'ORG had threatened to go to court to force the government to conduct a data protection impact assessment (DPIA) - a requirement under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) for projects that process personal data. A letter from the Department of Health to the group confirmed that a DPIA was a legal requirement and had not been obtained. ORG's executive director, Jim Killock, said the government had been "reckless" in ignoring this legally-required safety step and had endangered public health. "A crucial element in the fight against the pandemic is mutual trust between the public and the government, which is undermined by their operating the programme without basic privacy safeguards," he added… The watchdog is already investigating the Test and Trace programme after the Sunday Times reported last week that some contact tracers had posted private patient data to WhatsApp and Facebook groups... Mr Naik added the ORG had already won a concession from the government. It had originally planned to keep data for 20 years but has now cut that to eight years.’
8 million people, 14 alerts: why some covid-19 apps are staying silent
Technology Review 10.07.20
So much hype about tech saving lives; all for nought:
‘Both France and Australia shunned the model put forward by Google and Apple—where data is kept on the user’s phone to maintain privacy—in favor of a centralized approach, where user information is sent to remote servers. This is problematic because Google and Apple have restricted how much Bluetooth scanning centralized apps can do in the background. Michael Veale, a digital policy lecturer at University College London, sums up the issue: “They aren’t detecting many phones because the background Bluetooth does not function. That’s because they aren’t using a decentralized approach.” This situation has created a series of other technical difficulties. Australia’s app works only 25% of the time on some devices, in particular iPhones. That’s because the Bluetooth “handshake” necessary to register proximity between two phones doesn’t work if the phone screen is locked. This was the exact problem that caused the UK to abandon its app last month (it’s not clear when it will launch a replacement).’
Why tech didn’t save us from covid-19
Technology Review 17.06.20
When innovations serve corporate profit and refute GDP measurements to be in line with the ‘health’ factor of an economy:
‘Any country’s capacity to invent and then deploy the technologies it needs is shaped by public funding and government policies. In the US, public investment in manufacturing, new materials, and vaccines and diagnostics has not been a priority, and there is almost no system of government direction, financial backing, or technical support for many critically important new technologies. Without it, the country was caught flat-footed. Instead, as Henderson writes in her book Reimagining Capitalism, the US has, over the last half-century, increasingly put its faith in free markets to create innovation. That approach has built a wealthy Silicon Valley and giant tech firms that are the envy of entrepreneurs around the world. But it has meant little investment and support for critical areas such as manufacturing and infrastructure—technologies relevant to the country’s most basic needs.’
Genomic surveillance
ASPI 17.06.20
Adding to the massive national Chinese surveillance scheme, genes are next to be tracked:
‘This report provides new evidence of how Xinjiang’s well-documented biosurveillance program is being rolled out across China, further deepening the Chinese Government’s control over society while violating the human and civil liberties of millions of the country’s citizens… Starting in late 2017, Chinese police expanded mass DNA data collection to the rest of the country. Yet in contrast to the wholesale approach adopted in Tibet and Xinjiang, authorities are using a more cost-efficient but equally powerful method: the collection of DNA samples from selected male citizens. This targeted approach gathers Y-STR data—the ‘short tandem repeat’ or unique DNA sequences that occur on the male (Y) chromosome…
The corporate world is profiting handsomely from this new surveillance program. Leading Chinese and multinational companies are providing the Chinese police with the equipment and intellectual property needed to collect, store and analyse the Y-STR samples. Key participants include Thermo Fisher Scientific, which is a US-headquartered biomedical and bioinformatics company, and dozens of Chinese companies, including AGCU Scientific, Forensic Genomics International, Microread Genetics and Highershine.’
The FDA just approved the first prescription video game — it’s for kids with ADHD
The Verge 15.6.20
Gaming industry seeks to relieve symptoms which they were partly blamed for creating:
‘That’s the landmark decision from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which is authorizing doctors to prescribe the iPhone and iPad game for kids between ages eight and 12 years old with ADHD, after it underwent seven years of clinical trials that studied over 600 children to figure out whether a game could actually make a difference… “Improvements in ADHD impairments following a month of treatment with EndeavorRx were maintained for up to a month,” the company cites, with the most common side effects being frustration and headache — seemingly mild compared to traditional drugs, as you’d hope from so-called virtual medicine. That said, we are talking about a study by doctors who work for the game’s developer, according to disclosures at the bottom of the study, and even their conclusion is that the results “are not sufficient to suggest that AKL-T01 should be used as an alternative to established and recommended treatments for ADHD.”’
Explainer: Europe steps up tech battle vs. coronavirus with German app
REUTERS 15.06.20
Apps start to proliferate to track Covid. Some countries are going for a decentralised collection of data but in this case, the EU will be creating a central gateway to collect it:
'Germany on Tuesday becomes the latest European country to launch a smartphone app that seeks to break the chain of coronavirus infection by tracking encounters between people and issuing a warning should one of them test positive. A growing number of countries in the region have opted to use Bluetooth short-range radio to measure the risk of exposure, after concluding that tracking people’s movements using location data would be intrusive. European Union member states hope soon to agree a common approach for an international ‘roaming’ feature that could help revive travel and tourism… EU member states have already agreed on broad guidelines for interoperability, and are close to backing the creation of a central gateway to handle data traffic between the apps based on the Google-Apple standard, sources say.’
5G confirmed safe by radiation watchdog
The Guardian 12.03.20
The Guardian should be strongly criticised for saying that ICNIRP, a private club of ex telecom businessmen is a watchdog. Bad journalism:
‘The International Commission on Non‐Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP), the Germany-based scientific body that assesses the health risks of radio broadcasts, called for new guidelines for millimetre-wave 5G, the most high-frequency version of the telecommunications standard…
But millimetre-wave 5G, and other broadcast connections above the 6GHz band, “were not anticipated in 1998”, according to Dr Jack Rowley, the senior director for research and sustainability at GSMA, the industry body for mobile network operators.
Higher frequencies interact with organic tissue differently, dissipating more energy at the surface and penetrating less, which means the new standards take measurements across a smaller cross section, and specifically pay attention to the power absorbed by, rather than simply exposed to, a body. “The most important thing is that the fundamental health risk assessment is unchanged,” Rowley said. “The limits that we had in 1998 are still protective now.”’
Activate This ‘Bracelet of Silence,’ and Alexa Can’t Eavesdrop
NY Times 14.02.20
Chunky bracelet jams spying devices, however it’s a short-stop gap:
'Woodrow Hartzog, a law and computer science professor at Northeastern University, doesn’t think privacy armor is the solution to our modern woes. “It creates an arms race, and consumers will lose in that race,” he said. “Any of these things is a half-measure or a stopgap. There will always be a way around it.” Rather than building individual defenses, Mr. Hartzog believes, we need policymakers to pass laws that more effectively guard our privacy and give us control over our data.’
Bomb-Sniffing Cyborg Locusts Can Now Successfully Detect Explosives
OneZero 13.02.20
Locusts have been implanted with bomb-sniffing augmented devices:
‘Maintaining the health of living, mechanically augmented animals could present problems in real-world settings, cautions Alper Bozkurt at North Carolina State University, who has also experimented with cyborg insects. Nevertheless, he thinks Barani Raman and his colleagues have made an important contribution to the field. “This is very exciting work,” he adds.’
Biologists rush to re-create the China coronavirus from its DNA code
Technology Review 15.02.20
The unregulated proliferation of biolabs which are supposedly helping attain vaccines against deadly viruses is very worrying:
‘For now, only a very few sophisticated centers can actually re-boot a virus; there’s no chance a nut working from a garage could do it. “We are at the point where the best of the best can start to synthesize this new virus contemporaneously with the outbreak. But that is just a few labs,” says Evans. “Fortunately, we are still far from the point when lots of people can synthesize anything.”
The advanced state of synthetic virus research, and the ability to genetically engineer germs, inevitably feeds fears, and conspiracy theories. Social media and some blog sites have been full of groundless speculation that the new virus was accidentally released from a Chinese bioweapon lab located outside of Wuhan. There’s no evidence that is the case, and substantial evidence it is not, but the rumor caused a diplomatic breach with China after it was repeated in the US Congress by a senator, Tom Cotton of Arkansas.
Baric says he doesn’t see a particular danger to synthesizing the new virus at this stage of the outbreak, especially because the virus is still circulating in the wild. The important thing is to figure out what it does and stop it. “Whether you get it from a cell or synthesize it, it ends up the same thing,” says Baric.’
Switzerland halts 5G roll-out over potential health concerns
Silicon Republic 11.02.20
Switzerland puts a holds on the rollout of 5G due to public pressure:
‘One of the European leaders in the roll-out of 5G mobile technology has placed an indefinite moratorium on its use over potential health concerns. According to the Financial Times, Switzerland’s environmental agency, Das Bundesamt für Umwelt (Bafu), made the decision despite the country rolling out more than 2,000 antennas last year alone and telcos promising that the network would be switched on very soon…
Swiss popular opinion of 5G has been mixed, with a number of protests being held in Bern, Zurich and Geneva against its roll-out. Two cantons are currently in the process of collecting 100,000 signatures, which would require a legally binding national referendum to be held on the use of 5G. If this referendum ruled in favour of stopping the use of 5G, it would be placed in Switzerland’s constitution.’
No, there’s no evidence that cell phones give you cancer
Technology Review 11.02.20
The Food and Drug Administration in the US says there’s no risk. How is that supposed to be reassuring?
‘The report reviewed 125 experiments carried out on animals and 75 on humans between 2008 and August 2019. In summary, the FDA said that there’s “no consistent pattern” to link radiofrequency radiation, or RFR, to tumors or cancer.’
Effects of 5G wireless communication on human health
European Parliament Think Tank 11.02.20
Research is VITAL:
‘Whereas researchers generally consider such radio waves not to constitute a threat to the population, research to date has not addressed the constant exposure that 5G would introduce. Accordingly, a section of the scientific community considers that more research on the potential negative biological effects of electromagnetic fields (EMF) and 5G is needed, notably on the incidence of some serious human diseases. A further consideration is the need to bring together researchers from different disciplines, in particular medicine and physics or engineering, to conduct further research into the effects of 5G. The EU’s current provisions on exposure to wireless signals, the Council Recommendation on the limitation of exposure of the general public to electromagnetic fields (0 Hz to 300 GHz), is now 20 years old, and thus does not take the specific technical characteristics of 5G into account.’
And from the download of the report:
‘The UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Helsinki Accords and other international treaties recognise that informed consent prior to interventions that might affect human health is an essential, fundamental human right, which becomes even more controversial when considering children's and young people's exposure.’
Scrutinizing the effects of digital technology on mental health
Nature 10.02.20
To find out more about negative health effects in girl teens, apps should gather data to shed light!:
‘Because of their extensive use of digital devices, adolescents are especially vulnerable to the devices’ risks and burdens. And, given the increases in mental-health problems in this age group, teens would also benefit most from improvements in mental-health prevention and treatment. If we use the social and data-gathering functions of Internet-connected devices in the right ways, we might achieve breakthroughs in our ability to improve mental health and well-being.’
Radio waves: reducing exposure from mobile phones
UK Government 04.02.20
Seems they’ve looked at some independent studies:
‘The international guidelines recommended by Public Health England (PHE) provide protection for the population as a whole; however, uncertainties in the science suggest some additional level of precaution is warranted, particularly for sources such as mobile phones where simple measures can be taken to reduce exposure.
Measures to reduce exposures from mobile phones have been recommended by the Independent Expert Group on Mobile Phones and PHE continues these recommendations which were accepted by government. The main advice is:
. excessive use of mobile phones by children should be discouraged
. adults should be able to make their own choices about reducing their exposure should they so wish, but be able to do this from an informed position
Measures that can be taken to reduce exposure include:
. moving the phone away from the body, as when texting, results in very much lower exposures than if a phone is held to the head
. using a hands-free kit, keeping calls short, making calls where the network signals are strong
. choosing a phone with a low specific energy absorption rate (SAR) value quoted by the manufacturer’
Inside the messy mission to bring 4G to the London Underground
WIRED 05.02.20
No more underground for me then. Hopefully wi-fi is not considered for buses.
‘For the full rollout, there are hopes that operators choose — or are forced — to upgrade to low-power kit. "We hopefully be using [this trial] as a lever to try to encourage the industry to move to low-power solutions," Osborne says. However, the arrival of 5G will only exacerbate the heating and power woes, as higher frequency equipment demands more energy and more antennas.
For now, commuters will have to make do with 4G. Progress may feel slow, but the Mayor of London Sadiq Khan has lit a fire under this project. Last year, the mayor's office got in touch with Verma. "We were told in no uncertain terms you have to build something," he said, referencing the 4G rollout.’
‘College Report CR225: Technology use and the mental health of children and young people‘
RC Psych January 2020
A report by the Royal College of Psychiatrists outlines the deleterious effects of online time and cognitive behaviour in children:
‘There is a connection between screen use and obesity, difficulties with sleep and mental health issues including self-harm, depression and eating distress. CYP may also encounter distressing material online and may be vulnerable to online harms e.g. sexual exploitation and cyberbullying. Gaming disorder has recently been recognised and the concept of internet addiction is emerging.’
Social media data needed for 'harm' research, say doctors
BBC 17.01.20
‘Tech companies must be made to share data and pay a tax to fund important research, they say in a report. There is growing evidence internet use can harm mental health but research is still lacking, it adds.’
The effect of electromagnetic radiation on the rat brain: an experimental study
Turkish Neurosurgery 30.10.12
‘EMR causes to structural changes in the frontal cortex, brain stem and cerebellum and impair the oxidative stress and inflammatory cytokine system. This deterioration can cause to disease including loss of these areas function and cancer development.’
Wi-Fi is an important threat to human health
Science Direct July 2018
Martin Pall’s paper on wireless effects:
‘Repeated Wi-Fi studies show that Wi-Fi causes oxidative stress, sperm/testicular damage, neuropsychiatric effects including EEG changes, apoptosis, cellular DNA damage, endocrine changes, and calcium overload.’
Havana Syndrome: ‘Emotional trauma and fear’ most likely cause of illness among US diplomats in Cuba, not mysterious sonic weapons
Independent 01.11.19
The sonic attacks in Cuba were apparently nothing more than psychosomatic:
‘“What is the more likely, that the diplomats were the target of a mysterious new weapon for which there is no concrete evidence, or they were suffering from psychogenic symptoms generated by stress? The evidence overwhelmingly points to the latter.”’
Evaluation of the genotoxicity of cell phone radiofrequency radiation in male and female rats and mice following subchronic exposure
PubMed 21.10.19
The review on the NTP (National Toxicology Program) study:
‘In conclusion, these results suggest that exposure to RFR is associated with an increase in DNA damage… In conclusion, these results suggest that exposure to RFR is associated with an increase in DNA damage.’
Reliable disease biomarkers characterizing and identifying electrohypersensitivity and multiple chemical sensitivity as two etiopathogenic aspects of a unique pathological disorder
DeGruyter 27.11.15
PubMed article on EHS (electrohypersensitivity):
‘As most patients reported chronic insomnia and fatigue, we determined the 24 h urine 6-hydroxymelatonin sulfate (6-OHMS)/creatinin ratio and found it was decreased (<0.8) in all investigated cases. Finally, considering the self-reported symptoms of EHS and MCS, we serially measured the brain blood flow (BBF) in the temporal lobes of each case with pulsed cerebral ultrasound computed tomosphygmography. Both disorders were associated with hypoperfusion in the capsulothalamic area, suggesting that the inflammatory process involve the limbic system and the thalamus.’
We Have No Reason to Believe 5G Is Safe
Scientific American 17.10.19
A Scientific American paper on 5G:
‘“Numerous recent scientific publications have shown that EMF affects living organisms at levels well below most international and national guidelines. Effects include increased cancer risk, cellular stress, increase in harmful free radicals, genetic damages, structural and functional changes of the reproductive system, learning and memory deficits, neurological disorders, and negative impacts on general well-being in humans. Damage goes well beyond the human race, as there is growing evidence of harmful effects to both plant and animal life.” The scientists who signed this appeal arguably constitute the majority of experts on the effects of nonionizing radiation. They have published more than 2,000 papers and letters on EMF in professional journals.’
5G and phased arrays
EMF Facts 22.01.18
‘5G is going to be at a much higher frequency range, which means the antennas are going to be much smaller—small enough to fit inside a smartphone—but like in PAVE PAWS they are going to work together in a phased array, and like in PAVE PAWS they are going to concentrate their energy in narrow, steerable high power beams. The arrays are going to track each other, so that wherever you are, a beam from your smartphone is going to be aimed directly at the base station (cell tower), and a beam from the base station is going to be aimed directly at you. If you walk between someone’s phone and the base station, both beams will go right through your body. The beam from the tower will hit you even if you are standing near someone who is on a smartphone. And if you are in a crowd, multiple beams will overlap and be unavoidable…. When an ordinary electromagnetic field enters the body, it causes charges to move and currents to flow. But when extremely short electromagnetic pulses enter the body, something else happens: the moving charges themselves become little antennas that re-radiate the electromagnetic field and send it deeper into the body. These re-radiated waves are called Brillouin precursors.’
The potential dangers of electromagnetic fields and their effect on the environment
Council of Europe 6.05.11
‘One must respect the precautionary principle and revise the current threshold values; waiting for high levels of scientific and clinical proof can lead to very high health and economic costs, as was the case in the past with asbestos, leaded petrol and tobacco.’
Inaccurate official assessment of radiofrequency safety by the Advisory Group on Non-ionising Radiation
DeGruyter 30.11.16
‘The Advisory Group on Non-ionising Radiation (AGNIR) 2012 report forms the basis of official advice on the safety of radiofrequency (RF) electromagnetic fields in the United Kingdom and has been relied upon by health protection agencies around the world. This review describes incorrect and misleading statements from within the report, omissions and conflict of interest, which make it unsuitable for health risk assessment. The executive summary and overall conclusions did not accurately reflect the scientific evidence available. Independence is needed from the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP), the group that set the exposure guidelines being assessed. This conflict of interest critically needs to be addressed for the forthcoming World Health Organisation (WHO) Environmental Health Criteria Monograph on Radiofrequency Fields. Decision makers, organisations and individuals require accurate information about the safety of RF electromagnetic signals if they are to be able to fulfil their safeguarding responsibilities and protect those for whom they have legal responsibility.’
Health Effects from Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields
Health Protection Agency April 2012
‘“The anticipated WHO Environmental Health Criteria Monograph on Radiofrequency Fields, due in 2017, is being prepared by a core group and additional experts, with 50% of those named, being, or having been, members of AGNIR or ICNIRP. Considering the importance of the Monograph for worldwide public health and the inaccuracies described here, independence from AGNIR would increase confidence in the report findings. Independence from ICNIRP is necessary to remove the conflict of interest when effects below ICNIRP exposure guidelines are being assessed.”’
The inconvenient truth about cancer and mobile phones
The Guardian 14.06.18
‘Central to keeping the scientific argument going is making it appear that not all scientists agree. Towards that end, and again like the tobacco and fossil-fuel industries, the wireless industry has “war-gamed” science, as a Motorola Internal Memo in 1994 phrased it. War-gaming science involves playing offence as well as defence – funding studies friendly to the industry while attacking studies that raise questions; placing industry-friendly experts on advisory bodies such as the World Health Organisation and seeking to discredit scientists whose views differ from the industry’s.’
Report of final results regarding brain and heart tumors in Sprague-Dawley rats exposed from prenatal life until natural death to mobile phone radiofrequency field representative of a 1.8 GHz GSM base station environmental emission
Elsevier 09.10.17
Their conclusions were as follows:
‘The RI findings on far field exposure to RFR are consistent with and reinforce the results of the NTP study on near field exposure, as both reported an increase in the incidence of tumors of the brain and heart in RFR-exposed Sprague-Dawley rats. These tumors are of the same histotype of those observed in some epidemiological studies on cell phone users. These experimental studies provide sufficient evidence to call for the reevaluation of IARC conclusions regarding the carcinogenic potential of RFR in humans’.
Miscarriage rates triple for women with top radiation exposures
REUTERS 10.12.17
‘Pregnant women exposed to high radiation levels from sources like cell phones, wireless devices and cell towers miscarried at nearly three times the rate as those exposed to low levels, according to new research.“I hope this study makes us rethink the notion that magnetic field non-ionizing radiation exposure is safe or has no health risk,” said lead author Dr. De-Kun Li, a senior research scientist at the Kaiser Permanente Division of Research in Oakland, California. “This is certainly something we can’t just ignore.”’
Human Exposure to RF Fields in 5G Downlink
ArXiv 10.11.17
Its conclusion stated:
‘Our results emphasized that the increase stems from two technical changes that will likely occur in 5G: (i) more APs (Access Points) due to deployment of smaller cells and (ii) more highly concentrated RF energy per downlink RF beam due to use of larger phased arrays. As such, unlike the prior work, this paper claims that RF fields generated in downlinks of 5G can also be dangerous in spite of far-field propagations’.
Cancer epidemiology update, following the 2011 IARC evaluation of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields
Science Direct November 2018
’In sum, the peer-reviewed research demonstrates that short-term exposure to low-intensity millimeter wave (MMW) radiation not only affects human cells, it may result in the growth of multi-drug resistant bacteria harmful to humans. Since little research has been conducted on the health consequences from long-term exposure to MMWs, widespread deployment of 5G or 5th generation wireless infrastructure constitutes a massive experiment that may have adverse impacts on the public’s health’.
Planetary electromagnetic pollution: it is time to assess its impact
Science Direct December 2018
The Lancet Planetary Health on EMR:
‘It has been widely claimed that radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation, being non-ionising radiation, does not possess enough photon energy to cause DNA damage. This has now been proven wrong experimentally. Radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation causes DNA damage apparently through oxidative stress, similar to near-UV radiation, which was also long thought to be harmless.’
A Rationale for Biologically-based Exposure Standards for Low-Intensity Electromagnetic Radiation
BioInitiative 2012
In the Bioinitiative Report (2012), more of the same:
‘The clear consensus of the BioInitiative Working Group members is that the existing public safety limits are inadequate for both ELF and RF radiofrequency from cellphones and cordless phones).
.. New standards need to take into account what we have learned about the effects of ELF and RF (all non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation and to design new limits based on biologically-demonstrated effects that are important to proper biological function in living organisms…
Laboratory studies show that the nervous system of both humans and animals is sensitive to ELF and RF. Measurable changes in brain function and behavior occur at levels associated with new technologies including cell phone use.
Exposing humans to cell phone radiation can change brainwave activity at levels as low as 0.1 watt per kilogram SAR (W/Kg)*** in comparison to the US allowable level of 1.6 W/Kg and the International Commission for Non-ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) allowable level of 2.0 W/Kg. It can affect memory and learning. It can affect normal brainwave activity. ELF and RF exposures at low levels are able to change behavior in animals…
There is little doubt that electromagnetic fields emitted by cell phones and cell phone use affect electrical activity of the brain.’
On the Clear Evidence of the Risks to Children from Smartphone and WiFi Radio Frequency Radiation
University College Cork February 2019
Professor Tom Butler of University College Cork (he used to be a satellite and microwave communications engineer and IT professional), discusses his findings on non-ionising radiation:
‘A wealth of studies now illustrate, however, that non- ionizing radiation emitted from smart phones, cordless phones, WiFi, Bluetooth and other wireless technologies, such as those powering the Internet of Things (IoT) can severely disturb this balance also, by amplifying ROS, suppressing antioxidants, and increasing oxidative stress. There is substantial evidence that oxidative damage to cellular proteins, lipids and DNA is at the root cause of many of the ill-effects of microwave RFR. Most worrying in all of this is that scientists have found that the mutagenic effects on the DNA of living cells occurs under low-levels of exposure to the pulsed microwave radiation found in most of these devices.’